15 ways to be a Good Husband


In honor of  Valentines Day  here are 15 ways I love my husband.

Some simple things that make me love Mr Babypop more:

  1. He lets me have the Andes candy’s when we are at Olive Garden
  2. He lets me get in the shower first so I have hot water
  3. He goes out and starts the car to warm it up for me when I go to the post office
  4. He tells me very day how much he is attracted to me after 18 years
  5. He does not like to watch sports
  6. He gives me the comfy chair and remote  a least once a night
  7. He gives me the good pillow
  8. He does the laundry he knows that undergarments do not go in the dyer
  9. He puts up with my over tweeting and never complains
  10. When  I choose a paint color then he goes to the store get the paint and goes lighter because I always choose too dark
  11. He loves seafood bisque and understands when I need more than one bowl
  12. His eyes smile
  13. He knows I like an Italian Hogie with extra mayo
  14. He has turned the car around to head back to the house so I can get my sun glasses no questions asked.
  15. He is the most amazing man I know is makes me smile  every day.  I am glad to call him my best friend.

Give me one reason you love your partner  for the little things?

Loss of Manners: Rude Parents = Rude Kids

waiting for an easter eggWhat has happen to decorum and manners with people? Today I was talking to a friend of mine, who said she was a at a Mirada Cosgrove concert last night. She took her daughter to get an autograph, while do so it became a push-fest. One mom even went to as far as telling 6 little girls to merge in the middle of the line “Sweets you just merge. This is how it is done.”

I take you back to a year ago during my towns Easter egg hunt. I watched in horror as parents of 2-4 years ran with kids to pick up eggs. Pushing my daughter down on the ground to get the coveted plastic pink egg filled with a tootsie roll. Really.

I too have been lacking at times, while at the post office my children walk up to the counter “Can I please have a piece of candy.” Diane a mature women, reminded my children to ask “How was your day Miss Diane.” Wait for her response, then offer she would offer them candy. Now every time they are much more polite and wait for it to be offered , I am thankful the lesson for the kids. It takes a village.

There is slight glimmers of hope but, the world has gone insane teaching our children that rudeness and lack of decorum is acceptable. The number of times people don’t hold a door, say please/thank you’s, or even the sales person who does not say thank you for your purchase. The joy of human interaction, making someone smile, or being thoughtful others is becoming lost art.

I challenge you to do one of the following and lead by Example of Good Manners:

  1. Hold a door
  2. Let someone cut in front of you in line at the store when you have a full cart Say
  3. Hi to a stranger and tell them to have a good day
  4. Stop if you see a someone broken down at the side of the road who is clearly struggling
  5. When you says something don’t just give lip service say it with sincerity
  6. Allow a car to merge in front of you
  7. Rush less Be considerate
  8. Tell someone if there pant fly is down
  9. Tip properly and treat service people with dignity
  10. Do not talk on cell phones inappropriate places.
  11. Offer to get a drink or coffee for a coworker or spouse (even better a stranger)
  12. Write a thank you note
  13. Leave a comment on someone’s blog(we really like to hear)
  14. Tell someone they look great even if it is a strangers. (make their day)
  15. Please and thank you
  16. Smile

Let me know what you do to instill manners?

Top 10 reasons to not be a Football Widow

I am happy to say that I am not a football widow and proud:

  1. I do not watch 10 hours of games on the weekend, because life is lead by leaving the house.
  2. I do not have countless football team football paraphernalia in my house. I prefer to choose the color scheme of my home and why should a team set up 40 years ago make my color choices- I am talking to you Redskins (goldenrod and burgundy)?
  3. I do not own a any beer cozies,beers should be cold not cozy?
  4. I do not have to schedule my weekends around men running around in tight pants, the only tight pants will be worn by me.
  5. I am not a cheese head because food and hair don’t mix
  6. I am proud to not be a partial owner of a 1/2 seat at the stadium for the cost of a 1st year in college for my 1st born.
  7. I am happy to say I have never cook from the tailgate of my car.  Why would I have a perfectly good stove at home, plus exhaust is not a condiment.
  8. I do not idolize puppy killing people, so tired of hear about him I live in philly
  9. I have never had player trades wrecked my day, Because I don’t care where they live.
  10. I have never stayed up for a  fantasy football draft,  my fantasies are left for the bedroom.

