Tag Archives: girl power

Empowering Your Daughters

Teach your daughter to be independent empowered women.   A empowered women who can stand on her own 2 feet and be resilient at challenging time.  Here are my top 6 ways I help to empower your daughter with self-respect, girl  independence, great body image, and resilience.

  • Resourceful That she is self sufficient and resourceful where there is no light.   I want her to understand that faith.  Have a belief in a greater good is important and will always help you through rough times. Empowerment comes from within.
  • Independence When I first met my husband he told me the reason he  love you was because “you are independent you allow me to be part of you life you will never need me to survive”.   I want my daughter to understand it takes a very strong man to be with a very strong women.  Allow a man to be part of her world.  That my husband is the ying to my yang and he completes me. I teach my daughter that she can go things herself that she can take her car to the shop and take out her own garbage. She see the respect that I have for my husband and the respect he has for me.  Where as our love  is not perfect, we do have times where we butt heads but it is never for a traditional role. Independence but one together, empowered and loved.
  • Intelligence I tell her she is smart every day, ask her what she did today. This lets her know her thoughts are important she is intelligent . I tell her she can be and do anything. I really truly mean it as a child my mother want us to have opportunities that were not available to her.  She stood by why I petitioned to be on the football team.  I fought it up the ladder.  I wore a pregnant statue of liberty shirt with “ERA” on it every other day in the 5th grade.  She washed it every day for me. She knew things were to be different for me.
  • Support I will stand by her when she makes choice in life, I don’t agree with to but knowing her choices are her life.  My mother knew nothing about fashion when I went in to it but she supported my decisions it regardless …long as I had a real college degree when I left college.  A option she never had as a teenager. Support from other is the easiest way to empower your daughter.
  • Consequences to her actions is the way to empowerment of your daughter,  I understand you might not wait until you are married to have sex.  But make sure you are old enough to deal with the consequences and take precautions. Also make sure it is with someone who loves and respects you, and that will make it special.  That would be a gift you my daughter will cherish for the 1st time.
  • Body Image I will tell my daughter she is beautiful. In still Positive body image I will lead by example letting her know I think I am beautiful  no matter what size I am.  I have never said I am fat in front of her or I am ugly because that is a state of mind in negative thoughts that just brings you down.  I never also say diet,  I might eat less and make better choices  but we never go to the fat dark side.  I want my kids to be around food and learn to limit rather than hide. I have heard many people say there happiness is tied to there weight. How about Happiness tied to being happy with oneself.  Empower yourself to empower your daughters.

If you say it often they will believe. So that is my Parenting Rant. What do you do to empower your daughter or kids?