Tag Archives: diet

Turning 41 and Numbers don’t Lie #FitnessFriday

So this week I turned 41. Yea I love my 40’s. I think being 40 is about celebrating you..Glitter and Sparkles.. being your true self the diamond you were meant to be.   You are smarter, wiser and experience more than in your  20’s. The thing is mind which is at the height of confidence and knowledge does not have the body to match.  Your body is older and more stubborn.

It is harder to get and stay fit  after 40.  I know people always told me until to you get there you don’t understand.  So heed my warning if you are unhealthy get fit before you are 40’. The weight I lost in the past came off much easier when I was under 40, or even under 30.

So this week in honor of my birthday I celebrated, not the smartest move (it was a perfect day).

Saturday we when to downtown Philadelphia.  My husband was home and I always wanted to eat at Village Whiskey which was on Food Networks “Best Thing I ever ate”- ready to drool

  • Burger- Beef patty (at least 1 ¼ meat) , bourbon onions, cheese, lettuce, tomato, thick apple-wood bacon, roll  oh yea Duck confit (duck leg fat)
  • Fries- cooked in Duck Fat, covered in Cheese sauce and Braised short rib on top
  • We must not forget the Tatar Tots and fried Pickles I ate off my daughters plate.

(I am sorry no pictures I was so excited to eat it I forgot the Food “dirty pictures” (I would say the other word but worried I will get ban by Google))

I should have had the burger minus the meat, bread, bacon, and duck confit –  Because seriously the onions were to die for.. so going to try to make them this weekend- with a salad and 5-10 duck fat fries (the fries is why I went in the 1st place)

Then I my birthday, went out with the girls Hillary and Liz  (after a walk) an impromptu lunch.  I had crab dip (yea the bowl), salad, and Cheese Cake Factory Peanut butter Cup cheese cake-  which I did take home and proceeded to finish over the few days.CheeseCake Factory

My exercise in hopes to head the food off at the pass:

  • Saturday-walked 7451 down town..then I ate
  • Sunday-walked 3067-  that day sucked still celebrating
  • Monday-walked 10,280 which is 5.5 miles
  • Tuesday-walked 11,500 steps  which is 6.16 miles
  • Wednesday-walked 10,358 which is  5.54 miles
  • Thursday- walked 12,935  which is  6.91miles

So back to my bargaining and playing games with myself.. yea bargain and games do not work I of coursed gained back 4 lb 264. I did log everything I ate and was honest.  Also looking at the fitbit log I can see that I was more active the week before in less days. I love the Fitbit it really is great at looking at the big picture.

Good News!!!

Here is the thing I know I am changing so this week I decided to revisit my measurements as a boost to keep me going:

4/24/2012  5/24/2012
hips 54 52.75 1.25
waist 45 42.25 2.75
breast top 45 44.75 0.25
breast under (the boobs) 41 40.5 0.5
thigh 6″ above knee 25 24.5 0.5
calf 6″ below knee 17.75 17.5 0.25
lower arm 10.5 10 0.5
upper arm 14.625 14 0.625
neck 15.25 15.25 0
total inches lost 6.625

Yea 6 5/8 ”  inches –  in a month and they don’t lie.

So I will continue, next week more salads less duck fat.

This is the last day to enter my self hosted Giveaway to win $50 gift certicate to Dicks Sport or Juniona.com–  I want you to look better feel better in the size you are in.

You’re just steps away from better fitness.

Try Fitbit now.

Wikipedia: Fitbit Inc. is a company headquartered in San Francisco, California, United States.

Balance and Sweet Spot #fitnessFriday Linky

fitness and diet This weeks diet fitness healthy life style journey I feel like things are finally going in the right direction.  I am losing and finding the right workout food  balance.   I would like to say it was my brilliance but it is the fact I am wearing a pedometer and logging my food back to basics.  So for weeks I have been saying how I was concerned my body was not loosing because of the calorie intake vs.  how much I was working out.

This we it changed,  I kept a food log and subtracted it from the activity.  How.  My awesome  friend /walking buddy Hillary has been telling me for weeks about the FitBit and then I won won from Leah at Mamavation.  So I started using it.  Oh my the gates have opened i was not eating enough.  I am a big girl.  I need to eat about 2600 calories.. I was eating about 1500. and working out 3500 yea.. not good.