That makes my husband AWESOME!!! Thanks Honey

Are you one? if so I am sorry:(

GPS the other Women

garmin on dashboard at night

This year for Christmas  ask for a GPS.  S o last night my husband and I went for a drive we used the GPS to get home.

the conversation:

The gps in the female voice ” Continue on route”

time lapses

My husband inquires ” Is  the volume off?” referring to the GPS

Me” She doesn’t talk if you are heading straight”

him: “Really are you sure it is not off?”

Me “Yes I am sure, she does not always talk… why you like to hear her talk?  Maybe they can make her so She talks to keep you company,  that way when you drive long distance she would keep you awake babbling  away.”  ” I continue”  It would be great for random chatter to keep you going.”

Him  ” Yea that would be great for whom?  men or women?” he thinks quickly..” I already have you for that honey,  I don’t need her”

I smile in the dark of the car  Good to know my husband will never cheat on my with the GPS..

So does the GPS spawn any interesting conversation in your house?

Happiness is Dancing


So my friend sent me this link of from the British version of “Got To Dance” a video of  Bridget aka “Happiness” doing Scatman.  His comment was I did know if this was sad or funny.  I actually watched it and thought amazing!   The Happiness is smiling and joyously dancing.

I read the comments under various YouTube videos for he performance and I was bother by the cruelness of people.  Yes it was Happiness choice to put herself out there is different than a choice most of us would have made.  But is that not the beauty of her performance.  The No fear aspect of it.  Those who poke fun and put down this women are bullies.  We tell our children not to bully but yet as adults we do and it is wrong.

I remind you of how many time have you been alone in a car and blast your favorite song and sung or been home blasted the music and dance in your underwear al-la Tom Cruse  style. Happiness should be celebrated and toasted for spirited freeing Scatman.

How wonderful that this women is confident to follow her dreams.   You never know until you try.

Bravo Happiness Bravo!

Snow and Chalk on Pavement

My kids foretold their hope for this winter as we are snowed in..These snowy  days I feel Like I get nothing done.  I have a hard time focusing on capes and just want to play all day which will cause problems later.  Ok so we are not “snowed in”… just to lazy to shovel and since we don’t have sidewalks, work at home,  and 4wheel drive vehicles it is not that much of an issue.   I wanted to share the sunny day drawings  and  my pictures of today in he snow have I mentioned I love my new D3100..   Happy Snow Day!

Then they thought of sunshine
happy for todays snow
Happy for snow days

The loss of a pet is real

I got a call this week from my college room-mate G. She is single, no children.  G had to put her young dog “Kashi”  down due to heart failure.  Her baby Kashi a border collie mix was  adopted 3 years ago .  When I spoke with G,  she said I know I can ‘t image how people who lose children feel.   She told me how sad she is.  My heart broke for her.

I wept for G remembering the loss of my babies.  Mona, Stirfry, and my beloved Hershey.  Earlier December  G and I had a discussion when an animal is sick, humans take heroic measures when it is just putting the animal through pain. I know this because of my choice to save Hershey leg after he was hit by a car.  He went through a year of 4 surgery’s and still never used the leg, and only to have the screws back out over time.    Hershey would have been happier without the limb and would have not suffered.  During this discussion I told G if I had to do it all over again, I would take the leg because I did it for me and not for the best interest of Hershey.  So when Hershey finial ready to pass, I could not let him suffer and I put him down, rather than suffer.

G told me she called because she knew I would understand.   Which I do Kashi was her pack.  People don’t always understand the bond someone has with animal especial when they do have children.   But G bond is really and she is grieving.  When Hershey passed I cried and he was an old dog.  I still find myself looking for him and there is time I get sad. My advice to G was the advice someone gave me take the time grieve, take the months required to heal do not run out and get another dog because no dog can replace Kashi.

So I ask the next time someone you know loses a furry family member please be respectful and remember they are grieving.
Have you lost a furry friend?

My Lego Life

Lego Prince of Persia

This Christmas season has been a lego filled. My 9yrold is all about building and creating he got a set ans had the $60+ set build with in a few hours.  He keeps them together for a few months they they fall apart and he makes something new. He never gets sad they don’t’ stay together,  he says it is so much fun to create.

