Category Archives: LIfe

This is Sherry Aikens life and struggles.

Whitney Houston Word Wednesday {linky}

Watching Whitney Houston videos from her funeral, Kevin Costner’s Eulogy was lovely and human. I am so saddened by her loss. Saturday afternoon February 12th, I turned on the radio in the car Whitney Houston song was on. I was thinking, there is someone that I hope rises for the ashes to returns again, because her voice is gods glorious gift to the world. She is truly one of the most beautiful voices that ever lived. Finding out later that day Whitney Houston had passed.

As I write this I am listening to all “I will always love you” crying.

Personally, This is my favorite verse ‘from “I will always love you” mainly because before I met my husband I would pray, using her words and it continues to be … This is my hope for my husband and children:
I hope life treats you kind,
And I hope you have all you’ve dreamed of
And I wish to you joy and happiness
But above all this, I wish you love

As for my memories of Whitney Houston, As young girl, singing in the chorus I loved her. I knew would I never have Whitney Houston talent but she touched me. I wanted to sing with the passion she had. When I hear to her songs I think she did not scream her high notes they are just pure beauty and strength. I will introduce my daughter and explain why she is one of the great singer that ever lived.  Her memory and voice will live on in me.

Sorry for Whitney Houston’s family’s loss and may she find peace.

Fitness Friday 3rd week in feb #fitnessfriday

Fitness Friday  my movement active goal towards living a healthier life.    So this week was hard to keep active,  I was traveling to NYC and it snowed an rained.  So I did not get out and get my movement on  as much as I would like to be active.

Eating Healthier:  Did how ever make a decision to eat less garbage. I did not have any chips or ice  cream this week .  Which is a huge step for me.   Also Jeff my husband and I decided to not eat after 9 oclock at night (his idea my problem). I pick up more fruit so when I am hungry I can choose and apple of pear.  I am not sure what it will do for my diabetes,  but it is better then chocolate and chips.  Small steps towards being healthy every thing counts.

Womens time: I figure it was a hard week any way you know it is a women thing so I figure any this is better than nothing.

Weekly Fitness Movement

  • Monday-  walk for 5 hours at the Toy Fair NYC  Sarah Peppel and I skip the cab and walk the several block to the Javits Center Walked all day with a huge amount of stuff
  • Tues- valentines day feet sore from the Toy fair..  walk with the kids and the dog ran for 40 seconds .. Impossible with the kids and dog (not to self avoid it)
  • Wed- Rained I stayed in bed and finished a book (but at least I was not eating}
  • Thurs- weather bad- the dog was not happy
  • Friday -walked around  run for 30 seconds


original weight 271

Starting weekly weight 267- ending 266

So Link up your Fitness Friday Post:


Fitness Friday 2nd week of February w/Linky


Fitness Friday 2nd week of February  so week 2 went well. I got my “Fitness on” most of the week.  Staying moving all weeks, as I work on getting healthier, small steps literately .  The goal is to do better with my Diabetes,  the doctor told me 1/2 of movement will help my numbers.

  • Friday I was in an Airport heading to Red Gold Tomatoes Factory and Taste of the NFL so I could not get out but I walked in the airpot.
  • Saturday & Sunday  Still with Red Gold  It went Ok I was conscious about my goals but did enjoy myself.  I avoid the cupcake but partake in a amazing Donuts and did have some of the biscuits and gravy at the hotel. Not the greatest choices for my Diabetes.   I figure the walk around the plant and walk around the Taste of the NFL accounted for something. The “taste” was in a Gleaners food bank which was 3 football fields long.
  • Monday: 1 block walked I ran for 40 seconds, my dog ran in front of me he is getting better. (hope he does not break my ankle)
  • Tuesday: I did not walk or run  it was raining ( I need o find something to do, next time I my try dancing with the Kinects) I can do long as I am alone the dance game mocks me.
  • Wednesday: 2 blocks and ran for 50 seconds
  • Thursday:2 block other direction ran for 50 seconds.. (note to self better to run down hill.)
  • Friday: 1 block ran for 40.. want to rush home to finish this post.  Next week I will hold off on Friday so I can post Thurs night.

Food I am getting better I did not have ice cream at home all week, and I did not buy chips.   I ordered a salad when I was out.  I did have some fries off of a friends plate but it was better then eating them all myself.

Meds: I am remembering to take them better.  I always took my large amount and would forget the night ones.. I remembered them 4 out of 7 nights.

Fitness Results:  moving around the house is easier.  I find I am more tired at night.   I am not sure if it is walking but I cant stay awake past 12pm (another reason I did not finish this post last night.

What the scale said 267 from 271

So join me and link up your Fitness Friday post.   We can all support each other in this fitness journey to better health.

