Meal Planning with Teens

Meal Planning on Budget with TeenagersDaylight savings time always messes me up.  I never know what time it is.  I never really understood the purpose of daylight saving ..because of Farmers and longer time in the field but it is unnecessary.  This morning I think my Iphone changed but the clock I have which changes automatically is pre 2008 so my clock turns automatically  a few weeks prior to the current week of March 13th so I seriously was so confused this morning.

I finally figured it out feeling like a confused child.

This week is a fun week the schools Talent show. I have my moms group and my sons volunteer.   It is also St Patrick’s Favorite so My favorite Holiday Meat!  Corned Beef!!

Meal Planning with Teens

Monday : Pork Chops, Rice and Black Beans

Tuesday: Roasted Chicken Mac n Cheese

Wednesday London Broil, egg noodles, cauiflour

Thursday: St Patrick day Corned Beef, Potatoes and Cabbage

Friday Taco Night, Re-fried Beans, Yellow Rice

Saturday: Pasta Night red sauce with sausage

Linking Up with  Motivation Monday and Menu Plan Monday

Meal Planning on Budget with Teenagers




Meal Planning with Teens

Meal Planning on Budget with Teenagers


Meal Planning with Teens: This week is busy! I had a mean plan set up but did not get a chance to share it til today.   This week my daughter has practices for the talent show and also the church play audition results.  We are excited for her this week.  My son is doing alot after school so he has been busy coming and going.  I have been busy looking for a full time job, which has been a daunting task.  My husband has been home at a decent time every night so sit down family meals are really important to connect with all they moving parts in our family.

This Saturday I am hosting my sons friends a delayed birthday.  He has requested homemade Shrimp Spring Rolls, Pot Stickers, Fried Rice.  He decided when I made them a few weeks ago it was his preferred birthday meal with his friends.  It is less work then the homemade sushi party we did a few years ago.

Meal Planning with Teens

Monday: Asia General Taos with white rice and store bought egg rolls (quick meal)

Tuesday: Baked Chicken, Cauliflower, Rice a Roni (my son loves it it was a processed treat)

Wednesday : Quiche Ham and cheese and Spinach Quiche

Thursday; Pork Chops, Cauliflower, Tator Tots

Friday: Homemade Pizza

Saturday:  Homemade Shrimp Spring Rolls, Pot Stickers, Fried Rice

This next week is busy so I am looking for great Planning ideas that I can get on the table.


16 Ways To Teach Kids to be Grateful

Pley Disclosure

kids playing with toys from Pley

16 Ways To Teach Kids to be Grateful:  With 2 kids and a limited budget.  I feel teaching expectation and gratitude  has always been very important learning toys are not a requirements when we go to the store or anywhere.  When my son was younger, I remember being in a large store (the one with a bullseye logo).  We were shopping for clothes and toiletries.  My son who was about 4 at the time started throwing a temper tantrum about getting a toy car.   I was not sure what to do,  I remembered  a discussion with a mom who told me once she just left a store,  leaving the cart in the isle to teach her child not to ask for toys.

On this day.. I decided enough was a enough,  we were in the card isle, this little boy would not let up.  I grabbed my daughter and walked away saying “We are leaving (full cart abandoned… sorry to who every cleaned it up) … he was so shocked he stopped crying.  I think he thought we would go back,  and we did not.  We drove towards home and I did not say a word.  When we pulled in the driveway,  I turned around and informed him that going to store does not mean he will get a toy.  That was the day I decided, I will not have a kid that expected toys for everything and would be grateful when he did receive .

16 Ways To Teach Kids to be Grateful

How do you teach kids how to not beg for every single toy they see and to be grateful for what they have.