It seams as my life is made up of many pieces like lego and they fit together.  Then the pieces get mixed up and make something different constantly reinventing themselves.  I love how my son can take all the prices and build something then the next day it is a spaceship.  I hope that my children can always learn that life will always ask to be rebuilt and they must be willing to create.    May the new year bring change and creativity.

boy playing with legos

And then a Relaxing Day

martha stewarts snowball ornaments

So today was my relaxing day.. nothing to do. After Halloween and Christmas I wait all year for this day.   So I am done shipping all my superhero cape orders and I have 4 days till Christmas.  My gift are all purchase not wrapped.  My day of rest has come…. it is Tuesday after my last day of shipping.

7:55 me sleeping

7:56 awaken By my husband (Mr. Superexhausted) quietly yelling to get the kids up

7:59- 8:45 Mr. Superexhausted  got the kids up and off to school by 8:50 (strong voice urging them along)

8:53: Mr. SuperExhausted  yelling “Boy you better find those shoes and get out the door!”

8:55 door slam

8:59 falling back to sleep

10:30 awaken by a phone call the person on the other line.

10:31 Person  on phone” Are you sick.”

10:32: Me: ” No I was resting,”  think why did i not turn ringer off

10:33-10:42 We talk for a while I realize I am up and it is time to get up.

10:45 I take a shower.

10:46-10:55 Taking a  long relaxing with hot water shower-  It has been several years since, I have had a hot shower,  I am always last one in and I realize how much I like hot showers. (I know other mothers can relate- whether it is food , showers or the last cookie…it has been a while)

10: 59 have to make a decision between jeans or clean Pjs?   Since it is the day I think I should be comfy and opt for the PJs

11:21 Sit with food in front of TV to eat because there is no one around,  so I don’t have to do the “right thing” and eat in the Kitchen.

11:23- 11:55  watch cooking show thinking it was making me hungry…  surfing  (with the remote i never hold) to DIY shows…feeling lazy  realize I need to do something

11:56 Idea: Christmas cards

side note : Last year I sent New Years cards since I did not have the time to finish them because of my before mentioned superhero business.

During  this Thanksgiving: a comment was said  to another .. in front of me ” You can be like Sherry,  and send New Years cards”

hence my dilemma

12:01 Computer open on Snapfish making cards to print to walgreens.

12:31 Finish cards- included pictures of kids, dog and Santa.. Same pictures I posted to Facebook but no one will notice since they are Black and White (no one every really looks at kids pictures on Facebook)

12:32 counting received cards this year  and matching against last years list to see who can be cut from last years 75 card list.

12:38 order 60 cards-  sorry friends that I have not heard from in 5 years, those who worked with my husband in Florida,  and  HS friends that I never hear from even at Christmas. bye bye from the list..see you on facebook.

12:43 surfing watching mindless TV.   Do you know Soap Operas  are still on?

12:50 Decide I need to work on the ornaments  I started last night with kids.

12:55-1:42 making the Martha Stewart Snowball ornaments glitter and all

1:43 cleaning glitter  up

1:59 still cleaning glitter- realize I hate glitter

2:01 it occurs to me  have a last minute package that has to be dropped at the post office

2:03-2:10 Packing labeling

2:17 Wondering if PJs are good mid day attire at the Post office?

2:20 Take off slippers, Pj , comfy socks trade in for jeans and boots- I hate Jeans-

2:32 heading towards post office(not the one I frequent) , lady at the PO not so trilled with the holiday season.  Me thinking it is almost over be cheerful lady, this is my happy day.

2:35 Bonus : No Line so I buy stamps and mail packages give a cheerful good bye and I am on my way (noting to self this is the reason I don’t frequent this office)

2:40 head to Walgreen and pick up cards Bonus again no line

2:43 Walk around Walgreens looking decide to or not to buy assorted  gift cards- $5.00 fee is steep

2:46 Wondering why that teenage boy  is looking at the back massagers.

2:56 Walking past the same teenager looking at back massage and tell him “it is not a good gift for his mother”

3:01  Thinking that the back massager might be a good gift for my mother.

