Tag Archives: avoid toy clutter

Don’t be Angry Mom

girl playing with pley toy service

Pley Disclosure

Toys Toys Toys they are everywhere in my home. My daughters is 10 1/2  and her room is a field of toys and books.  When you walk across you take the health of your feet into jeopardy.  Her closet which leads to our storage space, I only get to every few months because of her toy clutter.  I don’t think she understood that the clean up song in preschool and it can be sung at home. The biweekly ritual (struggle)  of time to clean up your room little girl is my parenting fail.  Which lead to The Purge.

Every few months I threaten “The Purge.”
It goes like this ..
Me: “Clean your room. “
Her: “I will after the show is over” after me asking 3-4 times then she mopes unwilling upstairs
2 hours later…
She is downstairs watching TV with a box of cereal sitting next to her
Me: “Is your room clean? “
Her: “Un-huh yup”
Me: “Do I need to double check? Is it my standard of clean? or yours? “
Her : “There might be a few things on the floor” she hustles upstairs again to avoid the wrath of Angry Mom
20 minutes later…
Me: I visit the room that organization forgot. The toy landmines went off boom BIG BOOM. Toys everywhere, under everything somehow it is worse???  That small sharp block pierce my big toe. (a curse word that rhymes with “it” might have been said)
The room is war zone and my top is blown “Angry” Mom comes for a visit
She running up to her room she “cleans” for another hour”

Apparently her definition of “Cleaning” is dancing around her room singing happily…I think she thinks she is Cinderella and the bluebirds are coming to help!

Yea No Bluebirds.. No little mice.. (because they would die of suffocation in that pig sty.. a slow and excruciating death.)

After another hour or 2 … I step in with the dreaded garbage bag and “The Purge” Begins.. some tears occur for the loss of her toys  but then acceptance sets in (the beginning stages of grief.)

rulls for keeping your kids rooms claen so you dont become angry mom

Toy Purge Rules:

  • Anything broken or missing parts
  • Anything that has come with food aka in cereal boxes or in a box food meal
  • Anything chewed
  • Anything dented
  • Any loose beads
  • Anything with marker, pen or crayon marks
  • Loose or ripped paper
  • We also purge any clothes shoes that do not fit.
  • Anything that you have not played with in the last 6 months
  • Back to basic rules everything has a place..
  • Clean and make sure floor is clean every night
  • If you room is not clean cant go out or have someone over.. (have to admit this is not a great rule for me because I do need her to go out especially in the summer)

The major purge timetable before Christmas, birthday, end of school and beginning of school.

It is tough raising kids maybe it is my penance because well I was a messy kid. My mother recalls my sister and I putting tape down the center of our shared room because my mess. I am sure my mother snickers every time she gets off the phone with me, when I am complain about my daughter being a hot mess.
I am just Super-exhausted from my daughter getting tired of toys and abandoning them to land of her forgotten toys. That is why I am so excited to learn about Pley.

pley logo
You have not hear of Pley? It is service that you pay a monthly fee and the toys of your choice are sent to your kids. They play with them. Then you return them for new to you toys. Great right?  No more forgotten toys, once the kids are done you send them back to Pley for a new toys.   What I love about the service is Pley has the toys that are pricey so you can build them then so they get the experience and challenge of the build. They look at it for a few day you can get pictures of the experience. Then the kids move on and so do the toys out of your house.

The Pley toys are cleaned and shared.  Reuse and recycle no toys going to “the purge” and landfills.   Wonderful for the environment and your home.

Less mess
Avoid Angry Mom
Try Pley

kids playing with toys from Pley