Tag Archives: responsibility

How to teach responsibility : That can grow with your child

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How to teach responsibility ?:  I have been thinking alot about one of the prompts I was given to write about for my last Pley post “How do you teach young kids about responsibility?”  My oldest is 15 yep,  just turned it last month.  I have to say everyday, I am more and more in love with who my son has become.  Not only has he become responsible but a truly caring person.  He looks at the world through empathetic eyes and views the world as his “responsibility.”

I know, a 15 year old who really cares about others, he does, which still takes me as by surprise even though he has always been this way.  This weekend he helped a 12 year boy swim across a pool kicking for the 1st time after 4 years swimming practice.  Rooting  his “little buddy” on to win gold, it made my heart swell to watch them both grow.  He has taken responsibility for his buddy success. I love when  find out that he has stopping to see a neighbor on his way home from school without being asked to check that he is “all right”. He want to make sure his older friend is safe and healthy.




Today i was asked,   How did your Son come to understand responsibility for enhancing others lives?  I said I always stressed the importance of caring and understanding for others.

Some people have more,  and some have less,  some just are plan happy with the gifts they are given.

It started when he was little I would have him run soup to older neighbors, or have them work with me to give donation to a toy bank.   I remember my little boy wanting to give all his saved money when a collection was not taken.  He said  he wanted to give because it was his responsibility to give to other kids that had less.  He is still your typical teen never picking up his mess, regardless he is always amazing in my eyes.

Allowing kids to find balance and learn the world is a much bigger place then their block or street. Teaching there are others that are in your own world that can benefit from kindness.  Children will learn it always comes back to you 2 fold.  Just the basics be good and kind then responsibility will come.

How do you teach Responsibility?

This Post was sponsored by Pley-  Pley is a monthly toy subscription based service that allows you to pick out the toy of your choosing.  The toy of your choice gets shipped to you. When the child is finished you simply put the toy back in the packaging and ship it back postage paid.   You are taking responsibility to not add to landfills and teach your child responsibility for a toy.  It is a “Win Win” on the responsibility front.   It is a rental toy dream because your kids get to play with all those expensive toys sets without the cost.   That is also being responsible with your money.   Check out Pley here.



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16 Ways To Teach Kids to be Grateful


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