Tag Archives: weight loss

Weight Loss 52 weeks Later

fitbit  Weight loss.. Yea back to the grind.  No, it is not the New Year that gets me back on track.  It is the end of my businesses busy season that pulls me off healthy track:  because I have to ship and play Santa, because I go in survival mode.  Many people would say you have to remember yourself when stress levels get high.   Yea, I am not good at that, so for about a month and half all that matter is getting my orders shipped.  During this time I work had and try to be a super human.

The good news this year is I did not gain over the holidays because I work and forget to eat.  I force my self to work and reward my self with an apple or cup of tea.  I was also sick cold or flu for a week so I just drank water and tea.  I did partake over the holidays but not that much as usual.

Started walking  with my good friend Hilary again. So I am back on track we went walking on Friday and today.  I am already hitting 10K steps a day.

I also been using the FitBit to track my progress.  My weigh myself on the Fitbit Aria scale is a big help because it syncs with my fitbit.  The Fitbit is a interactive pedometer that syncs with your computer it tracks  your steps, stairs,burn rate, activity rate, and more.   How about your sleep pattern fitbit will track yours.  The fitbit clips to your bra, waistband and they even have a new bracelet.  The Fitbit interface will offer remind via text or email you how many steps you have to do to reach a goal. You can also link up the fitbit with social media.  I love it it keeps we going through out the day.  You’re just steps away from better fitness.

I am really looking forward to getting back to being active.

One year ago today  I weight 276  today 258.6-    19.4lb lost in the last year

Good Health to you in the new year!

I am linking up with Barb Hoyer’s Motivation Monday post at Abalancedlife.net .

(this post contains affiliate links)


Try Fitbit now.

Beverage with a holiday kick!

fruit in a glassSo I was at a my best friends wedding. I noticed that her dad looked fantastic,  I asked Frank what he was doing.  He sat me down and told me all about his NutriBullet.  He was making a cold gazpacho soup. He drank it every day.  Frank is a diabetic like me,  so I was wondering how his sugars are,  he said they are great.  Frank  is hoping to be off of his meds soon.  I was impressed,  he swore by the NutriBullet.   So because of Frank I have become interested in the smoothy crazy and what it can do for me.

So I recently received some information from Nutribullet,  about some holiday Ideas.  So I would like to share them with you:

Sniffle Snatcher

A tasty combination of vitamin C-rich ingredients, cayenne to reduce congestion, and rosemary to reduce inflammation and soothe a sore throat.


1 cup kale

1 carrot

1 pear (cored and seeds removed)

1/2 cup cubed pineapple

Dash of cayenne pepper

Dash of fresh rosemary

Preparation: Add water to the max line of the large cup, and blast.


Sweet Apple Pumpkin Pie

An antioxidant-rich, protein-packed healthy dessert option so you can enjoy the flavors of the season guilt-free.


1/4 cup organic silken tofu or organic Greek-style yogurt

1/2 cup canned pumpkin or cooked fresh pumpkin

1/2 apple (cut, cored, and seeds removed)

1 tablespoon raw almond butter

Pinch of cinnamon

Pinch of ground cloves

1-2 teaspoons pure maple syrup

1 cup almond milk

Preparation: Add ingredients to large cup and blast.


Flu Fighter

Vitamin C, antioxidants, and anti-bacterial ginger help keep the immune system at its peak during the winter months.


1/2 cup spinach

1/2 cup Swiss chard

1/4 cup parsley

1 kiwi (peeled)

1/2 lime (peeled)

1 banana (peeled)

1/2 bell pepper (seeds and stem removed)

1 inch fresh ginger root (peeled)


Preparation: Add water to the max line of the large cup and blast.


Cranbanana Blast

Filled with heart-healthy nutrients and anti-viral properties, cranberries blend well with bananas and dates for a tart-sweet treat.


1 cup spinach

1 ripe banana (peeled)

1/2 cup fresh or frozen cranberries

2 dates

Preparation: Add water or almond milk to the max line of the large cup and blast.


