Tag Archives: Holiday Ideas

Beverage with a holiday kick!

fruit in a glassSo I was at a my best friends wedding. I noticed that her dad looked fantastic,  I asked Frank what he was doing.  He sat me down and told me all about his NutriBullet.  He was making a cold gazpacho soup. He drank it every day.  Frank is a diabetic like me,  so I was wondering how his sugars are,  he said they are great.  Frank  is hoping to be off of his meds soon.  I was impressed,  he swore by the NutriBullet.   So because of Frank I have become interested in the smoothy crazy and what it can do for me.

So I recently received some information from Nutribullet,  about some holiday Ideas.  So I would like to share them with you:

Sniffle Snatcher

A tasty combination of vitamin C-rich ingredients, cayenne to reduce congestion, and rosemary to reduce inflammation and soothe a sore throat.


1 cup kale

1 carrot

1 pear (cored and seeds removed)

1/2 cup cubed pineapple

Dash of cayenne pepper

Dash of fresh rosemary

Preparation: Add water to the max line of the large cup, and blast.


Sweet Apple Pumpkin Pie

An antioxidant-rich, protein-packed healthy dessert option so you can enjoy the flavors of the season guilt-free.


1/4 cup organic silken tofu or organic Greek-style yogurt

1/2 cup canned pumpkin or cooked fresh pumpkin

1/2 apple (cut, cored, and seeds removed)

1 tablespoon raw almond butter

Pinch of cinnamon

Pinch of ground cloves

1-2 teaspoons pure maple syrup

1 cup almond milk

Preparation: Add ingredients to large cup and blast.


Flu Fighter

Vitamin C, antioxidants, and anti-bacterial ginger help keep the immune system at its peak during the winter months.


1/2 cup spinach

1/2 cup Swiss chard

1/4 cup parsley

1 kiwi (peeled)

1/2 lime (peeled)

1 banana (peeled)

1/2 bell pepper (seeds and stem removed)

1 inch fresh ginger root (peeled)


Preparation: Add water to the max line of the large cup and blast.


Cranbanana Blast

Filled with heart-healthy nutrients and anti-viral properties, cranberries blend well with bananas and dates for a tart-sweet treat.


1 cup spinach

1 ripe banana (peeled)

1/2 cup fresh or frozen cranberries

2 dates

Preparation: Add water or almond milk to the max line of the large cup and blast.


Sweet Potato Pick-Me-Up

Complex carbs from the sweet potato will provide sustained energy, and cinnamon keeps blood sugar balanced.


1/2 cooked sweet potato (skin on)

1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

Pinch cinnamon

Pinch nutmeg

1 cup ice cubes

Preparation: Add almond or coconut milk to the max line of the large cup and blast.

I do not own a NutriBullet yet,  but I hope there is one in my future with the holidays.. hint hint..

Do you juice, smoothy,  what is your favorite combo?