Dark Rising Monica McGurk Book Review : A few years ago I did a book review of Dark Hope, which was the 1st installment of the Archangels Prophecies. Recently, the author Monica McGurk asked me if I would like to do a sponsored review of the next book in the series: Dark Rising. I jumped at the chance, because I could not wait to hear what how Hope Carmichael the main character’s life had progressed after her last journey, after finding out she was key to human salvation.
The 1st book covered Hopes new life and new friendship with dark stranger Michael. It explores Hope’s mark that she received on the back of her neck as a child and what does it mean? The 1st book also tells the story of Hopes quest to protect those girls thrown in to human trafficking, which takes Hope and Michael to Las Vegas to save girls caught in a ring of trafficking despair. The 1st book is setting up the story of Hope’s destine how it effects mankind. Check out my full review here
Dark Rising Monica McGurk Book Review
The 2nd book the story is just as wonderful detailed Hopes tale. Hope’s adventure with the Archangel Michael, her protector/ destroyer continues as they travel over Europe. McGurk continues the story with Hope traveling with the 3 archangels in their human form to Turkey looking for artifacts to aid them on their quest to open the gate. They set up in an abandon house, the tension between the Michael and Hope continues. Hope is determined to help and recover from her past injuries. She takes chances which make the angels uneasy and Michael angry. Slowly they recover clues what take them to France, then to Ireland always leery that the fallen angels are lurking ready to claim Hope for their own.
The book also covers how Hope’s Family is coping at home while searching for clues of Hopes whereabouts. Her parents learn What her neck mark means. He parents grapple with the possibility that Hope was meant for something large then herself but true greatness. The reader understands her parents longing to see their teenage daughter again, if she is alive. I love the duality of showing the other side of the heroine’s world what is fallout at home. Many young adult books avoid the plight of the parents. I love that the parents are not an after thought in McGurks writing helping to develop the plot.
As the story builds it develops into a searching and torment for the main characters. My they find out who is the savior and who is he saving. The finally chapters are riveting the love and anguish that Michael and Hope are felt by the reader. Monica McGurk twist and winds the reader up with the details of the location and stories of the Prophecy . It was a great read.
Dark Rising Monica McGurk Book Review
I have always loved this genera of Young Fiction, supernatural and dark love. This is the second book in the series, but unlike most 2nd books in a trilogy it is not a filler/middle book lacking or leaving too many questions open. McGurk answers questions and gives you closure on areas of the plot. This book also leaves you wanting more of the characters and anticipating the next book. It is pleasing that McGurk treats the reader as smart and does not think that love is simple and doe eyed. Love it is messy and complicated, sometimes bigger then oneself. If you are a lover of books that capture forbidden love, then the Archangels Prophecies series is for you. Check it out here:
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Giveaway Time!
Monica McGurk has offer my readers the opportunity to win a Copy of Dark Rising along with a Amazon gift card valued at $40 use the Rafflecopter form to enter.
This giveaway is open to US residents only it will run until March 12, 2016. This giveaway is not related or affiliated with Facebook or Twitter. Winner is choose random through Rafflecopter, and all entry’s must be placed through rafflecopter. Comment on blog is a mandatory entry. Winner will be notified via email once entry is verified. Winner has 24 to confirm shipping address after email notification has been sent or another winner will be chosen . The prizes ship direct from author Monica McGurk and can take up to 6-8 weeks to arrive. Sherry Aikens/Babypop.com/SuperExhausted.com/BiggirlsGuide.com is not responsible for the prize.
looks like a series I would like to start….
Haven’t read this series but sounds interesting.
Ireland, it has a great history and legends and photos and videos of the cliffs are just amazing!
This looks like a good one!
I would choose France! I have always admired their culture.
This book sounds amazing! Thanks for the chance to win it.
I’ve always wanted to go to Ireland. That’d be a wonderful vacation.
I would want to go to Ireland to find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
Any sounds good. At first, I thought Ireland because I’ve always wanted to go to the UK, but Turkey sounds like a once in a lifetime thing, so I would choose that.
