Fitness Friday, Conference, and Wine {with Linky}

Last week’s Fitness Friday I was very serious.  This week… well not so much.. So this week I am in sunny Ft. Lauderdale for SheStreams. I am loving the support I am getting from the other bloggers and business owners. I would like to say I have been great but i also have not been bad.  I made great choices last night  Seared Tuna on salad.   I also made a trip when I arrived and got a bag of apples.  I love apples and they are a great quick snack. Disclosure …  (wine is included with the blogging of this post or as it is know drogging or winogging) and yes I was egged on my my roommate Deb of Just Short of Crazy her name says it all.

So I am really not inspired about fitness tonight.

Fitness this week

Monday: ran around the block

Tues: ran /walked around the block (deb found this to add) From Etsy seller Auntmemmy

Wednesday: ran walked around the block.. the dog was scared of old lady in pink house coat picked up her newspaper.. worthless doberman.

Thurs:  plane , airport, got nails  done and walked to nails salon

Friday, SheStreams, no running, might go out dancing, and blogging with 2 glasses wine..

Don’t judge.

I might run on the beach tomorrow.. this is exactly why mamavation does not want to going on vacation while you are doing her boot camp, because you fall off the diet fitness horse. HARD

How was your week….


Trying to get away with kids

So this week I am heading to SheStream in Ft. Lauderdale  thanks to ATT my sponsor.  Needless to say it is no easy feet for a mom and a business owner trying to get out the door.  I had to make sure all my orders were sew and shipped prior to me leaving.

I also had to make sure my kids were set up for the week. My daughter has a pick from school.  My son can get to swim team.. list and list for this Mama to leave.

Earlier this week I had such plans,  my flight is leaving on Thursday.  So I was planning to finish everything early and Wednesday  get a tan and my nails done, make a great dinner, tuck my kids in bed and give them lots of love,  a great night sleep..

Back to reality

  • My main sewing machine broke,
  • Dog dragged a flower pot around the house
  • My son had a melt down
  • then my daughter had a meltdown.
  • Then I had a meltdown.
  • I was sewing to Midnight wed night for BabyPop
  • I was doing laundry and packing until the wee hours of the morning…

So much for the best plans…

So now I am sitting airport relaxed..  No matter how crazy and strung out I was is limited.  Because for the next 3 days I am free.

Things I always pack when I travel

  • Bathing suit
  • Comfortable shoes
  • Nail polish remover pads
  • Breath right strips (so I don’t snore with my roommates)
  • A scarf   it can make any out fit look better
  • Assorted jewelry nothing like a big rig to jazz up an out fit
  • Extra business cards
  • Power cord  (I tape my business card so if I forget it)

Things I forgot… toothbrush




Sesame Chicken Legs #TastyTuesday

My kids love chicken legs.  They are great because no cutting of meat is necessary.  So I am always thinking of new ways to serve my family chicken legs.  I recent learned that the local Philadelphia Target near me is now carrying fresh Gold’nPlump chicken which is  all natural, wholesome, delicious chicken.   Gold’nPlump also offers chicken legs so I came up with a new way to serve them to the kids and they were a huge hit.

Sesame chicken legs

  • 1 package of Gold N Plump  chicken legs
  • ½ cups of soy
  • ¼ of Dijon mustard
  • 1 tbls olive oil
  • ¾ cup honey
  • 2 tlbs of spoon of toasted sesame
  • Clove of garlic
  • 1 tsp of ginger

  1. Parboil your chicken leg in water for 15 minutes till cooked thoroughly.
  2. Mix remain ingredients in a zip lock bag to make the marinade
  3. Then place cooked  chicken legs in the marinade
  4. Let legs marinate for 30 minutes
  5. Heat a sauté pain us a little oil or butter in pan to avoid sticking brown the chicken legs slightly.
  6. Then pour marinate in pan and allow the chicken to finish cooking allowing the marinate to reduce and thicken to use as a sauce
  7. Remove and serve with favorite side.

For an printable version of  Sesame chicken legs recipe

Disclosure: I received the chicken legs form Gold’nPlump but the opinions in this post were my own.


Repainting Swing Set

Repainting a swing set.  I have repainted the swing set once since we got it. It takes me about 3-4 hours to do the entire project repainting our swing set. A perfect time to repaint the swing set / playset  was when the kids were at school. Our swing set is about 11 years old, so it was time to repaint it.First I cleaned the swing set of all leaves and needles prior to repainting.  I actually used a shop vacuum and got all the pine needles and any leaves on the platform of the swing set.

Then I used Clorox spay cleaner to bleach the nasty black areas on the swing set prior to repainting it.  I used rubber gloves, a scrub brush and a plastic scrubber, to clean the rungs and ladders.  I rinsed  the set down with water during and after cleaning.  I also make sure all the wood was clean from dirt by rinsing it down.  You can also wash down the playset  the day before so it has times to dry, prior to repainting.

Repainting a swing set

Finally I painted the swing set using Olympic Maximum Semi-Transparent – 717 Redwood Naturaltone,  which I purchased at Lowes for about $36.  I used gallon for the entire swing set.