I took the bite-it then write it approach .  I tracked everything on Fitbit’s on-line tracker and it told me when I was in the sweet spot for food with the activity I was doing.  Water, food, activity  so funny it is Technology that is helping me loose weight.

  • Sunday-Walked run 2 1/2 miles
  • Monday walked prior to fitbit
  • Tues walked 15,000 steps
  • Wed walked 16,000 steps
  • Thurs walked 7,000 steps
  • Friday-  today I am going to the zoo

The results 259 (down 5 lb in one week)  Started at 271 in January

I finally broke 10lb-  I could see changes in my body but not on the scale.

(insert Happy Dance)

I feel like my persistence will prevail… I can do this.

Dont forget to enter win a $50 gift card to look better when you work out. ends 5/26

How are you doing?

You’re just steps away from better fitness.

Try Fitbit now.

Cardio Training: Not Just For Weight Loss : Guest Post

Almost everyone knows that performing cardio training a few times per week can result in weight loss, but not everyone knows of the many additional benefits to be gained from this type of exercise. Cardio training not only helps people shed excess pounds, it also helps tone muscle, reduce stress, and offer relief from a variety of health ailments. Here are all of the benefits!

Weight Loss
It is no secret that a good cardio workout will help you shed those pounds, or for those who are already at a healthy weight, it can help with maintenance. Cardiovascular exercise helps to increase the metabolism, which can become sluggish due to bad diet, health issues and age. Excess calories are burned, which when coupled with good nutrition, helps reduce weight the safe and healthy way. There are a number of fad diets out there, and typically they make the claim of fast weight loss without exercise. These diets may initially help shed pounds quickly, but victims of this type of diet usually regain all of the weight, and some even add on a few more pounds. When it comes to weight loss, it is best to stick with a healthy diet and cardio training.

Dangers of Inactivity
Billions are spent on healthcare due to inactivity. In fact, a sedentary lifestyle may lead to a number of health issues, regardless of weight or age. Hypertension and heart disease are often a result of a sedentary lifestyle. Cardio training 3-4 times a week for thirty minutes or more reduces the risk for obesity, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and heart disease, and it doesn’t take dropping large amounts of weight to notice a difference in your health. Just going for a daily walk continuously or spending 20 minutes a day at the gym can do wonders.

Stronger Muscles
Like weight lifting, cardio strengthens muscles. It affords the body a tone and lean appearance. The heart is also a muscle and benefits immensely from this type of exercise. A cardiovascular workout increases blood flow, which in turn improves organ function. Furthermore, if you’re a weightlifter, pumping iron only does so much for your physique. To make sure you can actually see all that muscle you’ve built, get some cardio in to burn the fat that’s hiding it!

Stress Reduction
Cardio training has been proven to reduce stress and anxiety. When we exercise, our bodies release some “feel good hormones” known as endorphins, that make most people feel a bit better about things for a short period of time. In addition to this, cardio can be a great way to work out stress from work, home or elsewhere!

Confidence Booster
Exercise also increases energy and confidence. A surge in these two items may mean clearer thinking, better job performance and even an increased sex drive. Let’s face it, when you look good, you feel good, and there is no better confidence booster than looking and feeling sexy. Feeling good will then make you more likely to work out again, repeating the cycle!

There are many benefits to cardio training. Often, it is ignored in place of core strengthening via weight training, but it should be a normal part of everyone’s daily routine. It helps to shed extra pounds, reduce health related ailments, and tone muscles. Never be afraid to start slow. Always work your way into a new cardio routine – don’t push anything. Let the results come naturally!

Penny Marta writes about fitness, finance


Confidence & Goals #FitnessFriday

This past week, I did  not win  the Mamavation Mom contest.  I was surprise how many people expected me to  be upset about not winning, or that I was not going to continue getting healthy because of the loss. The thing is that is not me, anyone who knows me,  knows that once I get something in my head, I proceed. I really don’t like people telling  me I cant do something.  I lost simply because I did not have enough votes, really it is all good.

In my life I have lost probably about 100+ pounds.  I am not a serial dieter.  Actually, I have only every dieted 3 times in my life (sophomore in college, before I got married, and when I did the 3 day breast cancer walk). The reason is I am NOT unhappy if I am plus size. I  know that is a statement  that would bother “some” people.  Because most people think if you are overweight… “you must be unhappy”.  Nope not me..My body size does not affect my confidence level,  I am confident regardless of my size.