Sweet Potato Pick-Me-Up

Complex carbs from the sweet potato will provide sustained energy, and cinnamon keeps blood sugar balanced.


1/2 cooked sweet potato (skin on)

1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

Pinch cinnamon

Pinch nutmeg

1 cup ice cubes

Preparation: Add almond or coconut milk to the max line of the large cup and blast.

I do not own a NutriBullet yet,  but I hope there is one in my future with the holidays.. hint hint..

Do you juice, smoothy,  what is your favorite combo?


Fitness Friday- Random

little girl swimmingSo this week has been tough.  I have been eating better and I am happy about that.  Stress is a factor.  I find that when I should be moving when I am stresses I sit and contemplate what I am stresses about.

Preface to this post.. this is written at 2 am when I could not sleep.

Not really the best idea when trying to get healthy. I know, I worry, I will fall in to my old habits. (yea I am there)

I like to write , that is why I have a blog.  I hope someone reads the words I take the time to put in cyber space. BUT writing is a sedimentary action.  So is watching TV something I like to do.  I need a treadmill with like dragon soft wear so I can dictate my posts.

Seriously.. I am physically lazy person.. when it come to fitness.

Argh!!!  I cant seem to get it out of my head. .. so I am putting it out here for you all to read.

Here is the break down…

My Stress: My husband took a job in Scranton.. we though we were going to move.  After being at the job for 2+ months he decided it was not the best move we could make for our family so he has returned home.  Aka no job again.. but I am happy to have him home.

The Truth : While he was away I found it difficult to get out and move.  The kids were home and it was hot..Swim team, work, ect..  I know excuses.

Another Truth: I also did not cook much, we ate out or did very quick meals. I love to cook.

My Future: Now that he is home he said he is going to walk with me.. we are starting around the block. He does not walk much because of his psoriasis .

My Other Future: There will also be eating healthy.

Next week I will be at Blogher 12- it is a blogging conference NYC Yea spend time with other bloggers .. I will try to be smart and healthy (at least I will be walking)

My promise: is I will try to be better the rest of the summer.. running or walking from telephone pole to telephone pole around the block. Back to basic 101.

weight 263

The reason I picked this photo was because of my daughter she started 1 month ago swimming breast stroke 25meters at 1 min 14 seconds.. this week she did the same race in 37.5 seconds. Hard work pays off I have to learn from my kids they have something to teach.

Balance and Sweet Spot #fitnessFriday Linky

fitness and diet This weeks diet fitness healthy life style journey I feel like things are finally going in the right direction.  I am losing and finding the right workout food  balance.   I would like to say it was my brilliance but it is the fact I am wearing a pedometer and logging my food back to basics.  So for weeks I have been saying how I was concerned my body was not loosing because of the calorie intake vs.  how much I was working out.

This we it changed,  I kept a food log and subtracted it from the activity.  How.  My awesome  friend /walking buddy Hillary has been telling me for weeks about the FitBit and then I won won from Leah at Mamavation.  So I started using it.  Oh my the gates have opened i was not eating enough.  I am a big girl.  I need to eat about 2600 calories.. I was eating about 1500. and working out 3500 yea.. not good.

I took the bite-it then write it approach .  I tracked everything on Fitbit’s on-line tracker and it told me when I was in the sweet spot for food with the activity I was doing.  Water, food, activity  so funny it is Technology that is helping me loose weight.

  • Sunday-Walked run 2 1/2 miles
  • Monday walked prior to fitbit
  • Tues walked 15,000 steps
  • Wed walked 16,000 steps
  • Thurs walked 7,000 steps
  • Friday-  today I am going to the zoo

The results 259 (down 5 lb in one week)  Started at 271 in January

I finally broke 10lb-  I could see changes in my body but not on the scale.

(insert Happy Dance)

I feel like my persistence will prevail… I can do this.

Dont forget to enter win a $50 gift card to look better when you work out. ends 5/26

How are you doing?