  1. Toys are not a reward for everyday task.. For larger tasks/goals like working all summer to jump off diving board, great grades.
  2. Create a list of toys and evaluate it and explain that one or 2 items not all items may be purchased.
  3. It is ok to wait for a holiday gifts Christmas, Hanukkah , and Birthdays
  4. Teach your kids one or 2 gifts are ok to get,  it is not a contest.
  5. Teach your child to appreciate toys and gifts,  say “Thank you”and take your time
  6. On holidays open each person gift one at a time, they gift giver took the time to locate and purchase the gift, not to mention spent money- gifts are not a given they should be appreciated.
  7. Every Holiday or everyday  is not a toy holiday or gift holiday (Easter, 4th of July, going to grandmas house) are not reasons for gifts, toys, money or  Xbox games.
  8. Set limits on value of toys (my son once wanted a $200 Lego set, that was not in our budget,  he saved for it)
  9. It is OK not to have what there friends have.
  10. Life is not always about being equal or fair –  Sometimes one person will get something and you will have to remind them of past gifts or toys they received (jealousy is not good, teach of the good they have)
  11. Lower Expectations avoiding instant gratification complex
  12. Lead by example:  Do not always buy something for yourself,  1st time you see it, teach them window shopping and planning for goals.  (chart or saving for item)
  13. It is ok not to have the latest or greatest, and used is fine.  Try a thrift store.
  14. It is good to want it makes things special when you do receive them.
  15. Souvenirs and Toy are not required when we go someplace the experience is enough. This is particular important when you child goes somewhere with other people.  For us this is a big one. Being a blogger I get invited to many places.  I love sharing some of these experience with others.  I do however inform a parent and child that we will not be purchasing souvenir when we go.  The experience is enough, and planing for a decorative souvenir cup for $12 each kid (a whopping $36 on plastic crap that will be throw away in a few weeks) will not happen.  If the kid bring money for his souvenir then it makes my kids feel left out.  Plus the kid who is focused on the souvenir and shopping is missing the actually experience.   My kids are invited many places because they are grateful, always say thank you and don’t ask for stuff. (this is drilled in there heads)  Trust me if you are teaching your kids they need to purchase or get something everywhere they go you are doing a disservice to them.  Because I have heard the other parents and kids mention it,  I know certain kids don’t get invited for this reason.
  16. Teach your kids to verbalize what they liked about a day, experience, or being with family asks specific question on a ride home or at the table.  Have them focus on playing with friends, or great food, what they liked about the stories of the days will help the to build resilience and find fulfillment.

Setting your kids up to live with less stuff allows your kids to experience more with there minds.   The truth is you will not always be there supplying them with funds, teaching them the value of money and Life is not about acquiring stuff is a skill that will always benefit them to seek true happiness.

This Post is sponsored by Pley.  Pley is a subscription based toy service.  You pay a monthly fee starting as low as $9.99,  the kids pick out the toys they are interested in.  Then one of the toys is sent for the child to play with till they choose not too.  You return the toy in the prepaid package and another is sent.    They have amazing toys Legos, American Girl and more.  I love this service because it teaches kids that time and patience and not in instant gratification.  Pley is also a great service because they toys are cleaned and reused by another child.   It teaches also that wanting is good and be grateful when the toys  arrives.   Rental toys create less clutter, less stuff, and time for more experiences.

pley logo





Meal Planning



This week is a fun week. My daughter has her many choir this week,  She sings in 3 choirs one at church and 2 at school.  She also is starting addutions for a church play and also go found out she is singing solo for the talent show at school.  I am so Proud of my little singing angel.  I love hearing her sing,  she sounds so happy.

My Son has finished swimming.  I was a great season. He has decided to volunteer with kids and is loving it he is teaching see kids swim.  He is so happy and working hard.  So far I expect this to be a good week with a teenager.

Meal Planning with Teens

Sunday : Chicken Pot Pies

Monday: Broccoli Cheese soup

Tuesday: Baked Chicken, Butternut Squash, Spinach

Wednesday: London Broil, Rice and Beans,Broccoli

Thursday: Pork Roast, Brussels Sprouts, Fingerling Potatoes

Friday:  Pasta Night

Saturday: Homemade Spring Rolls, Fried Rice, Pot Stickers


Be sure to check out my $40 Amazon Gift Card and Dark Rising Book Giveaway

Link up with : Organizing Junkie and Motivation Monday

Tips for Budget Menu Planning with Teenagers

Meal Planning on Budget with Teenagers


Tips for Budget Menu Planning with Teenagers: We are back to a somewhat 1/2 busy life. Swimteam is over and no more 5am practices, I have to drive him too. Also hopefully he will start to eat a little less but with a son that is over 6’1” at 14 that might not change. Also this week he turns 15, which makes me really sad to know he is growing up so fast.

Since things are currently slow with my superhero cape business I try to be keeping an eye out for great deals. I love Aldi and many grocery stores have wonderful deals on meat. Which my family loves their protein is my biggest expense. I know Shoprite puts chicken on sale 40% off every few weeks, Fresh Market has Chicken Breast and Fresh Farm Raised Ground Beef on sale for $3.99 a lb every Tues.  If I am out towards Fresh Market I make it on a Tuesday.

