Tag Archives: tour

Visit to NJ Capital

So recently we were invited to NJ State Museum and The NJ Statehouse.  We had a fun day and learn somethings too.  I grew up in New Jersey  but never tour the Trenton Nj capital till recently.  Jersey Family fun planned the day for us and it was such a treat.

We started with the NJ State Museum which is free,  (you leave a donation if you wish).  The have wonderful museum 3 floor.  Which contains Dinosaurs, Nature, Nj History, and art exhibits.  So a little bit of everything.  The also planned a head for kids and through out the Museum is a kids stations so children can also do small interactive things as well. Like designing a quilt or looking to a microscope.

While we were there that had a singing performer and a large Dino puppet(man ) walking around.

Also the Museum has a Planteriam and for a small fee of about $6.00 you can see there exhibit.My daughter and son loved it because it was 3-D

Then we headed over for a NJ Statehouse Capital Building Tour.  Where we heard about the building and the legistrative process.  Because the house and Nj congress was not in session we really got to see the behind the scenes.

Take a look at the building:

My son got to attend a Mock hearing of law making which he loved in the bottom of the capital building which he loved.  I have to say we had a great day.  I would recommending packing a lunch because there is no place to eat near the capital or museum.

I loved the idea it was in with in a 1/2 drive from where we live in north Philadelphia.  We had a great day it was a fun way to spend the afternoon. Thank you to Jennifer at Jersey Family Fun, NJ State Museum and NJ State House for having us for the day.