Category Archives: sponsored posts

Samsung Appliances at Best Buy Make the Holidays Prepping Easy



The next two months are going to be busy as we all start prepping for the holidays.  When you start planing to cook you favorite dishes,  like my families top choice mac and cheese.   What can make these holidays super easy?   Samsung has a plan to help every domestic cooking holiday a success.  The wonderful new appliances from Samsung at Best Buy can help to enhance your holiday prepping time for entertainment family and prep for the holidays

The Samsung refrigerator is a  four-door family hub that features a shopping list.  Through the wifi the refrigeration can share your grocery list, and you  just peek inside your food fridge from anywhere you are connected. Just think sitting in your car,  you can see with the kids of polished off luncheon meat or even finished all the milk.  The Samsung Refrigerator can scan foods  expiration date so you know when that yogurts going to go bad or the eggs might be questionable. No more does this milk smell bad or this taste funny ? Talk about making the holidays easy and saving on precious  time during a crazy holiday schedule.

One of the other great features that is available in the Samsung’s products Oven Range with Wi-Fi connectivity. Remotely you can monitor your oven to make sure you have the perfect roast for the holidays. While you’re out running around picking up those last minute gifts,  you can turn on your oven on your way home from the store so it’s perfectly preheated, cutting your cooking prep time down. Adjusting your temperature from your smart phone allows you to have complete flexibility in your kitchen.

For me this is a real time saver for me because I always try to remind the kids to turn on for me before I get home from work. In my case the kids always turn on the wrong oven or set the incorrect time, no more delays in dinner.  This is a great feature on Samsung Microwave Combination wall oven with Flex Duo, giving me time to relax and less time in the kitchen.

I can’t decide which is my favorite of the new Samsung appliances at Best Buy the refrigerator or the range?  I’ll just have to get both. Right now at Best Buy they are offering an unbelievable price on Samsung appliances. 10% off when you buy four or more kitchen appliances.Be sure to check Samsung appliances at Best Buy out and have a great holiday.

What are you planning to make this holiday ?

The reviewer has been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free

Macys Holiday Fun

“This post is sponsored by Everywhere Agency on behalf of Macy’s; however, all thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.“

Image result for macys

I love the holidays.  It is a time of family fun, crafting, and shopping.  This weekend come visit Macy’s Lehigh Valley for some holiday fun with Macy’s! Macys will have great holiday holiday music and a DIY station to help make your home sparkle this holiday season!

Visit to learn more!

  • Macy’s
  • Lehigh Valley in Whitehall, PA
  • Saturday, December 3, 2016
  • Event is free

Join us for an afternoon of holiday cheer! Shimmy to Santa-rific tunes and get crafty with a DIY station. Take our Naughty or Nice quiz and receive a $10 Macy’s gift card!* Plus, with any $35 Holiday Lane purchase, you’ll receive a glittering gift!** For more information, visit


LG ProBake Double Oven for the Holidays

The reviewer has been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free

ProBake Convection™ – Baked to Perfection on Every Rack, Every Time

The holidays are coming and I am feeling the need to bake.   Thanksgiving being the food holiday my tired old oven is a real concerned .  I would love to have the option of the ProBake Convection™ in my home.  This oven bakes to perfection every time.  Un like my current oven that anything on the bottom rack well lets say it is less than perfection.  I love the ProBake Convection™  – Baked to Perfection on Every Rack, Every Time.  The idea of my kitchen having a professionals style of cooking makes me giddy.  Inspired by pro-style ranges, this LG range moved the heating element from the bottom of the oven to the back wall for optimal heat distribution.  Enjoy consistent browning on top and bottom – with every cookie baked to perfection with LG’s ProBake Convection ranges.


