Menu Planning Monday This week I will being on a trip the kids overnight which means.. My husband has to fend for himself for 1 night.. he follows a gluten, dairy, red meat, night shade vegetable free diet. As a family we had omitted red meat and some of the night shade because it makes life easier. I will make my husband separate dishes but some times it is easier not to make more cooking for me.
So as a family this means we are eating healthier. Our diet has more rice, veggies, sweat potatoes. What we don’t eat much..white potatoes, red meat, peppers.
I do buy some night shades, red peppers, tomatoes, and finger potatoes because My daughter and I will eat them
Menu Plan
Monday : Fish, spinach, roasted cauliflower
Tuesday: Fend for yourself for my hubby
Wednesday: on the road dinner
Thursday: Orange Chicken GF with fried rice
Friday: Pulled pork tacos
Have a great week!
Liking up with Organizing junkie Menu Plan Monday