A few weeks ago I was able to pick up a Ditz and Watson semi bone less ham for $9.08 for 16 lb. I also purchase a smaller ham for 8lb for $5. We made soup, steaks, and breakfast for a week on the 8 lb ham. When I went to the store the hams were on mangers special. They we not expired till April, the manger just need the room. The large ham we will save for Easter.

I find my deal my deals early morning after 7am I go right after I drop my son off at school. I know many bloggers say late at night, but mornings always work best at my stores.

How to menu plan on a budget with teens:

Monday: Rack of ribs (sale $5.30) Loaded Baked Potatoes ($2.00) and Saute Spinach ($2)
Tuesday: Tacos Venison (free), Rice ($1), Cheese ($1), Salsa (fridge)
Wednesday: Chili : Beef 1/12 Pound ($5) Beans 2 cans ($2.79) Onion (.50)
Thursday: Aisa Style chicken thigh ($4 /8 thighs) and Fried Rice (left over rice from Tues with broccoli )
Friday: Soup Potato Cheese and Broccoli

Eggs sandwiches, Banana Smoothies, eggs and avocados

Lunches :
My husband: does leftovers altering days,
My son: started bringing sandwiches
My daughter: loves cold cereal in a bag with veggies and fruit- Everyone get a brown paper bag of stove top popcorn. (made fresh every morning)
Me: Spinach salad, with varieties of topping, been, nuts, olives

Afterschool snack:
Ready made soup, fruit, home banana bread, cupcakes, gram crackers

That is this week:
Be sure to check out my $40 Amazon Gift Card and Dark Rising Book Giveaway



Dark Rising Monica McGurk Book Review

Dark Rising Monica McGurk Book Review of the second book in the of the Archangel Prophecies series Book giveaway and amazon giveaway


Dark Rising Monica McGurk Book Review : A few years ago I did a book review of Dark Hope, which was the 1st installment of the Archangels Prophecies. Recently, the author Monica McGurk asked me if I would like to do a sponsored review of the next book in the series: Dark Rising. I jumped at the chance, because I could not wait to hear what how Hope Carmichael the main character’s life had progressed after her last journey, after finding out she was key to human salvation.
The 1st book covered Hopes new life and new friendship with dark stranger Michael. It explores Hope’s mark that she received on the back of her neck as a child and what does it mean? The 1st book also tells the story of Hopes quest to protect those girls thrown in to human trafficking, which takes Hope and Michael to Las Vegas to save girls caught in a ring of trafficking despair. The 1st book is setting up the story of Hope’s destine how it effects mankind. Check out my full review here


Dark Rising Monica McGurk Book Review

The 2nd book the story is just as wonderful detailed Hopes tale. Hope’s adventure with the Archangel Michael, her protector/ destroyer continues as they travel over Europe. McGurk continues the story with Hope traveling with the 3 archangels in their human form to Turkey looking for artifacts to aid them on their quest to open the gate. They set up in an abandon house, the tension between the Michael and Hope continues. Hope is determined to help and recover from her past injuries. She takes chances which make the angels uneasy and Michael angry. Slowly they recover clues what take them to France, then to Ireland always leery that the fallen angels are lurking ready to claim Hope for their own.
The book also covers how Hope’s Family is coping at home while searching for clues of Hopes whereabouts. Her parents learn What her neck mark means. He parents grapple with the possibility that Hope was meant for something large then herself but true greatness. The reader understands her parents longing to see their teenage daughter again, if she is alive. I love the duality of showing the other side of the heroine’s world what is fallout at home. Many young adult books avoid the plight of the parents. I love that the parents are not an after thought in McGurks writing helping to develop the plot.
As the story builds it develops into a searching and torment for the main characters. My they find out who is the savior and who is he saving. The finally chapters are riveting the love and anguish that Michael and Hope are felt by the reader. Monica McGurk twist and winds the reader up with the details of the location and stories of the Prophecy . It was a great read.


Dark Rising Monica McGurk Book Review

I have always loved this genera of Young Fiction, supernatural and dark love. This is the second book in the series, but unlike most 2nd books in a trilogy it is not a filler/middle book lacking or leaving too many questions open. McGurk answers questions and gives you closure on areas of the plot. This book also leaves you wanting more of the characters and anticipating the next book. It is pleasing that McGurk treats the reader as smart and does not think that love is simple and doe eyed. Love it is messy and complicated, sometimes bigger then oneself. If you are a lover of books that capture forbidden love, then the Archangels Prophecies series is for you. Check it out here:


Check out the Author on Social Media:

Twitter @monicamcgurk
Facebook monicamcgurk
Pinterest monicamcgurk
Instagram monicamcgurkwrites


Dark Rising Monica McGurk Book Review of the second book in the of the Archangel Prophecies series Book giveaway and amazon giveaway

Giveaway Time!

