New Dog: Doberman

In case you have not heard I got a new Friend Loyd  a 9 month old  Red Doberman. Where as I love Grundy our bull dog. I miss having a doberman after the loss of my precious Hershey 2 years ago, I still miss him all the time he was my boy if you read my post on Hershey you will understand.  Plus I really like having a big dog around the house.  Dobe is my breed (since my husband introduced me to them).   So this is Loyd –  potty training going good,  he knows how to sit and he is learning to walk on a lead.

I love training a doberman because they are smart.. one of the smartest breeds (#5 on the list).  They are great with kids.   Graceful breed.  If you have ever been afraid of a dobe fear not they are wonderful. Read the lists dobes make great addition to a family.  Ask any one who has know a home pet they are trainable it is all in the training,  so teach to be nice they will be.

Grundy is liking a friend not too keen on sharing of his bones

I don’t know if he will be a good therapy dog like my beloved Hershey but we will see.


2 thoughts on “New Dog: Doberman”

  1. Lloyd is super cute. Grundy is taking having a new friend in the house like a champ!!
    Wow, according to that list my dog is a mix of #1 and #7… he also has a little something else mixed in. {Dachshund maybe?}

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