ProBake Double Oven available at Best Buy for our Prep for the Holiday
ProBake Double Oven available at Best Buy for our Prep for the Holiday


The other major holiday concern is cleaning my oven.  My current oven takes 5 hours and a temperature of over 500 degrees heating up the house and causing me to open up the windows. EasyClean® –  LG’s ProBake Convection ranges feature LG’s EasyClean®:  3 Steps. 10 minutes. 1 spotless oven.  In three easy steps and 10 quick minutes your oven can be sparkling clean, without strong chemical fumes or high heat with LG’s Easy Clean.  I love the cleaning of the LG oven because I also wont be wasting heat by having my windows open int he cold weather.  It helps with those heating bills that is a win win great food, easy clean, and saving money.

LG’s ProBake Convection ranges feature LG’s EasyClean®, get a clean oven in just 10 minute
LG’s ProBake Convection ranges feature LG’s EasyClean®, get a clean oven in just 10 minute


Here is another way to save money with this oven and BestBuy.  Kitchen Bundle Rebate through 10/29, where consumers receive a Visa Gift Card valued up to $400 with purchase of a 4 piece Kitchen Package  &  Receive 5x reward points with your Best Buy account on any ProBake Range purchase from 9/28 – 10/29.  This can also be stacked with the kitchen bundle rebate mentioned above.












The Car Kids and Moms Love !! Chrysler Pacifikids

This blog post was sponsored by FCA US, LLC but the opinions are completely  my own based on my experience.

Chrysler Pacifikids

We take road trip a lot of road trip so what we drive is important. I love a exploring a new car and my kids are a huge part of my process.  I was recently asked to learn more about the Chrysler Pacifica with the Chrysler Pacifikids.  My daughter and I watched the videos on started to fall in love with all the options.  With a daughter who loves the detail and a son who is tall techie.  The Chrysler Pacifikids videos showed what we needed as a family.

The All-New 2017 Chrysler Pacifica  is the Ultimate Tool for the Modern Family. The Pacifica provides  unparalleled versatility, innovative entertainment & technology features, and unsurpassed safety  features – attributes valued by families to meet the demand of their chaotic and active lifestyles.
Features and my “mom” comments
1. The Quietest vehicle in its class-  I could hide in the Pacifica for quite “mommy” time
2. Stow n’ Go seating Yes because our vehicles have to transform to fit the dogs!
a. With an assist feature-  I am always in need of assistance
3. Stow n’ Vac This integrated vacuum reaches every corner of the van!-  Did I mention I have Kids and Dogs!!
4. Lift Gate-  I never have enough hands
5. uConnect Theater System-  A built in theater sign me up
a. Two 10” touchscreens that provide integrated kids game Apps, an ‘Are We There
Yet’ trip tracker, wireless streaming, HDMI, Bluetooth, USB and Blu-Ray connectivity – My son is a Techie and the best way to avoid car fights is internet access.
6. 8 Passenger Seating-  I car pools are my game and Mom is my name
7. Hybrid & MPG Efficiency It’s the world’s first and only Hybrid Minivan with 80 MPG!  We are are leaving out world to our kids!!
8. Stow Assist-
9. Tri-Pane Panoramic Sunroof-  Because Nom does like to see the sun and who doe not need vitamin D –
10. Hands Free Sliding Doors-  Did I mention I never have enough hands?
11. Handsfree ‘Just Swipe Your Foot’ lift gate
12. Easy Tilt Seats for 3rd row access –
13. Adaptive Cruise Control with Stop- This is a great feature because one never gets distracted when driving with kid?
14. 360 Surround View Camera- Because I never ran over a toy behind a car  maybe only once or twice
15. Parallel, Perpendicular & Rear Park Assist I never did learn how to parallel park
16. Blind Spot Warning with Rear Cross Path Detection- Awesome!
17. Forward Collision Warning with Brake Assist- Ok I night have a habit of the late break with the Mom cross body block arm
18. Lane Departure Warning with Lane Keep Assist- Drifting who me??
19. 20” wheels- Rolling with my Homies !
20. Rotary Style E-Shift

So you want to try out the Chrysler Pacifica try the Test Drive Experience Field Trips are the new Test Drive. Going to the dealership is not the highlight of everyone’s day.  And when it comes to test drives, who really has the time for that anyway?