I’d choose Ireland – sounds like fun and I can actually understand everyone and don’t have to try to learn a new language
I would definitely love going to France! I would love to see all the sites and eat the delicious food
I’d pick France for shopping and eating a lot of pastries but Turkey would be nice too for hanging out on the Black Sea.
Ireland because it is so green.
I would visit France because of the gorgeous countryside!
I would choose France for the shopping and food.
I have always wanted to visit France.
I would choose Ireland to track where my grandparents came from. Thanks.
I would choose Ireland because my boyfriend loves the culture and wants nothing more than to visit there someday! It’s so beautiful – so much greenery and beautiful landscapes.
I would choose Ireland.
I would choose France, for the food and the ooh-la-la!
I would choose France, I love Paris!
I would choose Turkey – it would be the most exotic!
Ireland, hands down.
I sorta have an obsession with Ireland – maybe because I’ve read a lot of books located in Ireland and it seems so quaint.
I would love to go to Ireland at some point in my life
I’ve been to Ireland and France before, but not Turkey, so I would pick Turkey.
Ireland… gorgeous and great beer!
I would like to visit Ireland.
France.. the city of love…all the lovely places to enjoy…
I would go to France, there are beautiful castles
I would choose France, there is so much to experience. The food, small villages and beautiful castles. Also, Paris, the city of love!
I would choose Ireland so I could take a ton of photos!
I would choose Ireland since some of my family came from this country and maybe I could visit the specific towns they came from.
I would choose Ireland because I have always wanted to travel there.
Ireland- you never know what kind of stories you can get from Ireland.
I am not even going to attempt to bend the truth here, I would chose France, because of the food! Plain and simple!
I would choose France – I think it is romantic, great food and perfect contrast for a plot with a dark twist maybe.
I would choose Ireland because I’ve always wanted to go there!
Being Irish, I would love to visit Ireland..
France for the food
id go to ireland bc its so pretty there!
Ireland, Always wanted to go. I want to see the castle & the beautiful land it is.
Ireland because I’m irish
I would go to Ireland because I have always wanted to see where my family came from.
I am half french so I would choose France. I heard its very beautiful.
I would choose France because it’s on my bucket list.
thank you
I would choose Turkey. I’ve heard from numerous people that it is such a beautiful country and I would love to see it for myself.
i would go to ireland to eat corned beef and cabbage! also all that lush greenery is sooo pretty. would love to horseback ride there.
Definitely Ireland. It’s pretty much the motherland for me. There’s so many different tours I would take, see beautiful landscapes, castles, all of it!
I would choose Ireland because I am Irish. My dad went there on his honeymoon and said it was amazing.
I would choose Ireland because being Irish heritage, I would love to see the countryside my ancestors lived in.
I would choose Ireland because I have always wanted to go there.
Ireland! Would love to see the land of my heritage.
France, because I have always wanted to go there!
I would choose France because it has always been my dream to visit. The food, the culture, the beauty… ugh. I want to go so bad! Thank you for the chance!
Ireland, cause I have ancestors from there
I would choose France, even though I think French food is over rated and the French should shower more, there are a lot of amazing things to see there!
ireland-never been there
I would choose Ireland because it’s so beautiful and I have always wanted to go there to tour castles.
I would love to go to France because it has Paris in it, the city of romance
I would choose Ireland for its history
WOW! thanks for rthe chance.
I would choose Ireland. I would choose it because I’ve always wanted to go there.
I would say france because its a beautiful place
I would choose Ireland, because that’s where my husbands family is from and I would love to have the chance to visit that beautiful country.
I would choose France because there’s so much to see,the food and the art
I would love to check this series out!
I would pick France because my daughter told me it was the most beautiful place in the world and I would love to go experience it with her!
Oh, I would definitely choose Ireland – the rolling green hills, I’ve always wanted to go there.
