Tag Archives: cheese platter

Cheese Platter for One Tasty Tuesday

So after a fun weekend at the Taste of the NFL and visiting the Red Gold Tomato Factory.  It was back to reality and no more limo, fancy food.  Or was it.. Every once in a while the cheese planets aline and I have a great selection of cheese in my fridge.  Today, was one of those days so I made a personal cheese platter.  I cut it about 1 hour before I eat it so they can come to room temperature.


Fontina cheese

Smoked Gouda

Liverwurst (I did not have pate’ so I sub)

Horseradish cheddar spread

blue cheese

water crackers

Red Pack Tomatoes with garlic and onion

I love the red Pack tomatoes you can open the can and eat them right out of the can on crackers.  The garlic is infused with olive oil before being added to the fresh packed tomatoes.   I learned this after tasting them this past weekend. I was also craving them when I returned home.  I love garlic.    I added the remaining can to my tomato sauce for dinner.

Make yourself feel special and fancy today.