Fitness Friday My 1st week

So I decided to start tracking how active I am every week and I thought posting it would be a good way of keeping me honest. So this is My Fitness Friday, it will be a regular on my blog.

My Diagnoses: I need to get myself in shape and fit.  Because I am not.   I have the body of a 50 year old when I am 40, it sucks but yea I ate/sat myself here.   3 years ago I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes (adult onset).  I was 297lb at the time.  So I said it aloud finally,  I am a Diabetic.  I am not great at not eating in fact there are days where I down right suck.   I try to think of myself as allergic to sugar,  so I don’t drink any soda, try to stay away from cake, and try to not eat as much carbs. I also have high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

My Medicines; I am on 4 different meds  for 1 Hypertension, 1 Cholesterol and 2 Diabetes. I know not matter how healthy I get I will never be truly of the meds because my Dad is a thin man and he is still on them.. so genetics play a part.

Other Heath reasons: The other reason is with my husband loosing his job 2 years ago we recently had to look for a health care plan. Needless to say we did get in the plan with no preexisting conditions.  But not before getting rejected from the other “better” plans with letters that looked like a medical warrant for a quick death.    We also could not afford the better plan so,  now I can only go to the Doctor 3 times a year. (seriously I am suppose to do 4 times to my general practitioner , once to a Podiatrist and once to an eye: all as screening for diabetes.)

My Exercise Partner: I recently got my puppy Lloyd a Doberman, one of the reason is I wanted him, was to have a walking buddy. My Bulldog was not cutting it. (1 block and the bulldog would lay down).   So Lloyd is my dog, I am in the process of training him to walk with we both are starting slow.

So here I go bearing my weighted soul,  I am going to cover my movement and food will come in later posts;

Week 1/30-2/3  round up:

Current weight 271lb

  • Tues 1/30  Walked dog  around the block running for 30 seconds
  • Wed 2/1 walked the dog around the block running for 20 seconds
  • Thus 2/2 walked the dog around the block running for 30 then 10seconds
  • Friday 2/3 traveling to indy I will walk around the airport

Feeling: I feel already I get up the stairs easier (placebo effect?)

This weekend I am going to The Taste of the NFL Party in Indy for the Superbowl.  I do not expect great things with healthy eating a figure I will try to make good choices but no promises.

Next week I will have a linky I hope that you will consider joining me on this journey.


Neutered Dogs: Cut Them Balls Off

I don’t know what it is but I can wait to get my dogs balls cut off (neutered).  I have never had a animal that has not been neutered.  My new Doberman puppy Lloyd is not neutered yet and the 1st thing I asked the vet was when could be.  He said somewhere between 4-5months some vets say any time after 8 weeks to do the neuter deed.   So about a month ago I noticed that the puppy’s little boys were dropping. I became aware (my husband’s says obsessed) with get them cut off.  He says I mention the neuter all the time.  I just think my husband is being super sensitive,  you know him being male and all..

It just every time I see Lloyd and he rolls on his back. I see those  2 little nuts staring me in the face. It is only a matter of time before they are swinging in the wind  Ewe.. time to neuter him.

Also Lloyd has been mounting Grundy our bulldog  I know it is dominance but still, MANNERS.

doberman puppy

I am hyper aware of what un-neutered dogs do like… RUNAWAY.  Hershey my last male Doberman was fixed, right before we adopted him after a year of age.    Needless to say the male hormones got to his brain,  he was always looking for a Bitch(female dog) to score.   Hershey was a runner, hit buy a car and survived type of runner.(cost us $$$$)  Needless to say Lloyd took off out the front door Christmas day right in front of a car .. CUT THEM BALLS OFF. Neuter your dog.

Medical Opinion:  The vet experts say the earlier you get your god neutered the better.  I have no intention of breeding this dog, so theys need to go.

Guess who is 4 months !  Tomorrow is the day!  Lloyd loses his boys.. I say goodbye good riddance. Neutering is my only option.

I guess my husband may have a point,  I might be a little obsessed.


To learn more about Spaying and Neutering   American Humane Society

To find  your low cost spay and neutering clinics

No I dont let let Lloyd chew on scissors normally they we just used as a prop for these photos  and he did not run with them either.

Neuter your dog.


Internet Goes Black

Do you want a limited view of the world?

Today you might have noticed the internet went black and so will many other sites. The reason is Sopa and Pipa laws that are up for a vote in the US  if passed will end the internet as we know it. They are laws suppose to help protect copywrite but they are reckless and need to be rewritten not just a blanket fix.  I urge you to read more.  Then call your Sentor and tell him you are opposed to censorship on the internet.


Google reason for blackout


I know  you think how does it effect you but it does.. sites will be taken down for sharing content.

You may ask why have I not heard about this.  many of the large media companys suport this bill,  because it helps them.  Think about free sharing has killed the newspaper bussiness .. whay is next ..the news. Twitter broke the BinLaden killing.