Also I do think that.. I am a beautiful women, and I accept it as a truth in my life, it just makes everything easier.  I have seen women struggle with self-esteem,  telling me they “Feel like the only thing they control in their life is there weight”.   I think that is sad, that someone told you it looks are that important,  want to shake them saying “You can be and do anything!”    I think everyone is beautiful… you just have to believe it.  I happen to love the fact that I am tall, I have long legs, great nose,  and my breast are small, it makes me look smaller than I appear.

I am actually pretty good at losing the first 30 pounds.   By my experience, most fat people are very good at losing weight the problem is the long term keeping it off  through portion control  and inactivity.  So why am I overweight it is simple; I love to eat, love to sit,watch TV and I have a husband that thinks I am sexy no mater what size I am (lets face it I would not be with him if he said otherwise.)

So why NOW, do I want to get healthy?   If you watched my mamavation application video.. it is because of my health and lack of good health care. So things have to change so I can grow old with my husband and be there to see my grandkids.

Yes,  I will have  struggles at  losing weight, get frustrated,  tired and don’t want to do be good.. but I am hoping my better head will prevail.

GOALS So I decided this week I want to set fun goals to strive for in the next year.  Things that I wanted to do once I get in a healthier place weight-wise.

  1. I want to have a picture taken by PinUp Photographer Celeste Giuliano.  I love the look of a 1950 pin up girl.  I just think it would be really fun to do.   Check out some of her work, they are inspiring to me. Yes I could do the picture now .. but it is a goal.
  2. I want to wear point heels- reason when you are big you feel hurt in high heels
  3. I want to shop in regular stores being a size 12 would be nice,  the clothes are better.  I don’t think I will every be a size 6 or 8 (height thing.. and Cindy Crawford she is I think a 12)
  4. Airplane seat.. I want to sit with room on both sides in an airline seat.
  5. I want to buy a bicycle where my height is the biggest reason it need to be custom and not my weight.
  6. I want to water ski and get up ( I got up once in high school)
  7. I want to own a Vintage 50’s dress. The cool kind like you would wear to a party at the club. There is a local store called retro vintage.. I want to shop there.
  8. I want to learn how to ride a motorcycle
  9. I want to ride a horse again and not feel like I am hurting the animal
  10. I want to amusement ride were I am under the max weight (Like the Sky Bike at the Franklin Institute)
  11. I want to run a 5 k completely (no walking)

So this week was a great week:

  • Monday walked with the kids and did exercises with mamavation
  • Tues walked 10k steps at mall.  Then ran with Fleet Feet North Whales, and did mamavation #2weekchallenge
  • Wed Ran around the block walked walked 10k steps at mall.  Then ran with Fleet Feet North Whales, and did mamavation #2weekchallenge
  •  Thurs: walked with kids and did mamavation #2weekchallenge
  • Friday walk with kids and did mamavation #2weekchallenge

Food: I have been eating healthy for the past 2 week.  I need to make sure I am eating enough.  I need to talk to a nutritionist

Weight loss 263  -1   (started at 271)

Question of the week!  So what do you love about yourself? or What is a fun goal you want to accomplish?

My two worlds comming together! Support & Mamavation

SUPPORT What does that  mean for me ?  The past week  I have learned that I am getting support from all sorts of different places.  As you might know I am a finalist for the Mamavation Mom Campaign.  Voting has been going on the past week. If you want vote go here.  My family and friends have been voting/sharing with their friends.  My Aunts and uncles have been talking with their friends and voting.  My Sister-in-law who never reads bloggs got my mother online to vote.   A friend from church Kara asked her entire running train group to vote for me this past week.  I love how my offline community has gotten on line to show support emailing their friends and ask there groups to vote for me.   Thank you!

In the past year ..I have heard of talk about online friends not being “real” friends which I think is BS. Many of my online friends have become offline friends through conferences, and other events.   But what about the friends you have never met face to face.

I tweeted on a Saturday night my daughter go sick 11pm at night.  I had twitter friends who showed concern when it happened and some followed up with me on her health for the next few days.  I don’t think I told my parents about her getting sick.. but because I share parts of my life on twitter in real time my tweeps (twitter friends) are there and supporting.  Then many went on to share my Mamavation tweets.