3:24 Rush home to meet the kids after school

3:55 start assembling cards trying to con  5 year old in to doing return labels

4:01 5 year old starts return labels

4:06 5 year old gives up, me doing return labels

4:12 Get 9 year old to do stamps.  Because he can  be trusted not to use the stamps as stickers

4;16 stuffing cards in envelopes

4:17 realize return labels are upside down on envelopes- Tell  the 9yr  boy,  5yr  did them upside down and go with it.

4:18 fretting over cards (thinking Great! now it looks like I did not take the time to do the cards.  No one will think I had the kids help and that is why they are screwed up.)

4:21 think oh well life’s too short to worry about an envelope direction. I made peace with my slackerness

4:21-4:45 Stuffing labeling sorting school pictures for various relatives (grandmas get the big ones, then aunts and so on). While  explaining to 9 year old he is  going to swim team and he need to have his stuff together

4:52 Using rubber stamp – I stamp all the cards with “Merry Christmas”.. nothing like the personal touch.

4:55 The best card assembly line in Philly. I am please with myself because I am a Christmas Card Rock Star! ( it is the little things)

4:54 Me thinking back to when I made my 4 year boy make 85 cards with tree sponge stamps and berries- Note that was prior to me starting my business. (I was a such a better mom back then…self loathing) oh well over it

5:03  telling kids to get shoes on and 9yr to get swim bag

5:06 head to car for 2nd trip to Post office

5:10 9 year old running back into the house  to get forgotten  swim bag

5:11-5:28 Telling 9 year old if the doors are closed at the post office to drop the cards in the mail slot.

5:29   9 year old gets out to mail mailed the cards

5:31    9year old banging on Post Office doors because they are locked

5:32 Post Office man comes out and tells boy to drop in the mail slot( me thinking he does not listen but knowing he will never out grow that stage because his father hasn’t)

5:37 Drop off 9yr for swimming practice

5:39-6:15 come home start a pot of soup including peel 10 cups of potatoes and boiling ham bone)

6:30 Mr Superexhausted comes home need to drive him to the train drop him off for a Christmas party.

6:56 pick up 9yr from swimming  but 9yr not out of locker room  something with lost goggles (lost goggles ruin my world)

7:07 kid emerges from locker room triumphantly with goggles in hand… head home

7:14 pull bone out of soup an burn hand

7:15 ice hand and  finish ornaments

7:19 Start Chocolate Saltine bars for swim coach and others gifts

7:31 Eat potato  soup

7:39 kids love soup and ask for more  (remember to do a blog post on potato soup recipe)

7:41 Finish saltine bars (super easy to make by the way)

7:59 finish homework

8:10 get kids in bed kiss.

8:15 sitting in front of TV in PJs  reflecting on relaxing day

What do you do, when you should be relaxing?

Heading to Studio Home

Last week,  I went see an old friend Sam Ciardi and his new clothing line, in his new store.  The store Studio Home in Denville NJ.  Studio Home is a design furnishing showroom with great pieces hand-picked by Sam and his business partner Reenie Young.  Sam is a former fashion designer turned  interior designer.He and  Reenie met  several years ago while working with a local Denville design firm and hit it off.  They decided to create a retail space where they co mingle ideas and bring them to the masses: the result Studio Home.


Owners of Studio Home Sam Ciardi and Reenie Young

The Sams latest creative venture is a toddler clothing line is called “Street Laced”.  It is a collaboration of Sam Ciardi and Sarah Winstead.

Here is a sneak peek of the line. Sam and Sarah use lovely details such as jewels, bows,  and paint to create a girly and upscale look.  The swing coat seen below was a fun and whimsical piece added to the line .  I can’t wait to see what is to come.

The entire collection available to purchase in the Studio.  Sizes are 2t,3t,4t

street_laced_winter 2010street_laced_winter 2010Also take a look around the showroom of design and furnishings, a must see in person.

Painting by Reenie Young

Also Reenie Young co-owner has her great jewelry designs available for purchase.  Wonderful for the holidays.reenie young jewlery

If you get a chance stop by Studio Home in the quaint  town of Denville.  They have a Facebook Page you can see if they are having a special event.  Like the Studio Home 1st Friday,  wine and cheese party.
Denville, NJ, 07834
Fri: 10:00 am – 6:00 pm
Saturday: 10:00 am – 5:00 pm