Here is where you can go and get your US Sentors phone number.. Call it takes 1 minute to protect your rights.

Want to add your site to my Stop Sopa pinrest board

MLK Day not Important?

Today is  Martin Luther King, Jr.Day, teaching your kids about MLK the man and participating in day of unity and service is important.  Depending where you live in the US determines if this day is important (apparently).  My sister in-law lives in Northern PA, and for some reason this MLK day  that our government deems a Federal Holiday and is not  important enough to shut down their school down for (My Sister  in law thinks it’s wrong (so do I)).    This is the same school district that shuts down for the 1st day of  hunting season.(apparently school children are hunting. WTF)  .  It might be said that this school district has no African Americans so they can not relate. This is a National / Federal Holiday,  this is not a holiday of color. Martian Luther King stood for for equality and unity.  Even the poorest of children have something to give, it is important to teach that.  Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is: ‘What are you doing for others?’ .

Ok so that is my 60 second rant …

Great ways you can help others with your children:

Encourage your kids to give back every week as part of their responsibilities to the family and community. I encourage local giving with kids so they can see the charity people that they are giving to.

Help the Animals: Your children can also save there coins and donate to a local pet shelter. Or collect old towels, pet food, kitty litter. Plus I bring my kids to shelter to stress the importance of so many animals that need a home. We can’t save them all. But you ingraining early the adoption bug it will save animals when they are adults. Or go online Humane Society

Do the Can Can: Encourage them to give pick one item at the food grocery store to give to the local food pantry, don’t know where one is stop by a local church they always have a food pantry. I always say”make it something you love to eat so the child you are giving it to will also”.

Share the Sandbox: Teach kids the importance of sharing there toys with others. Every year right before a holiday or birthday or major school break. I teach my kids about purging, and giving to others. My son is fine long as it goes to another child. Have the child help in donate the toys or clothes to a organization like Crayons to Cradle

Give a Plate: Giving meals is a wonderful to encourage your children to be party of there community. If there is an older American on your street who lives alone. Take him or her dinner or better yet invite them for dinner. When I talk to senior they say the hardest thing about being alone is the meals cooking for one stinks so they don’t eat or cans are the meals. I always make extra soup when I make I, my son will run the meal to my neighbor. It is never planed and I figure he can always freeze it. It makes my son, part of the giving process.

Sick to Smiles: Don’t forget the local hospitals / nursing homes and the sick people in them.  Many people don’t have visitor or people who come to see them.  Have your kids make cards and trinkets to brighten others day. Organize some kids to sing at a local nursing home or play a game of checkers. All the care locations have volunteer contact person so call and ask.

Make Card: You don’t always have to leave your house. On these cold winter days when you are snowed in encourage your kids to write letters and card to our service men overseas, box them up and mail them to the following. Here is a link:  Do Something
or the address:
A Million Thanks
Care of Do
17853 Santiago Blvd., #107-355
Villa Park, CA 92861

Sweet Dreams : Have the kids save to buy PJs for other kids Many children do not have PJs at night to sleep in Pajama Program

Wow it is Cold: Some American parents can afford to buy coats for their children because they are busy putting food in their bellies and keeping the heat on. Try Coats for kids or One Warm Coat

Check out the MLK Day Site for more ideas.

Every day every person had the opportunity to make someone else life better for kids it could be a kid at the play ground inviting him join it or to a senior member of our society talking to them with a hello how is your day.

So what are some of your ways to teach your children to “Do For Others”.  How are you contribution this year?

20 Ways to beat Winter Blues

Beating the Winter Blues…  It has been a very odd last 2 weeks.  I am not sure if it is after holiday blues or just winter blues.  But I have been dragging unmotivated.  Now the Christmas season is over for me and I am back on “normal” schedule.  But I can’t seem to get moving.  We have not had snow yet so it just feels gloomy.   This is the 1st time I have experience winter lows so it is throwing me off.  So I came up with ways to avoid winter depression.

20 ways  beat avoid the winter blues or lows:

  1. Read a book- a summer trashy paperback with lots of smut
  2. Buy Flowers and thrown them away just before they turn then buy more (so cheap at the supermarket or produce stand)
  3. Call up a friend and go out for lunch.. don’t have the time.  Meet for a drink after work. Just get out of your house
  4. Buy pretty underwear and wear them
  5. Watch a movie during the middle of the day and not feel guilty
  6. Eat more oranges vitamin C will pick you up
  7. Take a walk
  8. Color your hair or have it colored , you might need a change
  9. Color with crayons in a coloring book- it works for kids
  10. Start a small project like a making a card and mail it to a friend- you might make their day
  11. Shower with lots of smelly body wash preferably tropical summer smell
  12. Clean your car (better yet have someone else do it at the car wash),  make your escape vehicle a place of serenity
  13. Join or start a group, book club, knitting club, cooking club you can probably go for several months and meets some new people.
  14. Go out and get a ice cream cone they don’t melt in winter
  15. Turn on music and dance and sing (it works on Grey Anatomy)
  16. Put on flip flops, and a big skirt with a sweater over the top to feel girl …who cares if you have winter sock underneath
  17. If you were thinking about it adopt a pet.. granted it is extreme but you are home and have the time to train an animal, they will make you smile.
  18. Take pictures of your kids in bright happy clothes ( kids can somehow brighten your day)
  19. Build a fire somehow embracing the winter with hot cocoa seems to help
  20. Plan events for the weekend so you have something to look forward too-zoo out in winter, art museum, or  indoor expo

Here is my attempt to fight of winter depression off .. Taken this morning on the way to school

umbrella girl

What are some ways you beat the January blues?


The News Sucks

When the local news comes on .. I get frustrated (guess what is on).  Where you live directly effects the news and how they report it.

When I loved in Florida I noticed the news was up beat and perky.  The news personalities  in Florida were glamorous, young, and beautiful.  It think it because Florida was a tourist state and happy place.  They wanted the tourist and retirees to feel safe.   Did crime happen of course it did?

Now that I live in Philadelphia.  I notice the news is much more serious and depressing they say it all the good, bad and crime ridden.  The news anchors are older more seasoned less fluff. I like the experience reports but it depressing to watch.

They spend a lot of time on the weather in Philly.  Florida weather was always sunny.  They also feel like Philadelphia Meteorologist can predict the weather for the entire winter.   Some weather guy in a bow tie  is clairvoyant and can tell you in October what February will look like.

I feel the smoke and mirrors from them reporting about crime.  Really other markets have moved on.  I am sorry that crime happens murder of a some innocent person.  Do they need me to help?  I am not a police office they normally are not asking for tips.   So I don’t get  it there is so much good in this City but they allow the negativity to come from our news..

Even my mother say New York news is not this depressing..  Apparently New York has no crime anymore.. since the  local news does not report of any.  I wish Philadelphia would get a marketing perception make over NYC did it.

Empowering Your Daughters

Teach your daughter to be independent empowered women.   A empowered women who can stand on her own 2 feet and be resilient at challenging time.  Here are my top 6 ways I help to empower your daughter with self-respect, girl  independence, great body image, and resilience.

  • Resourceful That she is self sufficient and resourceful where there is no light.   I want her to understand that faith.  Have a belief in a greater good is important and will always help you through rough times. Empowerment comes from within.
  • Independence When I first met my husband he told me the reason he  love you was because “you are independent you allow me to be part of you life you will never need me to survive”.   I want my daughter to understand it takes a very strong man to be with a very strong women.  Allow a man to be part of her world.  That my husband is the ying to my yang and he completes me. I teach my daughter that she can go things herself that she can take her car to the shop and take out her own garbage. She see the respect that I have for my husband and the respect he has for me.  Where as our love  is not perfect, we do have times where we butt heads but it is never for a traditional role. Independence but one together, empowered and loved.
  • Intelligence I tell her she is smart every day, ask her what she did today. This lets her know her thoughts are important she is intelligent . I tell her she can be and do anything. I really truly mean it as a child my mother want us to have opportunities that were not available to her.  She stood by why I petitioned to be on the football team.  I fought it up the ladder.  I wore a pregnant statue of liberty shirt with “ERA” on it every other day in the 5th grade.  She washed it every day for me. She knew things were to be different for me.
  • Support I will stand by her when she makes choice in life, I don’t agree with to but knowing her choices are her life.  My mother knew nothing about fashion when I went in to it but she supported my decisions it regardless …long as I had a real college degree when I left college.  A option she never had as a teenager. Support from other is the easiest way to empower your daughter.
  • Consequences to her actions is the way to empowerment of your daughter,  I understand you might not wait until you are married to have sex.  But make sure you are old enough to deal with the consequences and take precautions. Also make sure it is with someone who loves and respects you, and that will make it special.  That would be a gift you my daughter will cherish for the 1st time.
  • Body Image I will tell my daughter she is beautiful. In still Positive body image I will lead by example letting her know I think I am beautiful  no matter what size I am.  I have never said I am fat in front of her or I am ugly because that is a state of mind in negative thoughts that just brings you down.  I never also say diet,  I might eat less and make better choices  but we never go to the fat dark side.  I want my kids to be around food and learn to limit rather than hide. I have heard many people say there happiness is tied to there weight. How about Happiness tied to being happy with oneself.  Empower yourself to empower your daughters.

If you say it often they will believe. So that is my Parenting Rant. What do you do to empower your daughter or kids?