Here are some thank you to my online tweeps for there support this last week.

My lovely friend Lori of Miss Ruby Sue put up a giveaway post for me on her site for a lovely handmade  doll.   Lori and I met on line a few years ago when we are on Good Morning America together.  Lori is for a different world from me she is Idaho and is a Mormon , 2 things I am not,  we talk for hours and it is like a breath of fresh air when I talk to her.  I adore her,  she is a wonderful sounding board and fabulous  lady.

The regular commenters on my Fitness Friday post Barb, Stephanie, Diane, Hillary, and Jo-Lynne  know that they will be reading my fitness Friday post every week has kept me going. I know that they will be there  every week reading and linking up to my posts.   Thanks girl for keeping me going since January.  Something can be said about online accountability

CecilyK a great friend who asked her followers  to vote for ma as a birthday wish. Cecily originally an online friends has turned in to an amazing off line friend and a voice of reason in my life and I love her for that.

Last Monday while sitting on a train coming back from NYC, I was overwhelmed by the online support for my trek to be the Mamavation mom.  Most of my online friend who have step up to the plate and ask there fans/flowers to vote for me.  Moved to tears of happiness I was reading the comments and well wishes of my friends.  I am truly honored by your support.

So to those who say that who you meet online is not real.  It is just a means to start a relationship.  For me those relationships are supportive and nurturing.   So do I think linking up with a group online will work for me to loose weight.  You betcha.. long as I am honest.  Because my support will be watching me as I go.

I hope I win tonight to be one of the Mamavation Moms for Campaign 12.  If I don’t’ I will continue for every person who voted for me, shared my story, and talk to a friend in my behalf.


So how did I do this week.

I went from 267 (last week it was from 267-265)  to

263  (down a firm 4)

I am finally eating better and seeing results.  It must be from keep the food journal on line.

This post is part of the mamavation monday link up

UPDATE: I did not win the #MamavationMom contest @weightsover and @lilacmomma did the ladies are going to be awesome! Good Luck to them!

Mamavation Monday- Changing a Family

This past week has been interesting. I have been eating way better and have increased my running. But I also gained some help not only from the mamavation team….  My son age 11 has committed himself to me.  He is a competitive swimmer,  something that I have always encouraged because with health issues that run in our family diabetes  and  psoriatic arthritis .One of my biggest gifts to give him is a love of Physical activity of a life long sport like swimming.  Right now,  he is taking a beak from his beloved sport for spring after 3 year straight of swimming (he normally swims over 100 laps a night).  Telling me “Mom I want to swim this summer and back in the fall because I want the 5 year plaque.” (swimming will continue)

My son is a great trainer pushing me and  he wants to walk/run with me.  It is a challenge for him also even though he does dry land with swimming, they run around the track once.  So my son is jogging with me around the block.. which this week is the big block 2 + miles.  We do a run walk combo.  He also told me he wants to do the 5K with me in June.

But the biggest surprise came last night.  My husband was joking with my son and asked him if he wanted to walk home. He said yes,  I joined him we walked 3 + miles home from the restaurant.  We left while my daughter was in the restroom.  Once I returned home my husband told me  our daughter age 7 was very upset.  Basically she threw down at the restaurant because she wanted to walk with us.

I said to my husbands “She would have never made it,  She was exhausted”  he agreed..but she was not having any of that..

She cried  “I wanted to go”

She has been asking since I started. running, But I thought it was too far for her little legs.

She then told me “Mommy I have been training at school.  I walk every second recess around the big circle (large playground) .. since you started running in the winter.”

Crush my heart she has been running since January.. she never told me.  She just kept saying she could do it.  I walk/run in the morning while they are at school normally, so I never gave it a thought.  She wants to do what I do and be with me. Bless her heart and I will be a better Mom.

The little voices in my life needed to be heard.. and my new good habits are rubbing off.

I am getting a great sense of clarity on what is import. I am loving the quality time with my son (soon with my daughter) I am getting on these walks.  They are eating better already!!

Physical activity:

  • Monday 16th- walked and did Mamavation hazing
  • Tuesday 17th -walked/ran 1.5 miles with club and did the hazing
  • Wednesday 18th- walked/ran 2 miles did hazing
  • Thursday 19th- walked/ran 2 miles did both hazings
  • Friday 20th walked/ran 2 miles did both hazings
  • Saturday 21st walked/ran with club 1.75 miles, walked 2 miles at zoo, walked 3 miles  home from restaurant did hazing and took two ibuprofen, fell asleep with my daughter.


