Strong Moms Empower Summit I know that their has been some controversy about the Strong Moms campaign being sponsored or created by Simalac. But the Message which is being said is important regardless to who is speaking. We need to stop beating an judging other mothers. Now I have to put aside my feeling about to breastfeed or not to breastfeed, or somewhere in the middle. Because that is every mothers choice and I am not to make the choice for another women. It is her child and her baby. Not mine.
The message was we as mother have to stop judging other mothers, because their choice is their choice… period. I agree what might work for me might not work for someone else. So who am I to judge another mother. Regardless, to who is started or pays for the conversation about mom judgement, we are all smart enough to have a conversations and express out ideas or thoughts regardless to who foots the bill.
So what was the conversation about at the Strong Moms Empower summit???
Here are some of the tweets coming out during the summit:
Susan Pazera @MacKidSuze “When you don’t have confidence in yourself you are more likely to be critical of others” via @micheleborba
nicole feliciano @momtrends Walk for a moment in her shoes before you judge. We never know the background story #wisdom from @DanielleSmithTV
Melissa Angert @MelissaAngert Children react – both positively and negatively – to parents emotions, facial expressions, tone of voice. @TheKidsDoctor
Ellen Seidman @LoveThatMax “There is no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good one.”
Monica Marino @MarinoBambinos Inspiration via @micheleborba on mothering/judgement: it’s not the stuff we do as mothers that matters, it’s who we are.
Jennifer McCullar @lifesandcastle I Might Parent Differently Than You – But That Doesn’t Mean I’m Wrong
Sarah @ ActivityHero @ActivityHero @DanielleSmithTV Agreed! Motherhood should bring us together, not tear us apart. We’re all in this together!
Chantal Onelien @conelien8181 @themoms left the #StrongMomsEmpower summit feeling unstoppable as a woman and as a mother! Thank you for that!
So I think Chantal statement shows how talking no matter who brings us together is what is really important so lets support each other.
I will be straight with you. Simlac was mentioned as the sponsor at the once at the start of the conversation and once thanks them for sponsoring in the end. (no reference to breastfeed or not to breastfeeding.) There was no formula laid out in samples or anything mentioned. So was the discussion valid yes, do we judge as mothers and can we take simple steps to stop the cycle. Yes, so lets keep talking and see what change can happen.
Disclosure: I was not paid for this post I did receive lunch and a bracelet form BaubleBar (which is too small for me) at this lunch. The Opinions in this post are my own.