Tag Archives: parenting

Mamavation Monday- Changing a Family

This past week has been interesting. I have been eating way better and have increased my running. But I also gained some help not only from the mamavation team….  My son age 11 has committed himself to me.  He is a competitive swimmer,  something that I have always encouraged because with health issues that run in our family diabetes  and  psoriatic arthritis .One of my biggest gifts to give him is a love of Physical activity of a life long sport like swimming.  Right now,  he is taking a beak from his beloved sport for spring after 3 year straight of swimming (he normally swims over 100 laps a night).  Telling me “Mom I want to swim this summer and back in the fall because I want the 5 year plaque.” (swimming will continue)

My son is a great trainer pushing me and  he wants to walk/run with me.  It is a challenge for him also even though he does dry land with swimming, they run around the track once.  So my son is jogging with me around the block.. which this week is the big block 2 + miles.  We do a run walk combo.  He also told me he wants to do the 5K with me in June.

But the biggest surprise came last night.  My husband was joking with my son and asked him if he wanted to walk home. He said yes,  I joined him we walked 3 + miles home from the restaurant.  We left while my daughter was in the restroom.  Once I returned home my husband told me  our daughter age 7 was very upset.  Basically she threw down at the restaurant because she wanted to walk with us.

I said to my husbands “She would have never made it,  She was exhausted”  he agreed..but she was not having any of that..

She cried  “I wanted to go”

She has been asking since I started. running, But I thought it was too far for her little legs.

She then told me “Mommy I have been training at school.  I walk every second recess around the big circle (large playground) .. since you started running in the winter.”

Crush my heart she has been running since January.. she never told me.  She just kept saying she could do it.  I walk/run in the morning while they are at school normally, so I never gave it a thought.  She wants to do what I do and be with me. Bless her heart and I will be a better Mom.

The little voices in my life needed to be heard.. and my new good habits are rubbing off.

I am getting a great sense of clarity on what is import. I am loving the quality time with my son (soon with my daughter) I am getting on these walks.  They are eating better already!!

Physical activity:

  • Monday 16th- walked and did Mamavation hazing
  • Tuesday 17th -walked/ran 1.5 miles with club and did the hazing
  • Wednesday 18th- walked/ran 2 miles did hazing
  • Thursday 19th- walked/ran 2 miles did both hazings
  • Friday 20th walked/ran 2 miles did both hazings
  • Saturday 21st walked/ran with club 1.75 miles, walked 2 miles at zoo, walked 3 miles  home from restaurant did hazing and took two ibuprofen, fell asleep with my daughter.


I got better with my food middle to the end of the week. I am taking the process seriously. It is very grueling to be the next Mamavation Mom.   Wish me luck I hope I am chosen to be a finalist announced tomorrow night.

weight  269-267

Feeling- Great more energy and know everything is fitting better

I am a Finalist… Please vote for me BABYPOP!!

Update: 4/30- I did not win Mamavation Mom  but I will still continue the battle for a healthy life.



MLK Day not Important?

Today is  Martin Luther King, Jr.Day, teaching your kids about MLK the man and participating in day of unity and service is important.  Depending where you live in the US determines if this day is important (apparently).  My sister in-law lives in Northern PA, and for some reason this MLK day  that our government deems a Federal Holiday and is not  important enough to shut down their school down for (My Sister  in law thinks it’s wrong (so do I)).    This is the same school district that shuts down for the 1st day of  hunting season.(apparently school children are hunting. WTF)  .  It might be said that this school district has no African Americans so they can not relate. This is a National / Federal Holiday,  this is not a holiday of color. Martian Luther King stood for for equality and unity.  Even the poorest of children have something to give, it is important to teach that.  Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is: ‘What are you doing for others?’ .

Ok so that is my 60 second rant …

Great ways you can help others with your children:

Encourage your kids to give back every week as part of their responsibilities to the family and community. I encourage local giving with kids so they can see the charity people that they are giving to.

Help the Animals: Your children can also save there coins and donate to a local pet shelter. Or collect old towels, pet food, kitty litter. Plus I bring my kids to shelter to stress the importance of so many animals that need a home. We can’t save them all. But you ingraining early the adoption bug it will save animals when they are adults. Or go online Humane Society

Do the Can Can: Encourage them to give pick one item at the food grocery store to give to the local food pantry, don’t know where one is stop by a local church they always have a food pantry. I always say”make it something you love to eat so the child you are giving it to will also”.

Share the Sandbox: Teach kids the importance of sharing there toys with others. Every year right before a holiday or birthday or major school break. I teach my kids about purging, and giving to others. My son is fine long as it goes to another child. Have the child help in donate the toys or clothes to a organization like Crayons to Cradle

Give a Plate: Giving meals is a wonderful to encourage your children to be party of there community. If there is an older American on your street who lives alone. Take him or her dinner or better yet invite them for dinner. When I talk to senior they say the hardest thing about being alone is the meals cooking for one stinks so they don’t eat or cans are the meals. I always make extra soup when I make I, my son will run the meal to my neighbor. It is never planed and I figure he can always freeze it. It makes my son, part of the giving process.

Sick to Smiles: Don’t forget the local hospitals / nursing homes and the sick people in them.  Many people don’t have visitor or people who come to see them.  Have your kids make cards and trinkets to brighten others day. Organize some kids to sing at a local nursing home or play a game of checkers. All the care locations have volunteer contact person so call and ask.

Make Card: You don’t always have to leave your house. On these cold winter days when you are snowed in encourage your kids to write letters and card to our service men overseas, box them up and mail them to the following. Here is a link:  Do Something
or the address:
A Million Thanks
Care of Do Something.org
17853 Santiago Blvd., #107-355
Villa Park, CA 92861

Sweet Dreams : Have the kids save to buy PJs for other kids Many children do not have PJs at night to sleep in Pajama Program

Wow it is Cold: Some American parents can afford to buy coats for their children because they are busy putting food in their bellies and keeping the heat on. Try Coats for kids or One Warm Coat

Check out the MLK Day Site for more ideas.

Every day every person had the opportunity to make someone else life better for kids it could be a kid at the play ground inviting him join it or to a senior member of our society talking to them with a hello how is your day.

So what are some of your ways to teach your children to “Do For Others”.  How are you contribution this year?