Tag Archives: balance

Balance and Sweet Spot #fitnessFriday Linky

fitness and diet This weeks diet fitness healthy life style journey I feel like things are finally going in the right direction.  I am losing and finding the right workout food  balance.   I would like to say it was my brilliance but it is the fact I am wearing a pedometer and logging my food back to basics.  So for weeks I have been saying how I was concerned my body was not loosing because of the calorie intake vs.  how much I was working out.

This we it changed,  I kept a food log and subtracted it from the activity.  How.  My awesome  friend /walking buddy Hillary has been telling me for weeks about the FitBit and then I won won from Leah at Mamavation.  So I started using it.  Oh my the gates have opened i was not eating enough.  I am a big girl.  I need to eat about 2600 calories.. I was eating about 1500. and working out 3500 yea.. not good.

I took the bite-it then write it approach .  I tracked everything on Fitbit’s on-line tracker and it told me when I was in the sweet spot for food with the activity I was doing.  Water, food, activity  so funny it is Technology that is helping me loose weight.

  • Sunday-Walked run 2 1/2 miles
  • Monday walked prior to fitbit
  • Tues walked 15,000 steps
  • Wed walked 16,000 steps
  • Thurs walked 7,000 steps
  • Friday-  today I am going to the zoo

The results 259 (down 5 lb in one week)  Started at 271 in January

I finally broke 10lb-  I could see changes in my body but not on the scale.

(insert Happy Dance)

I feel like my persistence will prevail… I can do this.

Dont forget to enter win a $50 gift card to look better when you work out. ends 5/26

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