The Pacifikids know something that everyone likes, and that’s going on a field trip.   But, in order to go on a field trip, you need a permission slip! Anyone can fill out theirs at the  Pacifikids  website click here >>>  , where submitting it is easy as 1-2-3.

The Pacifikids will read every submission and choose their favorite ideas and 3 lucky families
will win their field trip experience with the All-New Chrysler Pacifica!

For your chance to  Win!  Win a Field Trip Experience – Starting October 10 through October 26 consumers can visit site and apply to win a field trip with the Pacifica.

Then want to Win a 2017 Chrysler Pacifica – from November 12-18, vote for your favorite Pacifikids field trip
and you’ll be entered for a chance to win a free Pacifica!





3D Coin Art and Giveaway

Disclosure: I was asked to review this puzzle as compensation and sponsored review

coin art

Getting the kids to put down the tech.  Try a 3d coin puzzle filled with money.  What teen would not love it.  That It’s a puzzle! It’s a bank!   It’s a model that you build with spare change! Introducing 3D Coin Art™ by New York City-based NSI International Inc. – an innovative way to create amazing 3D works of art out of coins.

3d coin puzzle

We took it out of box,  all the parts are well labeled and easy  to use.  The Hardest part was taking apart the cover which holds the coins in the puzzle.  The coins are encased in plastic. Creating the 3d puzzle takes time to line up the coins.  Which is great when you are entertaining  busy kids. I also think if you washed the penny of coins it would really sparkle.

Also the kids have to make decisions tails or heads up my son was getting really creative by alternation the dimes.

3d coin puzzle

New York City-based NSI International Inc.  Has a variety of different Coin Art they offer also a empire state building.   Which makes great gifts for everyone,  if you know someone who likes to show there American Pride – like a veteran or solder 3d coin United States flag puzzle would be a great present. because who does not love coins and money.



So how would you like to win one?  Be sure to enter on the rafflecopter form below.  for your chance for your family to enjoy.




13 Great Ideas to Getting kids eating Veggies #SeetheLite

13 Great Ideas to getting kids eating Veggies #seethelite

13 Great Ideas to get your kids eating veggies #See the Lite with LiteHouse Dressings:   Recently I was invited to dinner with Litehouse Foods to learn about the befits of using a fresh Litehouse dressing in your menu plan.   The dinner was held at ELA in Philly, It is hosted by a local dietitian Dr Janet Brill  with live cooking demo’s and recipes using Litehouse Food products.  I really enjoyed the evening, our discussion on health ideas for kids was my favorite part of the evening so I have to share:

13 Great Ideas to getting kids eating veggies:


  1. Have kids go to the store with you and identify the produce,  let then touch and smell.
  2. While at the store tell the child to pick something (choose by color) to try when they get home-then cook with them
  3. Make food fun-  great shapes use a cookie cutter or pairing knife to cut cool shapes –  I like a cucumber cupsradish rose  or carrots into a heart  
  4. Kale chips turning veggies into a crunch snack
  5. Try fun size veggies lite the little pepper sweet, fingerling potatoes, or purple broccoli
  6. Have kids cook with you.
  7. Try roasting veggies it tends to soften strong flavor, or combined with a honey or maple flavors (works great with Brussels sprouts)
  8. Come up with fun clever names Broccoli are “Trees”  you eat like a Dinosaur or Eat “Alien Brains (Brussels sprouts) or “Spears”of asparagus
  9. Lead by example if you eat veggies the children will too
  10. Institute a 3 bite rule  1- try, 1 bite to taste, 1 to decide (this is a stable in our home)
  11. Grow your own veggies and fruit- nothing is better then picking a grape or cherry tomato fresh of the vine
  12. Try offering a dip for your kids to dip in like fresh Litehouse ranch
  13. Teach them also that veggies can also create color like a beet, spinach,  or a watermelon, or a potato stamp, corn art in the fall..Art projects with food the more they play with food the more likely they are to try them.

