This past week I went camping and I actually got up and walk 4 miles at 6:00 in the morning. Then it was so hot I stood around in a jog bra and compression shorts for 2 hours. In front of all my friends at church who were camping with me. You know what I did not care. I was hot and figured I would be near them in my swim suit at the pool so what is the difference.
The walk was a mile up a mild incline only to walk a mile down hill. My goal was to see this old stone house and take pictures. I dragged a boy from the church that was up early with me .. he thought we were walking to paint ball place.. I told him we were walking to the stone house, he soon learn he miss hear me.
So we got to the house.. it hurt to walk a mile down hill. Check out the house.
Then we returned a mile up the steep hill.. the burn was crazy. The preteen haggled and pushed me verbally up the him when mid way I want to stop. I kept say “See you don’t know what you got your self into agreeing to a walk with Mrs. Aikens”. He was great lying to me that we were almost there. At one point he looked behind me and saw this..
So worth the hill.
Thanks to AJ for getting me up the hill – 6 months ago I would have not made it.
Pick up for your camera and go for a walk.
Steady weight loss at 265.
How are you doing ?
That is an AMAZING picture and the stone house was very beautiful. Great job on conquering that hill just think next time it will be even better.
I am looking forward to it.
It was a truly blessed day.
Great photos! Good for you for keeping up with it, especially in this dreadful heat. I miss our mall walks!
I miss out walks in the fall we will back in motion.
Awesome pictures. You are awesome for taking he chance and someone with you that could keep you moving forward. Way to go!
I figure long as I move I am good, keep active is my goal.
Great job! What a beautiful walk!!
That is AWESOME! Are you not hosting a linky this week?
Such a beautiful walk! Great job.
I think getting in a good walk sets a great tone for the entire day. Have a great week.
Great job!! That house is too cool!!
Oh. My. Word. That is a breathtaking photo! Definitely worth the walk to see God’s beauty at work!
Sherry, I remember that day very well. You got AJ to go with you & he made you finish.
I need him to coach me into shape now!
I’m super proud of you & my preteen son for going on that walk with you!