  • The Olympic Maximum paint is a one coat only paint.  The worker at Lowes told me that if you use more than once coat, of the maximum it will not dry for months because this paint seals the wood , and does not allow anything to penetrated it (which is what you want since it will get wet outside) . The 1st coat drys quickly a few hours  but I kept the kids off the swing set for about a day to be sure. 

I do not use the  paint straight out of the bucket I poured into another container and paint from that bucket so not to contaminate the entire can.  I also used a large paint brush so it went quicker and I could get in all the nooks.   I did not buy an expensive paint brush because at times it gets dirty with ground and I forced into corners.  So I end throwing it out when I am done.  I also wear rubber gloves.

  • Please note do note do not leave a puppy near your paint bucket.. My puppy grabbed  my paint bucket and proceed to runs around the backyard with the paint covering the bulldog, in a lovely shade of redwood.

The Play swingset was all finished but I love the results. It looks like new and it was ready for my daughters birthday party where most of the kids hung out at the party. I hope I inspire you to do this project in a  day, paint, ladder, brush and you can spruce up your backyard.

 Check out My other Popular Posts :

How to Repaint a Front Door

How To Make Natural Bug Repellent

How to Fix Fitted sheets to stay in place DIY

Palette Kids Art Class for Kids

This past weekend my children got to experience Palette Kids art class in Philadelphia it is a art studio for kids. The art classes are given by Perry Milou a Philadelphia artist.  The art class was lovely.  Perry taught the kids about figures, and how to draw them.  He had several assistants to assist the kids.  Then he allowed the children to pick a project to make and create.  I have to say I love the vibe of the studio.  It was a real art studio with art  that fosters creativity,  not some pristine art space that is uninspired.  The inspiration of the space allowed and beckons the children to imagine and create. Some kids did 3 d art, painting, clay, and jewelry.

When school are cutting art budgets. Children are no longer allowed to use really clay in our schools any more.  The are using a commercial crayon company clay like product,  which I find extremely disappointing in the public school system.  At Palette Kids,  Perry’s allows the kids to use really clay and create. Check out my sons project.

Palette kid offers classes and this summer Art Classes   special Come to your 1st class and bring a friend for free.  $40 for a 2 hour class  with one of the most amazing pop arts teachers Perry Milou of Philadelphia. His classes are an amazing gift for any child.  The idea age is 5 to teens.  They also offer Philadelphia birthday parties for your budding artist.

I can highly recommend Palette Kids  both my children hope to return and learn from Perry Milou again.

Palette Kids

116 S. 19th Street, 3rd Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19103

Disclosure:  I received the class free of charge, all the opinions in this post are of my own

Day of Pampering with Therapon

This past Saturday I got to have a treat a day of pampering. Therapon Facial and boy did my face need it. Christina Stumbaugh from Therapon Skin Care System gave the facials. It was such a great experience I have facial it has been many years about 12 since I had a facial.
The Therapon skin care products are an amazing product and it was create by Dr. James S. Beckman, M.D. is a board-certified plastic surgeon and chemist, a life member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and the founder and CEO of Therapon Skin Health. He study the different benefits of many fruits and other natural ingredients to create a healthy skin care option.

Hillary of Myscraps gettign a facial
Christina did a lovely facial on us. Step by step she explained the process of a Therapon Facial (Hillary was nice enough to allow me to take this picture)
• NuPeel (once a week) It took off the layer gently but removing dead skin.
• Cleanser (the first step in the Skin Renewal System)
• Fruit Acid OPC Reparative Gel,
• Enriched Moisturizer

So how does my face feel. Fantastic. The product are amazing and developed to promote good health.  I enjoy the product at home and the steps are very easy to do my self. I can see a different in my skin in the past week.

Afterwards my great facial,  I had my make up done by Ulta. I went for the natural look.  The makeup artist was great she told me the secret to great eyes is layers,  Start dark in the outer corner and blending color.  Using the right brushes really help.  As being someone who is not great at apply make up I can wait to go in to Ulta and have them teach me.
And here are the results  thanks to JoLynne  who was the host for the days events:

Then after I got my nails done,  such a fun day I was so spoiled!  That night hubby and I went out on a date and I felt like such a girl thanks to Therapon, Ulta, and all the days sponsors and thank you to Jo-Lynne for putting such a great event together.

Then when I for home there was such fun items in my Lands End goodie bag.  I have to say great Items for Therapon, and others.  I really love the smelly body puff , body moisturizer from Payless Unforgettable moments  it made my day of pampering extend in to the shower.   Thanks to the other sponsors. Bendable Flip Flops, Happy Baby, Heartwork Orginzation. Lunch Skins

Disclosure: I  Did receive a free day of pampering and free product from Therapon and all the other sponsors listed above, all opinion in this post are my own.




Undies and Diabetes #fitnessfriday

So I want to know do you wear underwear while running?  This past week on tues I wore workout compression shorts that were a tad too small… to run the problem was I wore nylon underwear.  Every stride I took on my run the shorts slip down butt (or as I like to say – junk in the trunk), and my undies were exposed.  Did I mention the undies were beige, it look like I was flashing the neighborhood.   So picture me running, pulling up my shorts and holding the dog.. What a sight needless to say not an effective run.