What are some of your tips to get the kids to eat Veggies?

It was a great evening.  I loved learning about healthy eating and Litehouse Family owned bussiness.  They Litehouse taught us tips and tricks like cutting down on your calorie intake by mixing Olive Oil with a salad Litehouse fresh dressing to use less dressing and also get the benefits of olive oil a good cholesterol in your diet.  All great things to pass on to our children.


Seet the Lite 12 ways to get kids to eaat their veggies.

I love Litehouse the fresh dressing that needs to be refrigerated before and after opening , lets me know Litehouse is a great health dressing with less preservatives.   If I am taking the time to cook with the freshest ingredients shouldn’t’ my dressing be as fresh as the other ingredients I am feeding my family?

Check out this Kale salad  the Litehouse site has amazing fresh recipes for your entire family.




Thank you to Litehouse it was a fun evening Disclosure : I received dinner and gift-bag/gift card in exchange for this post.

To check out my post on cucumber cups :

cucumber cups














5 Disaster Tips for Pet Owners

5 Disaster Tips for Pet Owners

Anyone who knows me knows I adore my dogs they are family to us.   Both Lloyd my Doberman and Grundy my bulldog are a huge part of our house hold.  They determine many things from weekend get-aways length we stay because they might destroy my home. Whom will be able to stay with my babies when we are gone,  also the fact I only own leather furniture because I like them to join me sitting on the couch.  The thought of a natural disaster displacing part of my family away from us makes me very anxious.  Purina asked me to participate in a goggle talk recently which I was compensated for in exchange for this post .  The purpose of the talk was to learn more about  Disaster Tips for Pet Owners.

The talk was fascinating because as a pet owner I never think about “A Plan” for my pets. Think about it??  What would you do if something major happens? You worry and know what you will do with your children.  What about your furry babies?  Purina helps respond to natural disasters in the United States that seriously disrupt the functioning of communities causing animals harm and distress. In the United States in 2015 Purina donated $31.5 million worth of pet food, pet supplies and monetary contributions to pet-related charities and other community organizations across the country.  For more information please visit

What did I learn from the Disaster Pet  talk ?

Dr. Kurt Venator, Purina Veterinarian was the leader of the talk answering  all our questions.

1st Basic things,  I would not think about like that wet pet food is better then dry to keep in a pet disaster kit because it is more stable and not subjected going spoiled if the can gets wet.  He also informed us that you should have an extra collar and leash, just in case.   It is imported to  keep an extra set of the animals records in the pet disaster kit and in your important papers.

Do you know what local hotels with in a 2 hour radius would take your animal, how about if local shelters can they help you if your dog was not able to come with.. good questions I never thought about.

I loved the idea that I don’t know if many people with cats think of:  Try leaving your cat carrier out so that your cats get use to going in the Cat carrier on a regularly basis.. My old cat hated the carrier and cried every-time he went it to the vet.  Having a cat use to the carrier daily can cut down on the animals anxiety about being transported.

The Dr also addressed my concern with a bulldog.  Most can’t swim English Bulldogs are top heavy so a life jacket for your dog can also be important if you are in a flood prone or water area.




