Tag Archives: basic

What is Pinterest?

pintrest logo

What is Pinterest?  So I have a friends who ask me what it Pinterest.  Pinterest is a visual bookmarking tool for the web.   So lets say you are surfing the web and you come across an article you would like to refer to later.  You can “Pin it” (Pinterest term for marking a site)  for later use.  You can also add these pins to boards by subjects or categories.  Think of having a virtual filling system that is visual.

Everyday uses…  they are the more obvious ones :

  • Recipes  you can categorize them as type, baking, fish, healthy
  • Crafts  so many great ideas how to remember them,  sewing, knitting
  • Remodeling: kitchen, bath
  • Gardening
  • Car remodel ideas
  • hobbies
  • books you would like to read
  • fitness, running shoes to work out ideas

How can Pinterest help you in your work?

  • Teachers can create idea boards for Lesson plans,  Science, Math, ect.
  • Doctor Nurses: can have ideas for new techniques and articles
  • Sales men : product idea and new/blogs articles written about the items they are selling so easier to share with customers

Pinterest Making life easier: (boards can be shared or viewed, so other people can add to a board) (boards are public unless you make them private)

  • What about present ideas for family members?-  I always find ideas that would be great during the year and by the time the holidays come I forget them.
  • Planning a Trip with family, pin ideas  you can invite people to to view the boards or add them to add to the boards.
  • Ideas for fundraising
  • Sharing ideas wit a designer, artist, planner
  • Kids can create a wish list for the parents

The list is endless because you can share them,  and they keep your ideas organized

How Join Pinterest

So you have to sign up,  and create name  and password

Go to Pinterest.com,  click on the join Pintrest and fill out info


Then you have an account-  Congrats now you are on Pinterest.. So what is next?

Adding the Pin It Button

I recommend adding the Pin It button to your computers tool bar,  so it is easier to Pin when you find something you would like to remember.

It looks like this

pin it button




  1. You Add the Pin it button by going to “Goodies” on Pinterest  Here is the link to the page Goodies or Pin IT Button Page
  2. Scroll down… it is under the cell phone app pictures.
  3. Then with your mouse grab the button and drag it to you computer browsers tool bar and drop in in a empty area


Great Now you have a Pin it button on your tool bar.

Now what??

How to Pin a Web Page or Something you would like to Pin

  1. You are on the page now you can with your mouse  click on the “Pin It” button on your tool bar
  2. If there is a “Pin It” on the picture click (see below)
  3. Then a window will pop up to add a Pin to your boards.(see below)
  4. You then can choose the Board/category you want to add it to,  or create a new board to add it too.
  5. You can also leave a note to yourself on the pin.



So once you have  you boards and you add you pins you can go to pinterest.com to see them.  This is my Board set up and you can drag the boards around the page and rearrange them if you want a certain order.  I like the pretty ones on top.  when I open it.

NOTE : (boards are public unless you make them private)

Following Others On Pinterest and searching on Pinterest

To see what others are Pinning  click on the pinterest in the center of the top of the screen.


You can also search by subject or a general category to see maybe someone already found a pin for what you would like.



If you “Like” someone Like lets say me .. you can follow there pins.

by clicking “follow” in the center of the boards Try it follow me Sherry Aikens Pintrest

Welcome to Pinterest!