Monica McGurk has offer my readers the opportunity to win a Copy of Dark Rising along with a Amazon gift card valued at $40 use the Rafflecopter form to enter.

This giveaway is open to US residents only it will run until March 12, 2016. This giveaway is not related or affiliated with Facebook or Twitter. Winner is choose random through Rafflecopter, and all entry’s must be placed through rafflecopter. Comment on blog is a mandatory entry. Winner will be notified via email once entry is verified. Winner has 24 to confirm shipping address after email notification has been sent or another winner will be chosen . The prizes ship direct from author Monica McGurk and can take up to 6-8 weeks to arrive. Sherry Aikens/ is not responsible for the prize.

Infinite Sweepstakes

How to make a Spicy Cheese Ball

How to Make a spicy cheese ball

How to make a Spicy Cheese Ball

I make these cheese ball pretty often it is a favorite among my friends.  Many have asked how I make this spicy  version of this cheese ball. I wanted to share how I make it you can coat it with many different outside.  Blue chips, Green Chips, Red or Orange Chips.


How to make a Spicy Cheese Ball

• 8 oz cream cheese, room temp
• 1 cups cheddar cheese
• 3 tbsp minced shallot (if you use onions watch strength)
• 3 tbsp salsa mild (My Favorite is Herndez salsa found in Spanish section or salsa in grocery store)
• 1 tsp ground cumin
• ¼tsp (or a sprinkle) smoked paprika (spicy kind)
• 1 cups tortilla chips, crumbled (or buy a snack size bag of Doritos )

1. With a spatula in a med bowl combine cream cheese, cheddar, onion, salsa, cumin and paprika. Mix until creamy.
2. Scoop mixture onto plastic wrap and use wrap to form a ball and chill for at least 8 hours
3. When ready to serve, roll ball into the crushed nacho chips and place bell pepper stem on top.
4. Serve with crackers, chips, vegetables or pretzels!

Skip the Halloween theme and make with red or green tortilla chips for the holiday

This recipe was adapted from Family Fresh Meals. I adapted it to make a smaller ball with more spicy, more schallots original recipe for this was from Family Fresh Meal I made

My son is doing a trapper which mean he is doing healthy cleaner and intensifying his training.   This week is chicken and fish all week. Pasta is a go again on Wednesday.  The winter swimming winds down this Friday with the final Championship meet.  So Friday dinner is doing to be rich and fulfilling.

Meal Planning:

Monday: Broccoli wild rice and fish Using my simple fish recipe

Tuesday: Chicken and Sweet Potato Soup GultenFree

Wednesday : Shrimp and veggies over rice noodles

Thursday: Baked Fried Chicken using raegunramblings recipe with roasted cauliflower

Friday: Ribs and Mac n Cheese


Have a great week

Linking Up with Organizing Junkie and Motivation Monday





Warm Shrimp Nest Salad

warm shrimp nest salad

This Shrimp Nest Salad is lovely shrimp served on top of spaghetti squash pancake served with Ragu sauce on a bed of baby arugula that was tossed in balsamic vinegar sprinkled with creamy goat cheese. A healthy option that tastes of a splurge.

  • 1 24oz Jar of Ragu 7 Herb Thick and Chunky
  • 1 Spaghetti Squash
  • 4 oz Parmareggio Cheese grated
  • 2 Eggs
  • 8 oz Shrimp – cleaned, deveined, butterfly
  • ¼ teaspoon of Minced Garlic
  • 4 cups Baby Arugula (2 -4oz packages)
  • Balsamic Vinegar
  • 8oz Goat Cheese crumbled
  • 1 tablespoon Butter
  • ¼ teaspoon Salt
  • ¼ teaspoon Pepper

1. Preheat oven 350 degrees
2. Cut spaghetti squash in half lengthwise, place face down in shallow glass pan, with water to cover bottom of pan ,
3. Roast Squash in oven 45 min till skin is fork tender. (I recommend roasting night before so has time to cool in refrigerator)
4. Scrape out the spaghetti squash into bowl (should be stringing) allow to cool
5. Drain any liquid off squash, Add 2 eggs, parmareggio cheese, salt, and pepper mixSpaghetti Squash
6. In a preheated frying pan add little butter, Place small amounts of squash mixture flattening in to small (size of your palm) pancakes (too big you won’t flip)
7. Fry carefully till both sides are golden brown, remove set on side warm_shrimp_salad_1_013_0011-3
8. Place Ragu in a pot and bring to temperature
9. Take shrimp seasoned with salt and pepper sauté in a pan with garlic till pink and non translucent cooked
10. Lay baby arugula on plate, sprinkle with balsamic vinegar
11. Stack Spaghetti Squash Pancake, Ragu Sauce, Shrimp, and sprinkle with goat cheese crumbles.