France, Ireland, or Turkey would all be fantastic places to see on vacation, but I think I’d choose Turkey. One reason is because I’ve never been there and have always wanted to go – it seems so exotic and beautiful and loaded with history from the pictures that I’ve seen
Ireland…it’s my dream
sounds interesting. ireland seems intriguing
id choose ireland as im irish and it would be cool to learn about my culture…
Ireland as it’s old and has its mysterious castles, plus it’s GREEN
I would choose Ireland. I would love to visit the old castles that are there and it is just a beautiful place!
France because theres so much history and places to visit
Ireland! Celtic history is amazing
That’s an easy one, with a background of Irish, I would choose Ireland!
I would pick Ireland because I am part Irish.
It is our dream to go to Ireland!!
I would pick Ireland because that’s where my ancestors came from. Thanks for the chance!
I’ve always wanted to go to Ireland since I was a kid, what a beautiful place.
France because I’ve always wanted to go there!
Turkey would be my choice, the foods, the mystery, and adventure.
I would choose Ireland because it looks beautiful!
I would love to go to France! I took french in school so I have a little bit of knowledge and have always wanted to visit there!
Ireland oh yeah!!!
Ireland has been on my bucket list for years
France I need romance lol
Ireland because it seems so beautiful! I have always wanted to go.
I’d love the chance to visit Ireland again – I was 10 when I went and didn’t appreciate it nearly as much as I think I would now!
I’d chose France. I visited when i was younger. awesome place. i miss it
Ireland, for the beauty of it!
Thanks for the chance to win
Visiting Ireland has been a dream of mine! I’ve already been to France, so that choice is out, and Turkey, I just never even thought about! I just hear beautiful things about Ireland
Sounds like my kind of book!
I would choose Ireland.
Ireland! I’ve always wanted to go there.
Ireland would be my pick. I just need to meet the people and live the way they do.
I would choose France. My maternal grandparents were from France.
Turkey, since I’ve already visited France and Ireland.
Ireland! My family is Irish and I’ve never been!
I would choose Ireland. It’s a place I have always wanted to go. It just looks so beautiful!
I would choose France because my in-laws were lucky enough to go and they loved it!
I would choose Ireland. My family is Irish…but…I have never been to Ireland and would love to take my daughter and granddaughter so we could follow our roots!
Ireland. I’ve always wanted to visit there.
I would choose Ireland it is a beautiful county to visit
I went to Ireland years ago and would love to return.
I think I would choose Ireland because its so beautiful and far, far away!
This sounds really interesting!
I would love to give a review
France- cause I like french fries!
I would choose Ireland so I could take my mother with me since its her dream destination.
I would choose Ireland because of my Irish heritage. And the beer!
I would choose France because it is rich with history and romance.
I would choose Ireland for a vacation because I hear that it is gorgeous and im Irish
I would love to go to Ireland and see some of my heritage
As an anglophile, my natural inclination would be Ireland. It doesn’t hurt that the Irish also have the sexiest accents in the world.
I would choose Ireland to vacation. Not only is it where my main ancestry is from, the land, legends, and customs are irresistible to pass up.
I would choose Ireland because of there history.
I would choose Ireland because of my ancestry.
I would love to vacation in France! I’ve been there twice and it’s a wonderful country.
We would love to vacation in Ireland. I know people who have visited Ireland and they say it is so beautiful. I haven’t read the Dark Rising Book Series, but it sounds like it would be an interesting read.
I’m Irish and would love to see Ireland. The sights would be awamazing!
Ireland I’ve always wanted to visit.
Ireland….beautiful country
I would choose France; it’s so romantic!
As you can tell by my last name, my husband is Scottish and 1/2 Irish on his mother’s side…so off to Ireland… we would go to visit his family.
I would want to go to France for sure. Just seems so romantic there.
I would chose Ireland – my favorite place on earth!! I am anxious to read this series. Thank you.
i would pick Paris because of the eiffel tower!
I would choose France to track down some of my ancestors. Thanks for this giveaway!
I’ve always wanted to go to France – such good food!
always wanted to see france for the history
I would choose Ireland, most of my family has been except me and I think the scenery is amazing.