This weekend has been a busy few days Halloween isn’t even here and I am exhausted. I had a an Octoberfest at a friends hour I brought Bacon 3 ways to go with the beer, all sweet. I made Candied Bacon, Chocolate bacon, and toffee bacon. I would love to say I have pictures but I was making it last minute and none survived. I have to say all of it went, I brought none home. The Candied bacon was the bacon everyone raved about you can find the recipe here. The candied bacon is very labor intensive because you have to flip and basted every 5 minutes for 35 minutes, yea to much up and down next time I need netflix in the kitchen. I would just sit down when you have to flip the bacon again and basted it.

This weekend was also Community service day or what we call “The Church has left the Building. ” At church instead of a sermon and service we reach into the community helping others. 250+ people served all day doing various task from raking leaves for a older person in need to working in a soup kitchen. We took some preteen kids and picked up trash. The kids were surprised at the amount of cigarette butts yuck.. But they cleaned up. Teaching kids social responsibility.

This week is also my annual Pumpkin Carving Party. I have hosted this event 8 times. For many of the moms this is the only pumpkin they carve. They also get to get out, drink wine, eat, and socialize till after midnight. I love it every year many say it is their favorite event in our moms group. Check out last years pumpkin art.

This week with Halloween there is a ton on our schedule but with a Teen I want to make sure I’m feeding them and they are not just eating candy.
Meal Planning with Teens
Monday; Roasted, Chicken Carrots, and Potatoes
Tuesday Pumpkin Carving: Crockpot Smoked Sausage and Hash browns (easy for a busy night)
Wednesday: London Broil rice and beans
Thursday (trunk and treat) : English Muffin Pizza and Tator Tots
Friday: Halloween Party : Cooking night off
Saturday : Halloween Easy Ravioli Bake

I am linking up to
Motivation Monday
Organizing Junkie