Tag Archives: whiffer sniffers

Whiffer Sniffers Review

Whiffer Sniffers Review  We were recently provided Whiffer Sniffers for a review disclosure I did receive them for a review.  What are the Whiffer Sniffers? Remember those great scratch and sniff stickers that you use to put on your notebooks in grade school.  You would scratch them and smell the stickers, the little smell would get through the next math problem.   Whiffer sniffers are smelly plush that smell just like those stickers from your childhood!!   I know awesome.

whiffer sniffers

Whiffer Sniffers Review

When we received the Whiffer Sniffers Review toys my daughter loved them and could not wait to do the unboxing videos.  These are first offering of the Whiffer Sniffers.  The have many of your favorite scents.:  Like Pizza, Pop Corn, Pickle and more.   Each package has a name of the smelly character and a scratch sticker to preview the smell.

This is Dilly Yo

whiffer sniffer

This is Tangeriana Ballerina


This is Kaumana Wanna


Whiffer Sniffers Review : Mystery Packs


Included in our Whiffer Sniffers Review is the Mystery packs that include a special smell.  So the child gets a surprise in every mystery pack.   Currently there are 3 different Whiffer Sniffer mystery packs.   The could possible contain Frenchy, Bubbles (seen below) and my daughters Favorite Jimmy S’more.

My daughter and her friends love them and are starting to collect and trade.   They are all attached to there back packs then they take them off and play with they at recess.  I love them as a Gift Idea,  different and collectable.


whiffer sniffer

They retail for around  $ 9 here   Whiffer Sniffers  and also to find a store check here

Here are my daughters video of Whiffer Sniffers Review which share more detail each of the characters and what the plushy characters are like.


They are also offering a Large Size Whiffer Sniffers,  for your bedroom.  I love the concept of these toys they are nostaigic  for us and fun for them.

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