Tag Archives: single parenting

My Observation of Temporary Single Parenting

chocolate cake and a girlMy Observation of Temporary Single Parenting:

Hubby is hunting.. he will be home tonight.. He has only shot 1 deer in the 19 years we have been together (is that what bow hunter call it –  shot but not with a gun) .  I asked him once why he likes to hunt he says he likes the quite of the wood, he never sees a deer.  I think he likes to get away from us  where it is quiet. ..Just a thought.

So hunting =sitting in the woods for 3 days  = result   no deer.

My husband helps alot,  not with the cleaning but with the kids.

Something to be said when he was away the kids are easier. You think it would be easier when he is home 2 against one.   Not for me when my kids don’t have Dad to go to they tend to listen better.. because it is only me.. Yes I am Meany or Tyrant  .. but I become easy going mom..

I also find that I am better parent for the most part.  I yell less and get frustrated less because I am not expecting him to pick up the slack.

Bedtime comes earlier, showers go smother, morning go easier less yelling.   The dishes are usually done because no one else will do them.

I think of the Bill Cosby Skit..

Dad is great he lets us eat chocolate cake but..

instead it is

Mom is great she lets us eat chocolate cake.. I am more fun..

Life runs a little smoother.. because I am not expecting anyone else to help.


I am tired.. it is exhausting,  I am use to having him here.. he makes me giggle.

Plus have to wipe the bulldogs butt.

Thank God.. He will be home tomorrow.  I hate single Parenting