I got better with my food middle to the end of the week. I am taking the process seriously. It is very grueling to be the next Mamavation Mom.   Wish me luck I hope I am chosen to be a finalist announced tomorrow night.

weight  269-267

Feeling- Great more energy and know everything is fitting better

I am a Finalist… Please vote for me BABYPOP!!

Update: 4/30- I did not win Mamavation Mom  but I will still continue the battle for a healthy life.



Friday Fitness the Power of a Photo!

So this past week I can make all sorts of excuses I ran and I walked and I walks and ran. The  She Streams conference was great,  I did not run on the beach.  I did watch what I ate. I have moved this week,  cleaning and staying some what focused.  I had much to accomplish, So I fell behind on blog posts.   I will get caught up and it is all good.(it is ok to let myself off the hook).. I know Blah Blah Blah

So this week I was feel ok…. At She Streams I fit into a skit I was saving for Blogher strictly because the skirt was too tight. Well…  last week I tried the skirt on before the conference and it fits!! (it fits like a progresso soup commercial-  me talking into a tin can..is there a women I can talk to )

So as everyone was wait to head to dinner Saturday Night. ” I said I have to change to rock the skirt that I worked to fit into.”  Everyone at The Mother Company dinner  was very supportive towards my need for fashion, and also to judge my weight loss by a skirt… .   Yea I rocked the sequin skirt!!!  check me out above!

They also took a group shot and I did not hate myself in the picture looking like the Amazon in the back.. Check out the The Mother Company Blogger Dinner Photo.

So this is a week of pictures for me. Yesterday my Mother inlaw was done and we took a picture.  The one below with me in white is last summer the other photo is me with her today.  Yea I do look different.. the Power of a photo.


For me I can see the difference.( I think I lost more boobs). It excited me to move forward.

Fitness week:

Monday: Run walk

Tues: Run walk went to kick of meeting for Fleet Feet North Wales beginner runner training program.  Formal training starts next week.

Wed walked and cleaned house.. forgot to eat

Thurs: walked all over the city plus

Weight this week 266

Please Join me on this slow and steady journey Link Up

Fitness Friday Proper Sneaker {Linkyup}

So this week, has been a week of commitment on my fitness journey.  I Signed up for a dietbet with Brandi at onegreatmom.com,  nothing like a little money to keep things out of your mouth.  The Bet official starts tomorrow with our 1st weigh in. I am excited  I need more accountability for food.

Then I signed up for the running training program with Fleet Feet Sports North Wales.  I recently was introduced to fleet feet by Joey Fortman and Ann Marie one of the owners this past Wednesday.  I will be working with them for training and they are out fitting me with proper sneaker/attire.  I was impress by the sneaker fitting I received and I learned things I did not know, because I have been doing to the big box stores. Here are some tips Ann Marie at Fleet Feet provided:

Proper Sneaker Fitting:

  • Have feet measured without socks (what you measured at 12 years old is probably not your current measurement.)
  • Have your foot measured in resting(sitting positions) and standing.
  • The Running store personnel should understand how you walk- (IE have you walk so they can see how your ball and heel hit and roll off the floor.  Then they can recommend a shoe that is designed for your foots needs.
  • Where design/color is nice a running/walking shoe should be about fit and support 1st,  so that you get proper performance.
  • In an athletic shoes it is better to go up a 1/2 size and have room (So mine sneakers are a 11 1/2 argh but it is about being the right shoe and not the size)
  • What does a good fitting sneaker feel like: “Heal should be supported, arch should be wrapped like a glove and your toes should be able to play a piano” Per AnnMarie
  • Fleet Feet Sports North Whales is nice because they allow you to actually run in the shoes outside, to insure comfort and fit.
  • If you are serious about a sport you should be serious about the shoes.
  • Also a good running store will take back the product at any point if you are not satisfied. That is the philosophy AnnMarie and her team have.

Ann Marie’s other Key advice : If you buy a good sneaker be sure to have a great sports bra just as important (but that is a separate post)

Thanks to Stephaine at aGrandlife.net for her foot

The training program I begin in a few weeks I am really excited,  of course I will continue to walk.