5 Disaster Tips for Pet Owners

  1. Know the common natural disasters that can occur: Though pet owners should try to be prepared for all types of emergencies if possible, depending on which U.S. region you reside in, there are certain natural disasters that are more common than others. For example, hurricanes and cyclones are more likely to occur if you live near the Gulf of Mexico or Atlantic Coast, and tornadoes mainly hit areas like Kansas or Iowa in the Midwest. The West coast typically experiences wildfires and flash flooding can take place in certain areas across the U.S. – such as the Southwest – after large storms. If you live in a region where hurricanes are common, it’s important to understand the elevation level of your property and whether it is prone to floods. This will help you understand how your property will be affected when a hurricane hits and can help you prepare a plan in advance for your pets.
  2. Prep your home and pet: The first step to preparing your pet for a natural disaster is to make sure that he or she is wearing a securely fastened collar with up-to-date identification in case you become separated during a natural disaster. Pet owners can consider having their pet microchipped to assure that the pet can be identified and found via an electronic device as well. To prepare your home for natural disasters, talk to your local veterinarian who can provide waterproof, “Pets Inside” stickers that you can place on the front and back door of your house to alert rescuers that there are pets inside your home. In the case of a hurricane, try to cover all of your windows with permanent storm shutters or marine plywood and keep your pet away from them while the hurricane is passing through.
  3. Prepare a disaster kit: Your pet disaster kit should include basic pet essentials such as bottled water, cans of wet food, blankets, collapsible bowls, cat litter and pan, and a leash and collar. A one-to-two-week supply of food that your pet usually eats is an ideal amount to include in your disaster kit, however make sure to replace the food according to the expiration dates. Have photos of your pet on-hand in case you need to distribute pictures if your pet gets lost and make sure to include any important paperwork pertaining to your pet (e.g. vaccine records/medical history, veterinary contact information, medications list and emergency contacts). Finally, be sure to include a basic pet first-aid kit in your disaster kit.
  4. Develop an evacuation plan: Do your research and save precious evacuation time by identifying possible locations where you can take your animals should you have to evacuate. These locations can include animal shelters, veterinary clinics or even pet-friendly hotels where you and your pet can find relief until the disaster passes. Keeping your dog’s medical records on-hand is vital since some pet-friendly emergency relief centers require proof of vaccinations in order for your pet to stay there.
  5. Recruit friends and neighbors: It’s also important to consider creating a buddy system with your neighbor, family or friend who can look out for your pet in case you are not home when a disaster strikes. Add this person to your veterinarian’s emergency contact list of people who have authority to approve necessary emergency treatments if you can’t be reached. Also, identify places where you can leave your pet while you are out of town to avoid leaving your pet alone. Always let your pet sitter and back-up person know where your pet’s disaster kit is stored in case of an emergency.

Be sure to pin this post  to Pinterest so you can refer to it when you build your Pet Disaster kit!


5 Disaster Tips for Pet Owners

Disclosure: I was compensated for this post by Purina. My opinion are my own and I am sharing information that I feel is important.



Perfect for Dad Samsung Gear VR

The reviewer has been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free

Fathers day is here and there is still time to get day the perfect gift for his special day.  Mobile virtual reality has finally arrived. Be at the center of exciting games, watch the best of Hollywood in your own private cinema, socialize with friends, and so much more. The Samsung Gear VR drops you right in the action — and it’s only from Samsung and Oculus.Gear VR.

Samsung Mobile June

Father’s Day Gifting.  Perfect Timing, Great Gift!  Check out these great offers.

a.       Free Samsung Gear VR, plus $50 of Virtual Reality content with purchase, or lease, and activation of select Samsung Smartphones

b.      Offer is good 6/5-6/18 online or in Best Buy stores

Samsung Mobile Gear VR

I cant wait to get my husbands one of the Samsung Mobile Gear VR  he would love playing in his world with it.

Neutrogena Sunscreen MimicMommy and Win Giveaway

This post was sponsored by Neutrogena as part of an influencer activation for The Motherhood. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions (FTC) guidelines concerning the use of endorsements and testimonials in advertising. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review

neutrogena sunscreen skin cancer protection,mimicmommy choosehealthyskin

Neutrogena Sunscreen MimicMommy and Win Giveaway:  Skincare and protecting your skin is so important.  My family is my top priority like many moms. Teaching my children to care for themselves is an important because you cant replace it, your skin is no exception.  In our family we burn easily and studies have shown one or two bad burns can increase your chances by 40%.  All my life I have burned every time I go in the sun for any length of time.. If I walk into the sun for 20 minutes I will burn,  my husband thinks my burn factor is hysterical, for me it is no joke.

neutrogena sunscreen skin cancer protection,mimicmommy choosehealthyskin

Finally as a mom, I have learned the power of a great sunscreen to allow me to really enjoy the summer and outdoors.  I use a sunscreen every day all year because  Apply often and apply regularly. A true life lesson I am teaching my kids,  apply or pay the price, of being miserable with a burn.