You’re just steps away from better fitness.

Try Fitbit now.

Cardio Training: Not Just For Weight Loss : Guest Post

Almost everyone knows that performing cardio training a few times per week can result in weight loss, but not everyone knows of the many additional benefits to be gained from this type of exercise. Cardio training not only helps people shed excess pounds, it also helps tone muscle, reduce stress, and offer relief from a variety of health ailments. Here are all of the benefits!

Weight Loss
It is no secret that a good cardio workout will help you shed those pounds, or for those who are already at a healthy weight, it can help with maintenance. Cardiovascular exercise helps to increase the metabolism, which can become sluggish due to bad diet, health issues and age. Excess calories are burned, which when coupled with good nutrition, helps reduce weight the safe and healthy way. There are a number of fad diets out there, and typically they make the claim of fast weight loss without exercise. These diets may initially help shed pounds quickly, but victims of this type of diet usually regain all of the weight, and some even add on a few more pounds. When it comes to weight loss, it is best to stick with a healthy diet and cardio training.

Dangers of Inactivity
Billions are spent on healthcare due to inactivity. In fact, a sedentary lifestyle may lead to a number of health issues, regardless of weight or age. Hypertension and heart disease are often a result of a sedentary lifestyle. Cardio training 3-4 times a week for thirty minutes or more reduces the risk for obesity, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and heart disease, and it doesn’t take dropping large amounts of weight to notice a difference in your health. Just going for a daily walk continuously or spending 20 minutes a day at the gym can do wonders.

Stronger Muscles
Like weight lifting, cardio strengthens muscles. It affords the body a tone and lean appearance. The heart is also a muscle and benefits immensely from this type of exercise. A cardiovascular workout increases blood flow, which in turn improves organ function. Furthermore, if you’re a weightlifter, pumping iron only does so much for your physique. To make sure you can actually see all that muscle you’ve built, get some cardio in to burn the fat that’s hiding it!

Stress Reduction
Cardio training has been proven to reduce stress and anxiety. When we exercise, our bodies release some “feel good hormones” known as endorphins, that make most people feel a bit better about things for a short period of time. In addition to this, cardio can be a great way to work out stress from work, home or elsewhere!

Confidence Booster
Exercise also increases energy and confidence. A surge in these two items may mean clearer thinking, better job performance and even an increased sex drive. Let’s face it, when you look good, you feel good, and there is no better confidence booster than looking and feeling sexy. Feeling good will then make you more likely to work out again, repeating the cycle!

There are many benefits to cardio training. Often, it is ignored in place of core strengthening via weight training, but it should be a normal part of everyone’s daily routine. It helps to shed extra pounds, reduce health related ailments, and tone muscles. Never be afraid to start slow. Always work your way into a new cardio routine – don’t push anything. Let the results come naturally!

Penny Marta writes about fitness, finance


Ideas to Help You Drink More Water

Water as I diet and get healthy, water has been vital to making my weight loss quest successful.  So I have been developing new ways to flavor water. DIY flavor water.  My kids also could not wait to try the DIY flavored water as well.

Here are some homemade flavored water ideas.

  • Melon
  • Strawberries with lemons
  • Mint
  • Cucumbers (try mixing with melon)
  • Apples
  • Peaches
  • Berries
  • Bell of Hot pepper/with red pepper flakes
  • Cinnamon sticks
  • Cilantro or basil with cherry tomatoes
  • A drop of hot sauce

Try these flavors with your water, it will add a fancy fun element to the same old, plain everyday water.

  • chill the water in the fridge
  • then add ice before serving

wow guest by having a pretty way to serve flavored water in vintage glasses and pitches.

**Also freeze ice cubes with flavors inside

Friday Fitness the Power of a Photo!