So how did I do this week?

Fitness Week:

  • Monday: Walk and run
  • Tues : Walked and Run
  • Wed: Walk and Run
  • Thursday/ Friday:  I have been fighting a cold so I actually stayed in bed,  I am trying to get out later today.  We will see.

Weight Loss:

  • Started 271 Jan
  • Last week 265  This week 264 -1

I am excited for next week if I can kick this cold I would feel better.

So how is your week going?

Disclosure: I was provided running gear from Fleet Feet North Wales, but all opinions in this post are of my own.


Fitness Friday 3rd week in feb #fitnessfriday

Fitness Friday  my movement active goal towards living a healthier life.    So this week was hard to keep active,  I was traveling to NYC and it snowed an rained.  So I did not get out and get my movement on  as much as I would like to be active.

Eating Healthier:  Did how ever make a decision to eat less garbage. I did not have any chips or ice  cream this week .  Which is a huge step for me.   Also Jeff my husband and I decided to not eat after 9 oclock at night (his idea my problem). I pick up more fruit so when I am hungry I can choose and apple of pear.  I am not sure what it will do for my diabetes,  but it is better then chocolate and chips.  Small steps towards being healthy every thing counts.

Womens time: I figure it was a hard week any way you know it is a women thing so I figure any this is better than nothing.

Weekly Fitness Movement

  • Monday-  walk for 5 hours at the Toy Fair NYC  Sarah Peppel and I skip the cab and walk the several block to the Javits Center Walked all day with a huge amount of stuff
  • Tues- valentines day feet sore from the Toy fair..  walk with the kids and the dog ran for 40 seconds .. Impossible with the kids and dog (not to self avoid it)
  • Wed- Rained I stayed in bed and finished a book (but at least I was not eating}
  • Thurs- weather bad- the dog was not happy
  • Friday -walked around  run for 30 seconds


original weight 271

Starting weekly weight 267- ending 266

So Link up your Fitness Friday Post:


Fitness Friday My 1st week

So I decided to start tracking how active I am every week and I thought posting it would be a good way of keeping me honest. So this is My Fitness Friday, it will be a regular on my blog.

My Diagnoses: I need to get myself in shape and fit.  Because I am not.   I have the body of a 50 year old when I am 40, it sucks but yea I ate/sat myself here.   3 years ago I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes (adult onset).  I was 297lb at the time.  So I said it aloud finally,  I am a Diabetic.  I am not great at not eating in fact there are days where I down right suck.   I try to think of myself as allergic to sugar,  so I don’t drink any soda, try to stay away from cake, and try to not eat as much carbs. I also have high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

My Medicines; I am on 4 different meds  for 1 Hypertension, 1 Cholesterol and 2 Diabetes. I know not matter how healthy I get I will never be truly of the meds because my Dad is a thin man and he is still on them.. so genetics play a part.

Other Heath reasons: The other reason is with my husband loosing his job 2 years ago we recently had to look for a health care plan. Needless to say we did get in the plan with no preexisting conditions.  But not before getting rejected from the other “better” plans with letters that looked like a medical warrant for a quick death.    We also could not afford the better plan so,  now I can only go to the Doctor 3 times a year. (seriously I am suppose to do 4 times to my general practitioner , once to a Podiatrist and once to an eye: all as screening for diabetes.)

My Exercise Partner: I recently got my puppy Lloyd a Doberman, one of the reason is I wanted him, was to have a walking buddy. My Bulldog was not cutting it. (1 block and the bulldog would lay down).   So Lloyd is my dog, I am in the process of training him to walk with me..so we both are starting slow.

So here I go bearing my weighted soul,  I am going to cover my movement and food will come in later posts;

Week 1/30-2/3  round up:

Current weight 271lb

  • Tues 1/30  Walked dog  around the block running for 30 seconds
  • Wed 2/1 walked the dog around the block running for 20 seconds
  • Thus 2/2 walked the dog around the block running for 30 then 10seconds
  • Friday 2/3 traveling to indy I will walk around the airport

Feeling: I feel already I get up the stairs easier (placebo effect?)

This weekend I am going to The Taste of the NFL Party in Indy for the Superbowl.  I do not expect great things with healthy eating a figure I will try to make good choices but no promises.

Next week I will have a linky I hope that you will consider joining me on this journey.