2 women

True Blue Friendship & JJill Giveaway #jjilltrueblue

So when JJill asked me to talk about a True Blue Friend, as part of the true blue collection and contest.  I decided to write about my friend Hillary at Myscraps.  Hillary is an “adult” friend,  you know a person who you become friends with while you’re an adult. We met 3 years ago through blogging. We ran in the same blogging circles for quite sometime, but never new each other twitter acquaintances.  I met her the 1st time at a event .    About 2 weeks before we met, I heard through social media that Hillary’s husband had a serious healthy issue,  he was young, and luckily survived.

The day we finally met, it was her first  time out after the traumatic time.  I was in awe of her strength, and resolve regarding what her family was recently through.  We had a brief chat and that was that.  Then, Hillary ordered an item from my online store.. I learned that she lived 3 miles from my home.  Wow! how great that a fellow blogger lived so close by.   So much to her surprised I hand delivered the item. (Picture me, showing up to her house.. I did not tell her I was coming.) Then I suggested we should drive to events together.  That is me,  I am a in your face type of person.   So we started traveling to blogging events together more and more.2 women

I consider my friendship with Hillary to be unique, then that with my other friends. Most of my friends know me as a bubble positive person. In last few years because of life (job loss, illness, and other issues.)  I feel much less bubbly and less positive,  because life has been hard.  I feel like she has not always gotten the “Good” Sherry,  which makes me sad for her,  because “fun” Sherry is better … just ask anyone who knew me in college. (Yes I just talked about myself in the 3rd person.)

I feel that really speaks to Hillary’s character as a person, to be close to someone when they are at their lowest is not always easy.  One Instance was the day that I found out we were moving 2 hours away.  I went to her home, and she hugged me providing support. Thankfully I did not move.

We have a unique friendship because we are very different.  Hillary is very creatively organized and a self proclaimed skeptic.  Me, I am not organized, more of a dreamer.  One thing I cherish about Hillary is when I come up with something kinda scattered she says .. “Now this is why I love you.”  She makes makes me pause and think.  I embrace that we are so different in the details but agree on so much of the big things. Like today, we noticed  we both avoid drama, basically because we don’t have the time.

Hillary is also a true blue friend because she has not know me my entire life.  She does not know why I do this or say that,  Hillary does not have the long time investment or years of knowing my history.  Uniquely, she sticks by me when things are tough, listening, and not judging. I really think you are provided people in your life when you need them. I consider Hillary a true blue gift.

She is a True Blue Friend.

True Blue Friendship Challenge:  Win a JJill Jeans for you and a friend!!!

True blue is a phrase that is defined as follows: completely faithful and loyal to a person or cause. We use the term often in conversation, especially when referring to a true blue friend. This February, J. Jill is celebrating true blue in every form from classic denim to friendships that last forever.

  • J.Jill’s denim is inspired by artisan patterns in the color blue — toile prints, indigo tiles, pen and ink sketches–and was  designed into indigo and softer shades of blue (e.g., Atlantic and Periwinkle) for a fresh perspective for you. You’ll also find a variation of mixed motifs, deep denim washes and lighthearted intarsias throughout the new denim collection.
  • Authentic Fit Slim Boot-Cut Jeans — These create a lean silhouette. These jeans have a slimmer, slightly flared leg opening creating a flattering, balanced fit for both shoes and boots, and the higher rise is perfect to tuck in shirts and maintain a smooth silhouette –.Jill recommends a brightly colored button up with cami underneath. If you’d prefer a longer top to create a long,lean line – try an A-line shape cardigan that mirrors the flare of the jeans.
  •  Slim Boyfriend – This type of denim is like your favorite boyfriend jean but now more straight and streamlined for a more feminine fit. Straight fit through hips and thighs for a silhouette that flatters every body. J.Jill’s tip – play with both proportions and volume with the slim boyfriend, both slim and fuller-volume tops work well. A streamlined top has a slimming effect (especially in black!) over the straight shape of the slim boyfriend jeans, whereas fuller tops create a visual balance with the straight bottom.
  • Tried & True Slim Ankle – These were inspired by the classic and timeless ankle silhouette, and conform beautifully to a woman’s shape with the ankle-length seam falling in just the right place. Pair with a longer length top with either a little or a lot of volume — either works! Try tunic for a slim, lengthening effect, or a more voluminous sweater over a stretch cotton tee for a flattering layered take.
  • Tried & True Slim Leg – These jeans are super flattering thanks to J.Jill’s cotton-stretch fabric for a great fit, recovery and comfort. The dark color elevates the look, and the slim leg looks great with heels, flats or tucked into boots. These jeans are a perfect complement to tops with an A-line shape or hem interest. Pairing them with an anorak would make for a classic look with balanced proportions, or try a high-low hem to create interest on top while slimming and elongating the bottom.

