Potty training age at the Superexhausted household was the dawning of a new day! Here is the potty training methods that work for us. We have 2 children and they both start potty training differently.
Potty training boys My son was a daycare kid, so he got with the potty program by peer pressure. The week he turned 3. We took away the diapers and he had one accident while playing Candyland with his Nana. I know awesome! jealous much.. (don’t be, he did not sleep for 2 years- so his potty training was God way of saying “Go ahead have another, I promise this one will be easy(not)”
the other …
Potty training girls my daughter was a stay at home potty training and she did not go down without a fight. When to start potty training?
- She used to hug her diapers say “she loved them”
- Me saying “Princess they are poopy holders.” and she did not find that gross…she still loved them
- Time for the diapers to go when she is sleeping with clean ones
Potty training weather: June it was warm, less clothes less laundry
Potty training age: She was 3 years 3 months (late for a girl, I know)
- I got tired of other people saying” She is a girl, why does she still have a diaper my daughter learned at 18 months?”
- My boy mom friends always said “Don’t worry Johnny was 3 ½, when he learned” That is why I am a boy mom.
How we Potty Trained:
So on this day in June, my husband comes downstairs and says “Sherry, The Today show had a segment on a Natalie Morales who know as the Potty Whisper, we should try what she says”
- “Take her underwear away and give her a lot to drink and salt/sugar foods, so she drinks more the more she has to go more.”
I think simple… it sounds like a 3 year old on kid crack
- “The key was when she goes pee. You make them clean up the mess”…(you lay the paper towels, they do the actually wiping)
Great idea 3 year who is responsible …..it is like making college student pick up there clothes
- Positive reinforcement “You are doing great such a big girl”
Potty training method: Is you have the child clean the potty up every time, they get tired of cleaning up, and use the potty. A 3 year is still in the Mommy pleasing mode and they also want to be independent.
Potty training result: By the time my husband came home from work, she was using the potty.. it took 3 day potty training bootcamp. Bedtime took a little longer but not much after we cut late night drinks out.
(note: I cleaned the floors after she went to bed)
This post was inspired by shellthings potty training post share the link love.
How did you do it?
I remember when you did this with E. I tried to do the same with my guy, but he wouldn’t go for it! Thankfully we are doing well with it now. It took several months, thought, not days! Thanks for the link to Shellthings too!!
oh that is beautiful in black and white. And what a lovely memorable picture
POOPY HOLDERS!!!! LOVE IT! I am using that. B turned 3 on the 14th. We are no where close
Thank you! My oldest daughter wanted nothing to do with PTing at all. until one month after her 3rd birthday when she decided she wanted nothing to do with diapers all on her own. But even then, she was the slowest trainer ever and wore pullups when out for months. and had several accidents per week still until nearly 4yrs old.
Now we are feeling the pressure to see my 2.5yr old daughter training. We want her out of diapers and think she CAN do it… if only she gave a rats patootie. She likes her diapers, though, and hates the toilet. X_x
I’m in the “just wait..just wait… she’ll eventually have a change of heart”. If she isnt by summer, though (she turns 3 in May) it is ON. This summer we willll get this kid trained. lol