So I have always lived by one rule. Never Live Scared. Which gives me a lot of room to try and fail. Yup, I am that friend that will do something once. I have been known to get on a plane the same day I booked the ticket- scared alot.. . Yes, I have gotten up and sang Karaoke in front of a room of 300 strangers and peers- I shook the whole time.. and sounded like crap. I went to a 3rd world country by myself alone, took cabs and navigate the county not speaking the language. Yea that is me in the fountain..Thinking please don’t fall please don’t look too crazy.
When it comes to relationships. I believe that people are inherently good. I trust easily and get hurt often.. I am that friend that is all I will be there and care for you. Yea I get disappointed alot by people. But yet I don’t learn and I trust the next person.. hoping for better, sometimes it makes me sad.. and vulnerable.
Last week, great inspiration for me and my favorite speaker Brene Brown, was on Katie Couric’s new talk show. I first saw Brene at Blissdom in 2011 , She was amazing and her words really resonated with me. I Brene Browns words, paraphrasing.. “people who are vulnerable leaving themselves open for criticism but at least they try”.. and I will try to be more vulnerable. Read Brenes Brown’s book Daring Greatly let her words be your guide for living life to the fullest. .. I try to Dare Greatly… or watch Brene Brown’s Ted Video If you live scared you will miss amazing experiences.. like taking a walk in a fountain.
So this week I am doing another 1st, walking down a Runway as a plus size model at the Fashion Forward conference. Yea it is a little nerve racking… I have had my own fashion designs go down a runway but I never have been on it.. Lets hope I don’t trip or look too big.. if I do ..oh well at least I tried. Because I am enough. Thanks Brene.
So what is your Runway.. How are you going to be more vulnerable this week, year, life?