This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Clorox
In the entire 13 years I have been a Mom there have been many Ickies Clorox moments. From my daughter removing her dirty diaper and hugging it saying she “loves” her diaper during the potty training. Or my son so not wanting to sleep on his own bed and screaming until he made himself sick all over his crib, which was a regular occurrence in our house. Apparently the puking was genetic because my mother in law informed me, my husband Jeff was a puker also.. now know as reflux. One of the most ickies stories that I will always remember and can’t wait to share with my sons children someday is..
My son was about a year. We were living in South Florida. It was winter, February to be exact, so the temperature was prefect 78 degrees no jacket needed. My husband and I were year in starting to get the hang of this parenting thing. My in-laws and their best friends were visiting from up north, they were snow birds. Only coming to Florida to escape the snow and see there precious 1st grandchild, our son.
When my in laws visited, we always enjoyed eating out. I was working, happy to have a night off from cooking. That night all 6 adults and 1 small child piled in to my inlaws mini van headed to a popular pasta chain. The restaurant as most in South Florida was very busy with all the winter transplants.
We waited the 40 excruciatingly long minutes to get a table. My mother in-law walked with my son to get his impatient toddlers energy out. My son was so excited to go out to eat with his Nana and PopPop, but was very tired of waiting.
When we finally, walked to the table located in the back or the restaurant, weaving through crowded waiting area, past the busy bar, through the servers station, up a ram and near the kitchen we finally arrived at our table. When we sat, I fed the impatient boy some bread stick pieces, and order his pasta. Which the server was kind enough to bring to our table quickly.
I never understood the reasoning behind feeding the kids before the adults. To me it always meant the adults had to hurry up and eat because the impatient kids never want to sit still till the parents finished meal. So parents never get to enjoyed the meal. It just never made any sense to me.. sounded like an idea of someone who did not have kids came up with.
So on this night, my son ate his pasta early and was squirming in is restaurant high chair. If you know keeping a 1 year old in a highchair after they are done eating is no easy feet. So my son begin to cry, and put up a fuss. We decided to break the seal and release him from the seat.
Yea .. not the brightest of moves, but the toys I brought were not cutting it.
My son, was then pass around the table to all 6 adults, as he refused to sit and want to run. Finally, ending up on my husband Jeffs lap, wining wiggling..then doing that full body rag doll thing that 1 years old do..when they want their way.
Then it happened… while sitting on Jeff’s lap…
My son threw up his entire meal of red tomato sauce, pasta, and many bread sticks on all over my husband’s pants, shirt, running down his arms, neck, and back. Just think that scene from “The Exorcist.”
Photo credit from Heather at home-ec101.comYea, Pasta Puke.. not a pretty sight.. you get the visual.
At this point in the story my husband Jeff will be know as “Pasta Puke Dad.”
“Pasta Puke Dad” retreated to the bathroom covered in pasta puke, from back or the restaurant near the kitchen, down the ramp, through the servers station, past busy bar, weaving through packed waiting area, to the bathroom located at the entrance of this popular pasta chain.
Now you would think at this point one of us 5 remaining adults, would think check on “Pasta Puke Dad” .. BUT NO we sat their fawning over my beautiful exorcist baby.
So about 5-10 minutes later “Pasta Puke Dad” walks SHIRTLESS weaved through crowded waiting area, past the busy bar, through the servers station, up the ramp, to our table located near kitchen.
Since he did not drive, “Pasta Puke Dad” had no keys, no phone, returned Shirtless.. To get a keys for the mini van.
Yea he was not happy and not thrilled with us..
“Pasta Puke Dad” then stormed with pasta puke shirt in hand and puke on his pants, from back of the restaurant near the kitchen , down the ramp, through the servers station, past the busy bar, weaving through crowded waiting area, and out the front door of the restaurant.
Needless to say it was a very Ickies moment and very much a Clorox moment.
Now when we talk about kids and gross things.. the story of Jeff always comes up.. someday it will be “Remember that time Jeff went shirtless through the Olive Garden.”
That night and many since I cant live without my Clorox laundry items.. It removed tomato sauce puke and many more over the years. Currently my Clorox moment are because with a 13 hello stinky socks and tees.. teen B.O. is the worst. Thanks Clorox.. my house is clean and free of the smells ickies of parenting.
What is your #Ickie moment? Clorox is there to help you though these Pasta Puke Dad moments. To me Clorrox was the only way to deal with this ickie moment of many in the 13 years of parenting #ickie Clorox Moments.
You could win The Clorox Ick Awards Twitter Event on April 9 from 6-10 p.m. ET, during which Clorox will be giving away $2,500 in prizes.
Want to Join In?
- On Wednesady April 9th 6-10 pm Clorox is teaming up with famed Chicago improv troupe The Second City Communications for the Clorox Ick Awards on Wednesday, April 9 from 6-10 p.m. ET.
- Want your #Ickie moment turned in to a skit? Second City Communications will be turning tweets into #ickies video skits throughout the awards show.
- You can win big by voting on your favorite skit they will give out $2,500 in prizes.
- Have a hilariously icky moment you want to nominate in advance? Share it using #ickies and “tune in” to the first hour to see if it is featured in the opening number with a surprise celebrity guest!
- Don’t forget to visit and sign up for Clorox’s email newsletter to learn more about how Clorox can help you laugh through the mess.
Follow @Clorox on Twitter and share their own “icky moment” using the hashtag #ickies to be entered to win.
This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Clorox.
I can’t help but laugh at this! When my oldest was about 15 months, we were at Easter dinner at my parent’s country club. I was hugely pregnant with baby #2 and so my mom was helping with my son. I tried to tell her that she needed to stop feeding him. She must have fed him four PLATES of strawberries. She said he was fine, he wouldn’t eat if he wasn’t hungry. And then he turned and threw up all the strawberries all over her cream colored Easter dress.
Eww Gross strawberries .. Little kids just keep eating till they get sick
Oh my how funny! I have a few stories like this and photos of course
What more doesn’t have a gross stories.. I think I have worse ones about my dogs .. we are a high clorox house
My apologies to Jeff, but this made me laugh out loud. Oh the image of him walking shirtless through the restaurant!
To this day still one of the most memrable stories .. my son all puke all over our cousin and his new girlfriend the 1st time we met her.
One of my children once had explosive diarrhea. And by “one” I mean “both,” and by “once” I mean “sometimes frequently” lol…
Gina- Gross.. diarrhea is the worst, been there done that.. the Rotavirus for weeks when my daughter was 2 .. nasty
So funny! I am sure not at the time though. You are so right… having good quality cleaning products is so important when raising kids!
Looking back it is funny .. hind sight is always 20/20 thanks for commenting
Oh my…that is a horrible icky story! Glad I was not there!
I feel really bad for the people in the restaurant. thanks for commenting Heather.
O.M.G. I am so thankful that has never happened to me…. yet!
Jo-Lynne hope full we are past puke stories till grand kids. Thanks for commenting
OMG!! I laughed so hard while reading this. I think you have me beat on any ickie stories
I am glad you enjoyed it. It was a very ickie night i have dog stores that make you toss you cookies I guess I have a pretty ickie life.. hahaha
love the Clorox stories… we can all relate, although these are better than mine.
How about five kids and two parents AND a grandparent all with the stomach bug in one house all at one time!? That would be my best Ick Moment…. oh gross, I hate remembering it. Baaaaaaad times, baaaaaaad times.
I can picture this whole scene. You described it very well. I is really funny, but I am glad I wasn’t there, but isn’t it good your son got this own father and not his wonderful grandparents?