Tag Archives: pinspiration

10 Egg Muffin Recipes #Pinspiration

egg muffinsSo Last the week of PSSA the Pennsylvanian  standard testing for the kids the school stress the importance of a great breakfast  meal for the kids.  So I have been making a more elaborate meal than normal  for my kids.  So at 6:15 am while my husband was prying my 13 year old out of bed.  I was looking at Pinterest.   I cam across the Egg in muffin tins recipes,  so at 6:30 I got up to make these great breakfast treats.


10 Egg Muffin Recipes

  1. My pinspiration came from As a Verb Toast, Cheddar and Bacon
  2. Spinach Bacon Egg Muffins from Country Spoon
  3. Egg Muffin with Taco Seasoning ham  and Veggies  from Rachel Schultz
  4. Egg Muffins with Broccoli and Pepper Paleo friendly from Primal Plate
  5. Egg Muffins with Spinach, Roasted Red peppers, from fortmillscliving.
  6. Tomato and spinich muffin tops
  7. Blue Berry Banana Egg Muffin from LiveRightBeHealthy
  8. Muffuletta Egg from Sonoma Farms
  9. Spice Kale and Egg cups from Green Little Bites
  10. Egg Muffins with Peppers, egg whites and cottage cheese under 80 calories  from muscleandfitnesshers.com


What is also great about egg muffins is they are great on the go.  You can Individually package in a plastic bag or wax paper. Remove from Fridge or Freeze and a quick affordable breakfast for you family.

I find paying upwards of  $6.00 for 4 frozen sandwiches is crazy when I can make them at home for pennies. Eggs cost as low as $1.00,  bacon on sale is $3.89-  and you can get 12  muffins for under $5 in 30 minutes.


I am linking up to #Pinspiration this week at All things Chic .

Follow me Sherry Aikens on Pinterest for other great Pins I find.
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egg muffins