Tag Archives: vacation

Fitness Friday

The last few weeks I have not done a Fitness Friday post.  The reason I was on vacation.  So the accountability I normally get from the blog was not there.  I was down the shore with my In-laws.  They are major sweet eaters. There was actually $180 worth of candy purchased for the trip.

It was tough. They also had 5 dozen cookies.. yea the kind that you buy when you go to the fancy coffee shops that are about $3 each. It was so over the top in the sweet department.   See me having a tough time with all that …you bet ya.. We were talking major will power.

My MIL told me that my son asked every time he wanted something. I was happy because he was somewhat conscious of what he was eating.  I guess my family is buying my program.

So how did I do?  I only ate one cookie all week, and once the M&M were gone I was fine.  It was the Ice Cream 5 times over the course of the week.  I also found out I really love lobster bisque. I did choose salad as an option for dinner and stop myself at one slice of pizza.  So it was not as bad as it could have been.

I really should have read my Friends Trinas advice at OboyOrganics Healthy Vacation Snacks Post .  It might have helped this week.

I walk a fair amount not my normally 10K steps.. well I might off I was changing for bathing suit to clothes and I forgot to put my Fit Bit on.

I maintained my weight at 266.

This week I vow to walk more eat less.  I have been walking the kids to swim team in the morning and heading to the pool more, the end of the week camping (with a lot of hills)

Howe have you been doing since the summer heat is here?

Painting Rocks Gift Kids will love to give

Painted rocks make an excellent gift for kids during the up and coming holiday season.  Great  to give to a relative or special someone.  We painted some rocks we picked up on our vacation this summer to give to my inlaws for there anniversary. It was very special because the kids painted the themes of the vacation.

This is a great idea for your kids to do for a holiday gift .

what will you need :

  • Rocks
  • Acrylic paint (permanent kind) found at hobby stores AcMoore or Micheal’s- I bought the primary paints (red, yellow, blue, – white , black)
  • Paint brushes
  • Plastic plates or old lids  for paints , cups for water
  • Paper towels
  • Clear gloss spray
  • old clothes or smock
  • Newspaper of some thing to protect table

You might want to paint rocks white before you start so that the true colors of the paints come out.

My kids mixed there colors but I put the paint on the plates.. a little goes a long way.once dry the adult clear coats the rocks with spray so they will not chip over time.

Enjoy I painted one too.

Let you little Picasso come out.   Rocks are fun to find and fun to paint and better to give.  A  little natural canvas for kids.

enjoy..Have a handmade holiday