The more I continue on this journey I want to tell you a little more about my health issues.  The main one (of many) is the fact I am a type 2 Diabetic. I was not always one(it is in my family),  when I had my son I was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes which is a precursor for adult on set Diabetes or Type 2 Diabetes. If I watched myself got in better health, after my son I could have avoid the disease.   I was consider borderline, I did not watch my health.  Then I had my daughter I did not get  Gestational Diabetes,  but I was borderline.  When I left the hospital they said you need to be careful. Yea Yea Yea I thought and lived the same not exercising or watching what I eat.

Then my husband got sick. I was stressed, overworked, and sad would.. I have to live this way for every watching him sick and caring for him I am 37.  Loving my husband, angry and depressed  over the situation. In about June of that year I had signs:

  • I was sad,  the kind of depression I have never felt (crying)
  • I also was peeing alot after every glass of liquid
  • My vision was unclear
  • I could not mental focus

I went to the Doctor.  I told her to run the test but I knew I had Diabetes,  she asked how I knew.. I said the peeing,  I drank water and peed 5 min later.   She said with everything I was going through at home,  that stress could have been the last straw to trigger my diabetes over the edge.

She also explained that depression and lack of focus is a sign of it as well. Since I was not normally depressed.   The vision is also a sign. The doctor put me on some pills and sent me for diabetes education.  She also said I have to start doing 30 minutes of exercise.   So I went to the class and took the drugs.. But never started to exercise.

3 years later..this past January I started  walk/run and fitness Fridays.  The reason

  1. I need to make it to my children graduation, wedding and want to see my Grandkids  (if my kids choose).
  2. The other reason our health insurance sucks. I can only go to see my dr. 3 times a year.  I need to see her every 3 months. So the healthier I get the better off I am.   So yes I am also financial motivated.
  3. The other reason I feel in my 40’s I am an open book. I want to share my journey and you as readers are keeping me going. I say what will they say if i don’t do something or I give up all of my readers want me to succeed.

It is funny as I write this post.. it bothers me how did I get here,  why cant I just take care of my health. I can accomplish great things with my family and my career but I have a block with my weight. I hope my open honest approach to these posts will move me past what comfort I find in food. That is my wish for myself.   The cycle ends with me and does not move on to my children.


I am doing noting but house stuff all week.

  • Tuesday: walk run and I also repainted the kitchen cabinets twice 1st was the wrong color
  • Wednesday: I did 6 load of laundry (which I never do hubs does it) Then I carried them up 2 flights of stairs.  and today
  • Thursday: Walk run around then block and scrubbing then painting the swing set. So a lot of stretching.
  • Friday: Walk and Run around the block, Cleaning We are having people over for my daughters birthday nothing like company to get you moving.

I am sore in my but for all the activity, But it is nice to have the energy.

started 271
Last week 264 and now 263

How to make Pickled Cauliflower Salad

How to make a Pickled Cauliflower Salad :  that you can make an eat an minutes.  It also stores well so you can have Pickled cauliflower as a great healthy side to any meal.  This Salad is spicy, vinegary and crunch making you want more pickled cauliflower.  Bonus you can add any vegetables to the cauliflower and have a in season pickled salad.

Spicy Cauliflower Salad

  • 2 cups vinegar
  • 2 cups of water
  • 2 tbls of sugar
  • 1bulb of garlic (5- 6 cloves) Peeled
  • 2 bay leafs
  • 1 tbls red hot pepper flakes
  • 2 tbls of salt
  • 1 head of Cauliflower
  • 2 celery stalks
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 bell pepper  (any color , green, red, or  yellow)

  1. Put all the wet ingredients (vinegar, water. sugar),  ½ the red pepper flakes, Bay leaves, and garlic peeled
  2. Bring water /vinegar/ sugar /garlic to a boil
  3. Add the Cauliflower, celery, and carrots, 1 bell pepper
  4. Bring winger/ water  to a boil  again reduce heat and cook for 10 min (till cauliflower is tender to a fork)
  5. Remove from heat and allow cauliflower salad to cool 5-10  minutes
  6. Drain liquid reserve the cauliflower liquid for future use or store the Pickled cauliflower in .
  7. Put the salad in a bowl sprinkle with remain hot red pepper flakes and sprinkle with salt and add ½ cup of liquid  chill in fridge for 1 hour. Pickled Cauliflower saladI did buy a great storage container form Ikea for the cauliflower salads to keep in my fridge.


Tip;  Use remaining liquid  add 1 cup of water  1 could of garlic and  add green beans  bring to boil and store green beans in the liquid for a spicy green bean treat. Pickled green beans.

If you would like an easy print out version of this recipe.  click here  Cauliflower Salad

check out my other salad posts:   Pickled Squash

pickled squash recipe

Easy Sriracha Dressing

Chipotle Dressing Copycat

Easy Asia Coleslaw

easy aisa coleslaw salad

Have a great day !