So I want to know do you wear underwear while running? This past week on tues I wore workout compression shorts that were a tad too small… to run the problem was I wore nylon underwear. Every stride I took on my run the shorts slip down butt (or as I like to say – junk in the trunk), and my undies were exposed. Did I mention the undies were beige, it look like I was flashing the neighborhood. So picture me running, pulling up my shorts and holding the dog.. What a sight needless to say not an effective run.
The more I continue on this journey I want to tell you a little more about my health issues. The main one (of many) is the fact I am a type 2 Diabetic. I was not always one(it is in my family), when I had my son I was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes which is a precursor for adult on set Diabetes or Type 2 Diabetes. If I watched myself got in better health, after my son I could have avoid the disease. I was consider borderline, I did not watch my health. Then I had my daughter I did not get Gestational Diabetes, but I was borderline. When I left the hospital they said you need to be careful. Yea Yea Yea I thought and lived the same not exercising or watching what I eat.
Then my husband got sick. I was stressed, overworked, and sad would.. I have to live this way for every watching him sick and caring for him I am 37. Loving my husband, angry and depressed over the situation. In about June of that year I had signs:
- I was sad, the kind of depression I have never felt (crying)
- I also was peeing alot after every glass of liquid
- My vision was unclear
- I could not mental focus
I went to the Doctor. I told her to run the test but I knew I had Diabetes, she asked how I knew.. I said the peeing, I drank water and peed 5 min later. She said with everything I was going through at home, that stress could have been the last straw to trigger my diabetes over the edge.
She also explained that depression and lack of focus is a sign of it as well. Since I was not normally depressed. The vision is also a sign. The doctor put me on some pills and sent me for diabetes education. She also said I have to start doing 30 minutes of exercise. So I went to the class and took the drugs.. But never started to exercise.
3 years later..this past January I started walk/run and fitness Fridays. The reason
- I need to make it to my children graduation, wedding and want to see my Grandkids (if my kids choose).
- The other reason our health insurance sucks. I can only go to see my dr. 3 times a year. I need to see her every 3 months. So the healthier I get the better off I am. So yes I am also financial motivated.
- The other reason I feel in my 40’s I am an open book. I want to share my journey and you as readers are keeping me going. I say what will they say if i don’t do something or I give up all of my readers want me to succeed.
It is funny as I write this post.. it bothers me how did I get here, why cant I just take care of my health. I can accomplish great things with my family and my career but I have a block with my weight. I hope my open honest approach to these posts will move me past what comfort I find in food. That is my wish for myself. The cycle ends with me and does not move on to my children.
I am doing noting but house stuff all week.
- Tuesday: walk run and I also repainted the kitchen cabinets twice 1st was the wrong color
- Wednesday: I did 6 load of laundry (which I never do hubs does it) Then I carried them up 2 flights of stairs. and today
- Thursday: Walk run around then block and scrubbing then painting the swing set. So a lot of stretching.
- Friday: Walk and Run around the block, Cleaning We are having people over for my daughters birthday nothing like company to get you moving.
I am sore in my but for all the activity, But it is nice to have the energy.
started 271
Last week 264 and now 263
Too many of my friends are dealing with diabetes! I can’t tell you how frustrating it is to see. Please don’t beat yourself up either because you didn’t take care of your health. I think because women are generally the caregivers, we focus on others before ourselves. We’re so attuned to the suffering of others, and not always aware of our own. I’m not sure if it’s nature or the environment, or simply a combination of both.
I’m also wondering if you might have adrenal issues. I’m positive that going through 2 post partum depressions plus dealing with my dh’s alcoholism put a lot of stress on my adrenals. I’m doing a lot better now, and it took at least a year or so for me to get here.
Thanks so much for the support. I have decided move forward forget the past. I cant change it. I will ask the dr about adrenal issues next time I go i know she did a lot of test on me. I think it is the fact I cant stop eating. Getting better I will get there.
Thanks for your support, the accountability is what I always need.
Love this post. You are doing an awesome job! And you’re providing so many with great education about diabetes.
Can’t wait to watch you as you get on this journey! Also? This summer… Running… Two words: body glide
Good for you putting yourself out there- I think you may be motivating me. I need to get my act together weight wise too.
Thanks Eric, thanks for reading and thanks for the suport. I am happy to here you are motivated. BodyGlide thanks for the tip. I cant wait till I make it all the way around the block.
Great post! Everyone needs to be aware, this problem is skyrocketing in the United States and if we don’t do something about it, it will effect not only us but our children. Having just spent the last week in the hospital w/my mom (not diabetes related but just as bad) the last thing you want for your kids is for them to have their mom in bad shape or end up spending a lot of time in the hospital. A friend of my mom’s ignored her diabetes and is suffering now, so kick it! Best of luck…oh and I agree…body glide.
I hope your mom is better. we all need to be aware thanks for the support.
I’ve been running into underwear issues running too. Who knew there were so many things to worry about if you just wanted to run… Good for you, you’re doing great. Starting is the hardest part. Well, that, and keeping going
Thanks robin for the support. I was just talking to a local blogger about undies 2 weeks ago she said it took months to find the “right ” undies. So it is a seriously running issue. I feel that way too I just want to run.