Printable version Warm_shrimp_nest_salad

warm shrip salad

Don’t be Angry Mom

girl playing with pley toy service

Pley Disclosure

Toys Toys Toys they are everywhere in my home. My daughters is 10 1/2  and her room is a field of toys and books.  When you walk across you take the health of your feet into jeopardy.  Her closet which leads to our storage space, I only get to every few months because of her toy clutter.  I don’t think she understood that the clean up song in preschool and it can be sung at home. The biweekly ritual (struggle)  of time to clean up your room little girl is my parenting fail.  Which lead to The Purge.

Every few months I threaten “The Purge.”
It goes like this ..
Me: “Clean your room. “
Her: “I will after the show is over” after me asking 3-4 times then she mopes unwilling upstairs
2 hours later…
She is downstairs watching TV with a box of cereal sitting next to her
Me: “Is your room clean? “
Her: “Un-huh yup”
Me: “Do I need to double check? Is it my standard of clean? or yours? “
Her : “There might be a few things on the floor” she hustles upstairs again to avoid the wrath of Angry Mom
20 minutes later…
Me: I visit the room that organization forgot. The toy landmines went off boom BIG BOOM. Toys everywhere, under everything somehow it is worse???  That small sharp block pierce my big toe. (a curse word that rhymes with “it” might have been said)
The room is war zone and my top is blown “Angry” Mom comes for a visit
She running up to her room she “cleans” for another hour”

Apparently her definition of “Cleaning” is dancing around her room singing happily…I think she thinks she is Cinderella and the bluebirds are coming to help!

Yea No Bluebirds.. No little mice.. (because they would die of suffocation in that pig sty.. a slow and excruciating death.)

After another hour or 2 … I step in with the dreaded garbage bag and “The Purge” Begins.. some tears occur for the loss of her toys  but then acceptance sets in (the beginning stages of grief.)

rulls for keeping your kids rooms claen so you dont become angry mom

Toy Purge Rules:

  • Anything broken or missing parts
  • Anything that has come with food aka in cereal boxes or in a box food meal
  • Anything chewed
  • Anything dented
  • Any loose beads
  • Anything with marker, pen or crayon marks
  • Loose or ripped paper
  • We also purge any clothes shoes that do not fit.
  • Anything that you have not played with in the last 6 months
  • Back to basic rules everything has a place..
  • Clean and make sure floor is clean every night
  • If you room is not clean cant go out or have someone over.. (have to admit this is not a great rule for me because I do need her to go out especially in the summer)

The major purge timetable before Christmas, birthday, end of school and beginning of school.

It is tough raising kids maybe it is my penance because well I was a messy kid. My mother recalls my sister and I putting tape down the center of our shared room because my mess. I am sure my mother snickers every time she gets off the phone with me, when I am complain about my daughter being a hot mess.
I am just Super-exhausted from my daughter getting tired of toys and abandoning them to land of her forgotten toys. That is why I am so excited to learn about Pley.

pley logo
You have not hear of Pley? It is service that you pay a monthly fee and the toys of your choice are sent to your kids. They play with them. Then you return them for new to you toys. Great right?  No more forgotten toys, once the kids are done you send them back to Pley for a new toys.   What I love about the service is Pley has the toys that are pricey so you can build them then so they get the experience and challenge of the build. They look at it for a few day you can get pictures of the experience. Then the kids move on and so do the toys out of your house.

The Pley toys are cleaned and shared.  Reuse and recycle no toys going to “the purge” and landfills.   Wonderful for the environment and your home.

Less mess
Avoid Angry Mom
Try Pley

kids playing with toys from Pley



Menu Planning Monday



This week is starting out with school being off from the big snow we had,  Thanks Josha,  everyone is home on Monday.  Though I am looking forward to being able to sleep in 3 days in a row.   These weeks meal plan is easy homemade food.

Monday: Shepard’s Pie

Tuesday: Perogies and Kelbasa

Wednesday: Potato soup

Thursday: Baked Chicken, potatoes, asparagus

Friday: Pasta and sausage tomatoes