Tag Archives: humor

Neutered Dogs: Cut Them Balls Off

I don’t know what it is but I can wait to get my dogs balls cut off (neutered).  I have never had a animal that has not been neutered.  My new Doberman puppy Lloyd is not neutered yet and the 1st thing I asked the vet was when could be.  He said somewhere between 4-5months some vets say any time after 8 weeks to do the neuter deed.   So about a month ago I noticed that the puppy’s little boys were dropping. I became aware (my husband’s says obsessed) with get them cut off.  He says I mention the neuter all the time.  I just think my husband is being super sensitive,  you know him being male and all..

It just every time I see Lloyd and he rolls on his back. I see those  2 little nuts staring me in the face. It is only a matter of time before they are swinging in the wind  Ewe.. time to neuter him.

Also Lloyd has been mounting Grundy our bulldog  I know it is dominance but still, MANNERS.

doberman puppy

I am hyper aware of what un-neutered dogs do like… RUNAWAY.  Hershey my last male Doberman was fixed, right before we adopted him after a year of age.    Needless to say the male hormones got to his brain,  he was always looking for a Bitch(female dog) to score.   Hershey was a runner, hit buy a car and survived type of runner.(cost us $$$$)  Needless to say Lloyd took off out the front door Christmas day right in front of a car .. CUT THEM BALLS OFF. Neuter your dog.

Medical Opinion:  The vet experts say the earlier you get your god neutered the better.  I have no intention of breeding this dog, so theys need to go.

Guess who is 4 months !  Tomorrow is the day!  Lloyd loses his boys.. I say goodbye good riddance. Neutering is my only option.

I guess my husband may have a point,  I might be a little obsessed.


To learn more about Spaying and Neutering   American Humane Society

To find  your low cost spay and neutering clinics

No I dont let let Lloyd chew on scissors normally they we just used as a prop for these photos  and he did not run with them either.

Neuter your dog.