So this past week I can make all sorts of excuses I ran and I walked and I walks and ran. The  She Streams conference was great,  I did not run on the beach.  I did watch what I ate. I have moved this week,  cleaning and staying some what focused.  I had much to accomplish, So I fell behind on blog posts.   I will get caught up and it is all good.(it is ok to let myself off the hook).. I know Blah Blah Blah

So this week I was feel ok…. At She Streams I fit into a skit I was saving for Blogher strictly because the skirt was too tight. Well…  last week I tried the skirt on before the conference and it fits!! (it fits like a progresso soup commercial-  me talking into a tin can..is there a women I can talk to )

So as everyone was wait to head to dinner Saturday Night. ” I said I have to change to rock the skirt that I worked to fit into.”  Everyone at The Mother Company dinner  was very supportive towards my need for fashion, and also to judge my weight loss by a skirt… .   Yea I rocked the sequin skirt!!!  check me out above!

They also took a group shot and I did not hate myself in the picture looking like the Amazon in the back.. Check out the The Mother Company Blogger Dinner Photo.

So this is a week of pictures for me. Yesterday my Mother inlaw was done and we took a picture.  The one below with me in white is last summer the other photo is me with her today.  Yea I do look different.. the Power of a photo.


For me I can see the difference.( I think I lost more boobs). It excited me to move forward.

Fitness week:

Monday: Run walk

Tues: Run walk went to kick of meeting for Fleet Feet North Wales beginner runner training program.  Formal training starts next week.

Wed walked and cleaned house.. forgot to eat

Thurs: walked all over the city plus

Weight this week 266

Please Join me on this slow and steady journey Link Up

Fitness Friday Proper Sneaker {Linkyup}

So this week, has been a week of commitment on my fitness journey.  I Signed up for a dietbet with Brandi at onegreatmom.com,  nothing like a little money to keep things out of your mouth.  The Bet official starts tomorrow with our 1st weigh in. I am excited  I need more accountability for food.

Then I signed up for the running training program with Fleet Feet Sports North Wales.  I recently was introduced to fleet feet by Joey Fortman and Ann Marie one of the owners this past Wednesday.  I will be working with them for training and they are out fitting me with proper sneaker/attire.  I was impress by the sneaker fitting I received and I learned things I did not know, because I have been doing to the big box stores. Here are some tips Ann Marie at Fleet Feet provided:

Proper Sneaker Fitting:

  • Have feet measured without socks (what you measured at 12 years old is probably not your current measurement.)
  • Have your foot measured in resting(sitting positions) and standing.
  • The Running store personnel should understand how you walk- (IE have you walk so they can see how your ball and heel hit and roll off the floor.  Then they can recommend a shoe that is designed for your foots needs.
  • Where design/color is nice a running/walking shoe should be about fit and support 1st,  so that you get proper performance.
  • In an athletic shoes it is better to go up a 1/2 size and have room (So mine sneakers are a 11 1/2 argh but it is about being the right shoe and not the size)
  • What does a good fitting sneaker feel like: “Heal should be supported, arch should be wrapped like a glove and your toes should be able to play a piano” Per AnnMarie
  • Fleet Feet Sports North Whales is nice because they allow you to actually run in the shoes outside, to insure comfort and fit.
  • If you are serious about a sport you should be serious about the shoes.
  • Also a good running store will take back the product at any point if you are not satisfied. That is the philosophy AnnMarie and her team have.

Ann Marie’s other Key advice : If you buy a good sneaker be sure to have a great sports bra just as important (but that is a separate post)

Thanks to Stephaine at aGrandlife.net for her foot

The training program I begin in a few weeks I am really excited,  of course I will continue to walk.

So how did I do this week?

Fitness Week:

  • Monday: Walk and run
  • Tues : Walked and Run
  • Wed: Walk and Run
  • Thursday/ Friday:  I have been fighting a cold so I actually stayed in bed,  I am trying to get out later today.  We will see.

Weight Loss:

  • Started 271 Jan
  • Last week 265  This week 264 -1

I am excited for next week if I can kick this cold I would feel better.

So how is your week going?

Disclosure: I was provided running gear from Fleet Feet North Wales, but all opinions in this post are of my own.