Tag Archives: school buses

Who is Driving your Kid?

school busWho is driving your kids? So lately I have been wondering who I leave my kids in the hands of. Like the school bus.   Now I know my district does a a good job of doing background check and working with the bus company to make sure the individuals who are driving the bus are not predators and criminals.

But I cant stand the start of school such Bus anxiety  for parents students and drivers.

This week  I have heard the following stories:


A 5 grader new to the district got off at the wrong stop,  she missed her stop, it was Tues.  The girl stood outside in the rain and wait for her mom to pick her up 2 hours later because she did not know where she was. The little girl could have went to someones home but with stranger danger, she did not.  My son said she was really nice. Shouldn’t the bus driver should have been aware who was getting on and off- training?

This morning I ended up driving my son friend to school mom works.. because the bus did not show up to pick him up.

Our sons bus came 15 minutes early to pick up the kids because he was driving by and saw them standing out if I was not early we would have missed the bus.. Why do they have a bus schedule?


But on the flip side I was very happy with our bus driver and how a bully situation was handled on he bus this week.   He actually pulled over the bus.   Parents also backed him up- Great Job

I realize being a bus driver is one of the hardest jobs.  Because you are transporting many kids with many personality.  It is a lot to juggle  while operating a large vehicle.  There primary concern is getting kids home safely.

How do you deal with bus issues?