Category Archives: Marriage

Kim Kardashian & My Husband

Kim Kardashian and her Psoriasis diagnosis.  I am glad that Kim has shared openly about her recent psoriasis diagnoses. I hope that Kim finds some relief  from her psoriasis symptoms. Her concern is really because how she makes her living her looks which is a fine way to make a living and she has the right to do so.  Her Mother has the condition, she understands the affects of the psoriasis and how it can affect her life.   I do have some understanding of her discomfort, because the love of my life has Psoriasis.

Last week,  Sherri Shepherd from the talk show “The View” said openly she does not get what the big deal is psoriasis  is like dandruff.  I don’t normally comment on what is said by celebs.  But Sherri Shepherd,  you truly are ignorant on this subject and should have kept your mouth shut.

Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease .   It is a disease that can be  debilitating –  psoriatic arthritis, is a disease that comes from Psoriasis along many other serious health conditions.

I have had the misfortune to see what the flake skin disease can do to a family. My husband has 90% coverage of Psoriasis and is inflicted with Psoriatic arthritis.  We have heard many, many treatments over the years.

So Sherri here is your education on effect of this simple skin issue aka  Psoriasis:

  • When my husband could not move for 6 months-  Sure it was a like dandruff.
  • When my husband could not limb the stairs to come to bed and slept in recliner- Yea the white flakes were annoying
  • When they gave a Handicap pass to a 38 year old man and he walked with a cane- A good loofah will scrub that away.
  • When you take cancer medications and expose yourself to treatments that can give you skin cancer- Have you rubbed the diaper from a new born baby on the spots? (really)
  • When I drag my husband off the toilet because he did not have the strength – Vaseline will clear that right up.
  • When you husband asks you not to leave him alone with the kids because if something go wrong he might not be able to move to help. We changed our diet.
  • When he lost 50lb in 5 months because it hurt to eat because of the pain- Have you drank the urine from a English donkey?
  • When we got to the end of all experimental drugs and had an allergic reaction to the last one- Soak in vinegar then wrap in plastic wrap?
  • When the drug to treat it cost $20,000 a month-  Have you tried Lestoil cleaner on the spots I hear it helps cost $1.89?
  • When I cried every day because I was not sure if I wanted to spend the rest of my life caring for an invalint at the age of 36-Calamine lotion take me away.
  • When my son asked my husband when they can go camping or fish again..then he just stopped asking- Yea the mayonnaise is a great moisturizer.
  • When you wake up with blood all over the sheets because he scratched himself raw in the middle of the night- Neutrogena t-gel with coal tar can help?
  • When you think at the age of 21 that you should have a vasectomy so you do not want to pass the disease on to your future children- Have you tried fish oil?
  • When my children wondered why Daddy could not hug them because he cant handle a squeeze-   Just don’t wear black clothing people won’t notice.
  • When you think you family will be better off without you when you are at your sickest- Because Head and Shoulders can fix it.

Believe it or not my husband has tried many of the suggestion above (I will leave you guessing)  because when there is no cure, you do get desperate and what else are you going to do but laugh.

So I ask people to understand Psoriasis is Not contagious. There is no need to get out of the pool when some one with spots gets in.

Psoriasis is a disease that affects 7.5 million Americans of that  30% get psoriatic arthritis (2.5 million Americans)  ,  there is no cure, just treatment, and affects my family.

My response to Sherri Shepherd:

So NO Psoriasis is not just dandruff.

To get more Information about Psoriasis  check out the National Psoriasis Foundation

Sleep? When I’m dead

bear bed

Sleep is a sacred thing to me. I don’t like to be woken up and I am not a morning person any one who know me knows that I don’t really function until after 9:30am and I 2 cups of coffee.  I think sleep is not a relaxing thing for me.  I feel all the time as a Mom someone is hanging or needs something. During the days it is kids, husband, or clients.  At night the kids want to snuggle which is good and bad because I tend to fall as asleep.   But lets talk sleep.

I get in bed and I am a one foot out of the cover temperature control.  I am a Belly  sleeper . In comes my husband  he is a side sleep one hand draped over.  I  like nothing on me beside the sheets you think after 19 years I would get use to the arm.. nope.  Do not disturb the sleeping giant.. (me).  It takes me a long time to fall asleep some days when I am processing the days events others it is a quick process.  If my husband is not in bed  he wakes me when he gets in.  He does not turn o n the lights he does not disturb the bed .. but he wakes me.  Me since I love sleep awake from my 10 min slumber grouchy.

Kid and sleep  so my kids .. So when my son was young and he use to sneak in our bed. every night he was a nursing baby till the age of 15monthn and walked t 10 months so he would come and sleep with us because he could get up and come to our bed.  Once we moved to Philly we put a stop to the visits.  So instead he would simply Yell from his bed “SNUGGLE” (image a blood cursing screen) every night.. so I can honestly say for the first 3  years of his life I never slept.

Then I was pregnant with my daughter she was a preemie.   I lived at the hospital 1 months before and 2 months after her birth.  Then she wore a heart monitor for 6 months .. so no sleep there.

She on the other hand is all business she will only snuggle for about 5 minutes Then says “ok mommy you need to leave so I can sleep”.  But her trick is she comes in our room at stares at you while you sleep..  in the middle of the night… it is 7:00 am but still creepy.

So my husband have instructed the door closed rule .. if it is close you are not allowed in.   But now is my husband who wakes me…So on the rare days I take a nap every 6 months I can hear my husband , or my son telling the others to be quite  because I am taking a nap there for keeping me up.

no peace for me.. I guess I will sleep when I am dead

No I do not speak for my other Half

My husbands opinions are not mine. After almost 18 years with my husband, I find that people think that we speak in one voice and think the same. Hello… we do not. I can’t control what he does or says. Also he does stuff that I do not agree with. We have different religious beliefs and outlooks… we always have. Maybe other women say things and the can speak for their spouse. But that is not the way it works in our house and never has. I can make him do anything and never will.  I respect his right to have his own opinions, because I should and he does the same for me.  I wish others would understand he has a voice and it is not mine.   If you want him to do something ask him not me.

We are different and that is why we work.

15 ways to be a Good Husband


In honor of  Valentines Day  here are 15 ways I love my husband.

Some simple things that make me love Mr Babypop more:

  1. He lets me have the Andes candy’s when we are at Olive Garden
  2. He lets me get in the shower first so I have hot water
  3. He goes out and starts the car to warm it up for me when I go to the post office
  4. He tells me very day how much he is attracted to me after 18 years
  5. He does not like to watch sports
  6. He gives me the comfy chair and remote  a least once a night
  7. He gives me the good pillow
  8. He does the laundry he knows that undergarments do not go in the dyer
  9. He puts up with my over tweeting and never complains
  10. When  I choose a paint color then he goes to the store get the paint and goes lighter because I always choose too dark
  11. He loves seafood bisque and understands when I need more than one bowl
  12. His eyes smile
  13. He knows I like an Italian Hogie with extra mayo
  14. He has turned the car around to head back to the house so I can get my sun glasses no questions asked.
  15. He is the most amazing man I know is makes me smile  every day.  I am glad to call him my best friend.

Give me one reason you love your partner  for the little things?