neutrogena sunscreen skin cancer protection,mimicmommy choosehealthyskin

Therefore teaching my kids a respect for the sun is very important.  My daughter has been taught about the importance of sunscreen in school, I love the idea that school is teaching what we have taught at home.  I feel it is really important to teach the benefits of sunscreen at home by watching me use sunscreen daily.   I apply  a sunscreen every day,  because sun damages the skin.  I use it because I want to stay young looking into my later years, plus  avoiding skin cancer is also a benefit.. because health is just as important as my vanity.. lol.. Neutrogena is my top pick to use to protect my family.

neutrogena sunscreen skin cancer protection,mimicmommy choosehealthyskin

I recently watched Kristen Bell have “The Talk” check out her revision of “The talk”

I was so inspired I had “The Talk with my daughter.. who normally is a very good at using the  correct amount of sunscreen.

Check out these great products :

healthy skin sun screen care

Neutrogena Sunscreen MimicMommy and Win Giveaway !!

Here is our giveaway of these great Neutrogena Products

Three winners (within the U.S.) via a social media contest with the following products:

For Moms:

  • Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Face + Body Stick Sunscreen Broad Spectrum SPF 70 (Kristen Bell’s Favorite)
  • Neutrogena CoolDry Sport Sunscreen Stick Broad Spectrum SPF 50+

For Kids:

  • Neutrogena Wet Skin Kids Sunscreen Spray Broad Spectrum SPF 70+ (Kristen Bell’s Favorite)
  • Neutrogena Pure & Free Baby Sunscreen Lotion Broad Spectrum SPF 60+


Share how you talk to your kids about sun protection. Share photos or videos of you and your children applying sunscreen together


24 hour Giveaway


starts Today 6/22 10:00pm ends 6/23  10:00pm


Want to win leave a comment below to enter- “Why you go into the sun? “



extra entry if you tweet: Want to win @Neutrogena Share your children applying sunscreen together Tag #MimicMommy 



Choose Skin Health Hub Page:

Neutrogena Facebook:

Neutrogena Twitter:

Neutrogena Instagram:

neutrogena sunscreen skin cancer protection,mimicmommy choosehealthyskin














TV has come a long way… VIZIO SmartCast

The reviewer has been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free.


Introducing the all-new VIZIO SmartCast™ P-Series™ Ultra HD HDR Home Theater Display™, the first 4K ultra HD display to feature High Dynamic Range with Dolby Vision, Ultra Color Spectrum, Google Cast™ built-in, with a powerful 6” Android™ Tablet Remote included.

Includes a powerful 6” Android™ tablet remote preinstalled with the ingenious  that lets you browse content by genre across multiple apps all at once, what you love won’t change, but how you experience it will never be the same again.

The P-Series™ features High Dynamic Range with Dolby Vision content support and Ultra Color Spectrum for a dramatically different visual experience with astonishing brightness, radiant contrast, and captivating color. Full-Array LED backlighting and up to 128 Active LED Zones™ deliver exceptional light uniformity and deeper, richer black levels.

The included 6” Android™ tablet remote, preinstalled with the VIZIO SmartCast app, puts you in control of your entertainment like never before with simple tap, swipe and voice-based commands. Browse movies, TV shows, music and even Live TV* by genre across multiple apps all at once on the VIZIO SmartCast™ app, then tap to play your show onto the P-Series™’ stunning display.

And with Google Cast built-in, you can cast from thousands of Google Cast-enabled apps that you already know and love, like YouTube and Netflix. Sports and action fans will appreciate the powerful image processing of the P-Series™ with up to Clear Action™ 960 that combines a blazing 240Hz effective refresh rate achieved with backlight scanning for sharper detail in fast action scenes. With all of this and more on display, the P-Series™ is a whole new way to watch.

What you love won’t change, but how you experience it will never be the same again.