How to Win of JJills Facebook Page:

JJill is  running a True Blue Facebook contest They are encouraging people to post photo of themselves and a friend to J.Jill’s timeline and tag it with hashtag #jjilltrueblue, or upload a photo of yourself and a friend to instagram with hashtag #jjilltrueblue and tag J.Jill’s instagram (@JJillstyle). JJill will select one person each day to receive a gift card for a pair of jeans for themselves and a friend and a grand prize winner will receive a two $250 gift cards – one for themselves and a friend.

How to win on my blog  Superexhausted: 

I Invite you to “comment” on below, telling me about you true blue friend.   One follower who comments will be selected to win J. Jill jeans for themselves and their true blue friend.  Yes could win for you and your TrueBlueFriend a new pair of JJill Jeans.

Contest ends 2/26/2014

Linking back to musingsofahousewife Fashion Friday

Disclosure:  This post is part of me being a JJill Styler.  I will be receiving denim  in exchange for this post.  I really believe in the JJill brand and the quality they design and manufacture and all my opinions are my own.

20 thoughts on “True Blue Friendship & JJill Giveaway #jjilltrueblue”

  1. I love that you and Hilary are bests!! She’s amazing just like you! I would love to win these for me and my best blogging buddy Lindsay!! She’s such a supportive, caring, loving and funny friend. I love that she is my friend!

  2. My True Blue Friend and I have been best friends since we were 15 years old. She is more than a friend, but a sister to me! I’d love to win a pair of J Jill denim for the both of us to wear and style together!

  3. I love this post! I’m so grateful to know both you and Hillary in real life.
    I would love to try out the JJill brand and share it with my knitting and mom friend Julie-Ann. She helps me through tough knitting patterns and even tougher mom dilemmas!

  4. My sister Sue is my true blue friend. We didn’t really become close until I was about 22 because she is 6 years older than I am. We can tell each other anything and everything. Even though we live 3 hours apart we talk at least twice a week. When we get together we can talk for hours! She has been my support for rough times, but always helps me to get to the rainbow on the other side of the storm.

  5. What a beautiful post Sherry! Both you AND Hillary are such wonderful people! I have a true blue friend for sure. She is someone that grabs me when I am down and brings me right back up again. I would do the same for her:)

  6. My True Blue Friend’s name is Susan. We met when we were sophomore’s in High School. She was only there for one year before she moved to California with her family. Years later, I moved to California also, and we live about 30 miles apart. I don’t see her often, but she is the friend I’ve had the longest. She was my Maid of Honor at my Wedding, my daughter’s godmother, etc. so I think she qualifies.

  7. My best friend, April, and I met in college. It’s interesting that we weren’t really close in college but once I had my son we became like sisters. She is my son’s Godmom and just an amazing woman. Don’t know what I’d do without her.

  8. My true blue friend is my partner Catherine. She is always there for me. Thanks for such an inspiring post!

  9. My true blue friend is Susan. We met about ten years ago at a painting group. We were both new at decorative painting and spent a lot of time taking courses (lunch encluded). I ended up jointing the same church. We went to New York City to plays and Sardi’s for a radio show (lunch encluded). Now Susan has cancer for the second time. She has had such courage this past year. It makes you realize what a great person she is and wonderful friend. Please say a pray.

  10. In college I worked in a popular steakhouse. While working there I met my soon-to-be roommate and best friend. Sara has been in my wedding, she is the Godmother to my middle child, and she is my support system; she is my true-blue friend. Due to my husband’s career we move a lot. Our latest move has placed my family in Alaska. Alaska is beautiful and I am so very happy here. However, it is hard to be away from my family, friends, and daylight 🙂 Sara is quick to respond to texts, Facebook messages, and calls almost immediately. She may be over 2000 miles away but many times she is right by my side. Thank you, technology!

  11. My friend kimberly helped me get through a rough patch – glad for unlimited minutes on cell phone plans – since we would chat for a long time. Shes been a great support to me and definitely a true blue friend

  12. My true blue friend is also a Wendy. We met when her youngest and my oldest were 2 years old – they’re college freshmen now. If there was ever a person who understood me fully and unconditionally, she is the one. We lived in the same town in the Midwest when we met and 15 years ago, my family moved to the east coast. My father was sick. It was too hard to be so far away. You might think we’d drift apart with all the kids and the work and life but not even close. We talk almost every day and have for all these years. We celebrate each other’s joys and are there for the rest. I can’t imagine a friendship more #trueblue

  13. My true blue friend is my friend Maria who is there for me whenEVER I need her, whether it’s bringing me soup when I’m sick, making me go to the ER with a sprained foot (and bringing knitting to teach me while we’re waiting), taking my kids when I’m stressed, helping with carpooling, offering advice, or just going out to dinner or hanging. Gotta love those friends!

  14. My true blue friend lives on the other side of the world and we are still able to share a soul sister connection. She is a blessing and it’s a privilege to be a part of her life.

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