Tag Archives: How to Make Mozzarella

How to Make Mozzarella and Weekly meal Planning


How to make Homemade MozzarellaHow to Make Mozzarella . I love cheese.  I would eat it on everything is possible. So I decided to learn how to make cheese. I goggled how to make it and came across many sites.  My favorite was New England Cheese Making Company. It is a small company that prides themselves on the art of cheese making.  The New England cheese making company was nice enough to send me a cheese making kit to review to try making my own cheese.

The kit is great 30 Minute Mozzarella and Ricotta Kit arrived and I was so excited to try.  I used a gallon of whole milk. and tools provided in the kit.   I made the cheese on vacation don the shore  and it was super easy.  The kit contained everything I needed to make cheese except for milk, water and pots.   The kit contained Dairy Thermometer (E3), 1yd re-useable Butter Muslin, Citric Acid (C13), Vegetable Rennet Tablets (R4), Cheese Salt (S1) and Recipe Booklet.  The instruction book was very well done and easy to follow.  Below is a glimpse of my experience. I do recommend buying the kit to start and check in out the New England Cheese making site  Cheesemaking.com  for full details and the science on the art of cheese making. cheese making kit It was great seeing the curd separate fro the whey, it looks like custard. curds and wheyI thought when I drained off the whey the curds were not done but I continued.  Turned out not to be a problem. cheese making curdsThen you have to dip the Curd in hot water 185 degrees then pull the curd while hot to make the long stringy fiber and add salt while doing so this is the part I opted to do smaller batches,   because it was hot hot.. I have no pictures of this step because no one was there to take pictures (my husband slept on the couch it was late) .  Rickis the NewEngland companies owner  instructions cover the cheese pulling this step, very throughtly. making cheese

It took me about an hour because the pot of water did not heat up quickly and I made 2 small batches since I was worried I could not make it all at the same time. How to Make Mozzarella. Also  I did not add salt to the 1st batch and it needed it.  The 2nd batch  was supper yummy,   Such a fun treat to have with your summer tomatoes.

I can really recommend the New England cheese making kit.  It has everything you need and great instruction how to make cheese.  The Basic Cheese  kit I use cost $24.95 and it makes up to 30 lb of cheese.  The tablets keep forever if stored in the freezer. cheeseHave you every tried making your own cheese?  How did it turn out?

Weekly Meal Plan :

Monday Chicken BBQ with salted potatoes

Tues: Mozzarella pizza with fresh basil and tomatoes

Wednesday: Spaghetti  and sausage

Thursday:  4th of July picnic

Friday Making cookies and pickles for weekend picnic so fend for yourself night.

I am linking up to Organizing Junkie Menu Planning Monday

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