So this week, has been a week of commitment on my fitness journey. I Signed up for a dietbet with Brandi at, nothing like a little money to keep things out of your mouth. The Bet official starts tomorrow with our 1st weigh in. I am excited I need more accountability for food.
Then I signed up for the running training program with Fleet Feet Sports North Wales. I recently was introduced to fleet feet by Joey Fortman and Ann Marie one of the owners this past Wednesday. I will be working with them for training and they are out fitting me with proper sneaker/attire. I was impress by the sneaker fitting I received and I learned things I did not know, because I have been doing to the big box stores. Here are some tips Ann Marie at Fleet Feet provided:
Proper Sneaker Fitting:
- Have feet measured without socks (what you measured at 12 years old is probably not your current measurement.)
- Have your foot measured in resting(sitting positions) and standing.
- The Running store personnel should understand how you walk- (IE have you walk so they can see how your ball and heel hit and roll off the floor. Then they can recommend a shoe that is designed for your foots needs.
- Where design/color is nice a running/walking shoe should be about fit and support 1st, so that you get proper performance.
- In an athletic shoes it is better to go up a 1/2 size and have room (So mine sneakers are a 11 1/2 argh but it is about being the right shoe and not the size)
- What does a good fitting sneaker feel like: “Heal should be supported, arch should be wrapped like a glove and your toes should be able to play a piano” Per AnnMarie
- Fleet Feet Sports North Whales is nice because they allow you to actually run in the shoes outside, to insure comfort and fit.
- If you are serious about a sport you should be serious about the shoes.
- Also a good running store will take back the product at any point if you are not satisfied. That is the philosophy AnnMarie and her team have.
Ann Marie’s other Key advice : If you buy a good sneaker be sure to have a great sports bra just as important (but that is a separate post)

The training program I begin in a few weeks I am really excited, of course I will continue to walk.
So how did I do this week?
Fitness Week:
- Monday: Walk and run
- Tues : Walked and Run
- Wed: Walk and Run
- Thursday/ Friday: I have been fighting a cold so I actually stayed in bed, I am trying to get out later today. We will see.
Weight Loss:
- Started 271 Jan
- Last week 265 This week 264 -1
I am excited for next week if I can kick this cold I would feel better.
So how is your week going?
Disclosure: I was provided running gear from Fleet Feet North Wales, but all opinions in this post are of my own.